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open Yocaml
module SM = Map.Make(String)
let is_empty_list = function [] -> true | _ -> false
module Date = struct
type month =
| Jan
| Feb
| Mar
| Apr
| May
| Jun
| Jul
| Aug
| Sep
| Oct
| Nov
| Dec
type day_of_week = Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun
type year = int
type day = int
type hour = int
type min = int
type sec = int
type t = {
year : year
; month : month
; day : day
; hour : hour
; min : min
; sec : sec
let invalid_int x message =
Data.Validation.fail_with ~given:(string_of_int x) message
let month_from_int x =
if x > 0 && x <= 12 then
[| Jan; Feb; Mar; Apr; May; Jun; Jul; Aug; Sep; Oct; Nov; Dec |].(x - 1)
else invalid_int x "Invalid month value"
let year_from_int x =
if x >= 0 then Result.ok x else invalid_int x "Invalid year value"
let is_leap year =
if year mod 100 = 0 then year mod 400 = 0 else year mod 4 = 0
let days_in_month year month =
match month with
| Jan | Mar | May | Jul | Aug | Oct | Dec -> 31
| Feb -> if is_leap year then 29 else 28
| _ -> 30
let day_from_int year month x =
let dim = days_in_month year month in
if x >= 1 && x <= dim then Result.ok x
else invalid_int x "Invalid day value"
let hour_from_int x =
if x >= 0 && x < 24 then Result.ok x else invalid_int x "Invalid hour value"
let min_from_int x =
if x >= 0 && x < 60 then Result.ok x else invalid_int x "Invalid min value"
let sec_from_int x =
if x >= 0 && x < 60 then Result.ok x else invalid_int x "Invalid sec value"
let ( let* ) = Result.bind
let make ?(time = (0, 0, 0)) ~year ~month ~day () =
let hour, min, sec = time in
let* year = year_from_int year in
let* month = month_from_int month in
let* day = day_from_int year month day in
let* hour = hour_from_int hour in
let* min = min_from_int min in
let* sec = sec_from_int sec in
Result.ok { year; month; day; hour; min; sec }
let validate_from_datetime_str str =
let str = String.trim str in
Scanf.sscanf_opt str "%04d%c%02d%c%02d%c%02d%c%02d%c%02d"
(fun year _ month _ day _ hour _ min _ sec ->
((hour, min, sec), year, month, day))
| None -> Data.Validation.fail_with ~given:str "Invalid date format"
| Some (time, year, month, day) -> make ~time ~year ~month ~day ()
let validate_from_date_str str =
let str = String.trim str in
Scanf.sscanf_opt str "%04d%c%02d%c%02d" (fun year _ month _ day ->
(year, month, day))
| None -> Data.Validation.fail_with ~given:str "Invalid date format"
| Some (year, month, day) -> make ~year ~month ~day ()
let validate =
let open Data.Validation in
string & (validate_from_datetime_str / validate_from_date_str)
let month_to_int = function
| Jan -> 1
| Feb -> 2
| Mar -> 3
| Apr -> 4
| May -> 5
| Jun -> 6
| Jul -> 7
| Aug -> 8
| Sep -> 9
| Oct -> 10
| Nov -> 11
| Dec -> 12
let dow_to_int = function
| Mon -> 0
| Tue -> 1
| Wed -> 2
| Thu -> 3
| Fri -> 4
| Sat -> 5
| Sun -> 6
let compare_date a b =
let cmp = Int.compare a.year b.year in
if Int.equal cmp 0 then
let cmp = Int.compare (month_to_int a.month) (month_to_int b.month) in
if Int.equal cmp 0 then Int.compare a.day b.day else cmp
else cmp
let compare_time a b =
let cmp = Int.compare a.hour b.hour in
if Int.equal cmp 0 then
let cmp = Int.compare a.min b.min in
if Int.equal cmp 0 then Int.compare a.sec b.sec else cmp
else cmp
let compare a b =
let cmp = compare_date a b in
if Int.equal cmp 0 then compare_time a b else cmp
let pp_date ppf { year; month; day; _ } =
Format.fprintf ppf "%04d-%02d-%02d" year (month_to_int month) day
let month_value = function
| Jan -> 0
| Feb -> 3
| Mar -> 3
| Apr -> 6
| May -> 1
| Jun -> 4
| Jul -> 6
| Aug -> 2
| Sep -> 5
| Oct -> 0
| Nov -> 3
| Dec -> 5
let day_of_week { year; month; day; _ } =
let yy = year mod 100 in
let cc = (year - yy) / 100 in
let c_code = [| 6; 4; 2; 0 |].(cc mod 4) in
let y_code = (yy + (yy / 4)) mod 7 in
let m_code =
let v = month_value month in
if is_leap year && (month = Jan || month = Feb) then v - 1 else v
let index = (c_code + y_code + m_code + day) mod 7 in
[| Sun; Mon; Tue; Wed; Thu; Fri; Sat |].(index)
let normalize ({ year; month; day; hour; min; sec } as dt) =
let day_of_week = day_of_week dt in
let open Data in
("year", int year); ("month", int (month_to_int month)); ("day", int day)
; ("hour", int hour); ("min", int min); ("sec", int sec)
; ("day_of_week", int (dow_to_int day_of_week))
; ("human", string (Format.asprintf "%a" pp_date dt))
let to_archetype_date_time { year; month; day; hour; min; sec } =
let time = (hour, min, sec) in
let month = month_to_int month in
Result.get_ok (Archetype.Datetime.make ~time ~year ~month ~day ())
module Page = struct
let entity_name = "Page"
class type t = object ('self)
method title : string option
method charset : string option
method description : string option
method tags : string list
method with_host : string -> 'self
method get_host : string option
class page ?title ?description ?charset ?(tags = []) () =
object (_ : #t)
method title = title
method charset = charset
method description = description
method tags = tags
val host = None
method with_host v = {< host = Some v >}
method get_host = host
let neutral = Result.ok @@ new page ()
let validate fields =
let open Data.Validation in
let+ title = optional fields "title" string
and+ description = optional fields "description" string
and+ charset = optional fields "charset" string
and+ tags = optional_or fields ~default:[] "tags" (list_of string) in
new page ?title ?description ?charset ~tags ()
let validate =
let open Data.Validation in
record validate
module Author = struct
class type t = object
method name : string
method link : string
method email : string
method avatar : string option
let gravatar email =
let tk = String.(lowercase_ascii (trim email)) in
let hs = Digest.(to_hex (string tk)) in
"https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/" ^ hs
class author ~name ~link ~email ?(avatar = gravatar email) () =
object (_ : #t)
method name = name
method link = link
method email = email
method avatar = Some avatar
let validate fields =
let open Data.Validation in
let+ name = required fields "name" string
and+ link = required fields "link" string
and+ email = required fields "email" string
and+ avatar = optional fields "avatar" string in
match avatar with
| None -> new author ~name ~link ~email ()
| Some avatar -> new author ~name ~link ~email ~avatar ()
let validate =
let open Data.Validation in
record validate
let normalize obj =
let open Data in
("name", string obj#name); ("link", string obj#link)
; ("email", string obj#email); ("avatar", option string obj#avatar)
let robur_coop =
new Author.author
~name:"The Robur Team" ~link:"https://robur.coop/"
~email:"team@robur.coop" ()
module Article = struct
let entity_name = "Article"
class type t = object ('self)
method title : string
method description : string
method charset : string option
method tags : string list
method date : Date.t
method author : Author.t
method co_authors : Author.t list
method with_host : string -> 'self
method get_host : string option
class article ~title ~description ?charset ?(tags = []) ~date ~author
?(co_authors = []) () =
object (_ : #t)
method title = title
method description = description
method charset = charset
method tags = tags
method date = date
method author = author
method co_authors = co_authors
val host = None
method with_host v = {< host = Some v >}
method get_host = host
let title p = p#title
let description p = p#description
let tags p = p#tags
let date p = p#date
let neutral =
Data.Validation.fail_with ~given:"null" "Cannot be null"
|> Result.map_error (fun error ->
Required.Validation_error { entity = entity_name; error })
let validate fields =
let open Data.Validation in
let+ title = required fields "title" string
and+ description = required fields "description" string
and+ charset = optional fields "charset" string
and+ tags = optional_or fields ~default:[] "tags" (list_of string)
and+ date = required fields "date" Date.validate
and+ author =
optional_or fields ~default:robur_coop "author" Author.validate
and+ co_authors =
optional_or fields ~default:[] "co-authors" (list_of Author.validate)
new article ~title ~description ?charset ~tags ~date ~author ~co_authors ()
let validate =
let open Data.Validation in
record validate
let normalize obj =
("title", string obj#title); ("description", string obj#description)
; ("date", Date.normalize obj#date); ("charset", option string obj#charset)
; ("tags", list_of string obj#tags)
; ("author", Author.normalize obj#author)
; ("co-authors", list_of Author.normalize obj#co_authors)
; ("host", option string obj#get_host)
module Articles = struct
class type t = object ('self)
method title : string option
method description : string option
method articles : (Path.t * Article.t) list
method with_host : string -> 'self
method get_host : string option
class articles ?title ?description articles =
object (_ : #t)
method title = title
method description = description
method articles = articles
val host = None
method with_host v = {< host = Some v >}
method get_host = host
let sort_by_date ?(increasing = false) articles =
(fun (_, articleA) (_, articleB) ->
let r = Date.compare articleA#date articleB#date in
if increasing then r else ~-r)
let fetch (module P : Required.DATA_PROVIDER) ?increasing
?(filter = fun x -> x) ?(on = `Source) ~where ~compute_link path =
Task.from_effect begin fun () ->
let open Eff in
let* files = read_directory ~on ~only:`Files ~where path in
let+ articles =
(fun file ->
let url = compute_link file in
let+ metadata, _content =
Eff.read_file_with_metadata (module P) (module Article) ~on file
(url, metadata))
articles |> sort_by_date ?increasing |> filter end
let compute_index (module P : Required.DATA_PROVIDER) ?increasing
?(filter = fun x -> x) ?(on = `Source) ~where ~compute_link path =
let open Task in
(fun x -> (x, ()))
|>> second
(fetch (module P) ?increasing ~filter ~on ~where ~compute_link path)
>>> lift (fun (v, articles) ->
new articles ?title:v#title ?description:v#description articles)
let normalize (ident, article) =
let open Data in
record (("url", string @@ Path.to_string ident) :: Article.normalize article)
let normalize obj =
let open Data in
("articles", list_of normalize obj#articles)
; ("has_articles", bool @@ is_empty_list obj#articles)
; ("title", option string obj#title)
; ("description", option string obj#description)
; ("host", option string obj#get_host)
module Tag = struct
type t = {
name : string;
articles : (Path.t * Article.t) list;
let make ~name ~articles =
{ name; articles }
let normalize_article (ident, article) =
let open Data in
record (("url", string @@ Path.to_string ident) :: Article.normalize article)
let normalize { name; articles } =
let open Data in
("name", string name);
("articles", (list_of normalize_article) articles);
module Tags = struct
class type t = object ('self)
inherit Articles.t
method tags : Tag.t list
class tags ?title ?description articles =
inherit Articles.articles ?title ?description articles as super
method tags =
let tags =
let update article sm tag =
SM.update tag
| None -> Some [article]
| Some urls -> Some (article :: urls))
(fun sm (url, article) ->
List.fold_left (update (url, article)) sm article#tags)
|> SM.bindings
List.map (fun (tag, articles) ->
Tag.make ~name:tag ~articles)
let of_articles articles =
new tags ?title:articles#title ?description:articles#description articles#articles
let normalize_tag tag =
let open Data in
record (Tag.normalize tag)
let normalize tags =
let open Data in
("all_tags", (list_of normalize_tag tags#tags)) :: Articles.normalize tags
module Make_with_target (S : sig
val source : Path.t
val target : Path.t
end) =
let source_root = S.source
module Source = struct
let css = Path.(source_root / "css")
let js = Path.(source_root / "js")
let images = Path.(source_root / "images")
let articles = Path.(source_root / "articles")
let index = Path.(source_root / "pages" / "index.md")
let tags = Path.(source_root / "pages" / "tags.md")
let templates = Path.(source_root / "templates")
let template file = Path.(templates / file)
let binary = Path.rel [ Sys.argv.(0) ]
let cache = Path.(source_root / "_cache")
module Target = struct
let target_root = S.target
let pages = target_root
let articles = Path.(target_root / "articles")
let rss1 = Path.(target_root / "rss1.xml")
let rss2 = Path.(target_root / "feed.xml")
let atom = Path.(target_root / "atom.xml")
let as_html into file =
file |> Path.move ~into |> Path.change_extension "html"
let target = Target.target_root
let process_css_files =
Action.copy_directory ~into:Target.target_root Source.css
let process_js_files =
Action.copy_directory ~into:Target.target_root Source.js
let process_images_files =
Action.copy_directory ~into:Target.target_root Source.images
let process_article ~host file =
let file_target = Target.(as_html articles file) in
let open Task in
Action.write_static_file file_target
Pipeline.track_file Source.binary
>>> Yocaml_yaml.Pipeline.read_file_with_metadata (module Article) file
>>* (fun (obj, str) -> Eff.return (obj#with_host host, str))
>>> Yocaml_cmarkit.content_to_html ~strict:false ()
>>> Yocaml_jingoo.Pipeline.as_template
(module Article)
(Source.template "article.html")
>>> Yocaml_jingoo.Pipeline.as_template
(module Article)
(Source.template "layout.html")
>>> drop_first ()
let process_articles ~host =
Action.batch ~only:`Files ~where:(Path.has_extension "md") Source.articles
(process_article ~host)
let process_index ~host =
let file = Source.index in
let file_target = Target.(as_html pages file) in
let open Task in
let compute_index =
(module Yocaml_yaml)
~where:(Path.has_extension "md")
~compute_link:(Target.as_html @@ Path.abs [ "articles" ])
Action.write_static_file file_target
Pipeline.track_files [ Source.binary; Source.articles ]
>>> Yocaml_yaml.Pipeline.read_file_with_metadata (module Page) file
>>> Yocaml_cmarkit.content_to_html ~strict:false ()
>>> first compute_index
>>* (fun (obj, str) -> Eff.return (obj#with_host host, str))
>>> Yocaml_jingoo.Pipeline.as_template ~strict:true
(module Articles)
(Source.template "index.html")
>>> Yocaml_jingoo.Pipeline.as_template ~strict:true
(module Articles)
(Source.template "layout.html")
>>> drop_first ()
let process_tags ~host =
let file = Source.tags in
let file_target = Target.(as_html pages file) in
let open Task in
let compute_index =
(module Yocaml_yaml)
~where:(Path.has_extension "md")
~compute_link:(Target.as_html @@ Path.abs [ "articles" ])
Action.write_static_file file_target
Pipeline.track_files [ Source.binary; Source.articles ]
>>> Yocaml_yaml.Pipeline.read_file_with_metadata (module Page) file
>>> Yocaml_cmarkit.content_to_html ~strict:false ()
>>> first compute_index
>>* (fun (obj, str) -> Eff.return (Tags.of_articles (obj#with_host host), str))
>>> Yocaml_jingoo.Pipeline.as_template ~strict:true
(module Tags)
(Source.template "tags.html")
>>> Yocaml_jingoo.Pipeline.as_template ~strict:true
(module Tags)
(Source.template "layout.html")
>>> drop_first ()
let feed_title = "The Robur's blog"
let site_url = "https://blog.robur.coop/"
let feed_description = "The Robur cooperative blog"
let fetch_articles =
let open Task in
Pipeline.track_files [ Source.binary; Source.articles ]
>>> Articles.fetch
(module Yocaml_yaml)
~where:(Path.has_extension "md")
~compute_link:(Target.as_html @@ Path.abs [ "articles" ])
let rss1 =
let from_articles ~title ~site_url ~description ~feed_url () =
let open Yocaml_syndication in
Rss1.from ~title ~url:feed_url ~link:site_url ~description
@@ fun (path, article) ->
let title = Article.title article in
let link = site_url ^ Yocaml.Path.to_string path in
let description = Article.description article in
Rss1.item ~title ~link ~description
let open Task in
Action.write_static_file Target.rss1
>>> from_articles ~title:feed_title ~site_url
~feed_url:"https://blog.robur.coop/rss1.xml" ()
let rss2 =
let open Task in
let from_articles ~title ~site_url ~description ~feed_url () =
let open Yocaml_syndication in
fun articles ->
let last_build_date =
fun acc (_, elt) ->
let v = Date.to_archetype_date_time (Article.date elt) in
match acc with
| None -> Some v
| Some a ->
if Archetype.Datetime.compare a v > 0 then Some a
else Some v
None articles
|> Option.map Datetime.make
let feed =
Rss2.feed ?last_build_date ~title ~link:site_url ~url:feed_url
fun (path, article) ->
let title = Article.title article in
let link = site_url ^ Path.to_string path in
let guid = Rss2.guid_from_link in
let description = Article.description article in
let pub_date =
(Date.to_archetype_date_time (Article.date article))
Rss2.item ~title ~link ~guid ~description ~pub_date ()
Xml.to_string feed
Action.write_static_file Target.rss2
>>> from_articles ~title:feed_title ~site_url
~feed_url:"https://blog.robur.coop/feed.xml" ()
let atom =
let open Task in
let open Yocaml_syndication in
let authors = Yocaml.Nel.singleton @@ Person.make "The Robur Team" in
let from_articles ?(updated = Atom.updated_from_entries ()) ?(links = [])
?id ~site_url ~authors ~title ~feed_url () =
let id = Option.value ~default:feed_url id in
let feed_url = Atom.self feed_url in
let base_url = Atom.link site_url in
let links = base_url :: feed_url :: links in
Atom.from ~links ~updated ~title ~authors ~id
fun (path, article) ->
let title = Article.title article in
let content_url = site_url ^ Yocaml.Path.to_string path in
let updated =
Datetime.make (Date.to_archetype_date_time (Article.date article))
let categories = List.map Category.make (Article.tags article) in
let summary = Atom.text (Article.description article) in
let links = [ Atom.alternate content_url ~title ] in
Atom.entry ~links ~categories ~summary ~updated ~id:content_url
~title:(Atom.text title) ()
Action.write_static_file Target.atom
>>> from_articles ~site_url ~authors ~title:(Atom.text feed_title)
~feed_url:"https://blog.robur.coop/atom.xml" ()
let process_all ~host =
let open Eff in
Action.restore_cache ~on:`Source Source.cache
>>= process_css_files >>= process_js_files >>= process_images_files
>>= process_tags ~host
>>= process_articles ~host >>= process_index ~host >>= rss1 >>= rss2 >>= atom
>>= Action.store_cache ~on:`Source Source.cache
module Make (S : sig
val source : Path.t
end) =
Make_with_target (struct
include S
let target = Path.(source / "_site")