open Test let test01 = let descr = {text|"empty bstr"|text} in Test.test ~title:"empty bstr" ~descr @@ fun () -> let x = Bstr.create 0 in check (0 = Bstr.length x); let y = Bstr.to_string x in check ("" = y) let test02 = let descr = {text|negative length|text} in Test.test ~title:"negative bstr" ~descr @@ fun () -> try let _ = Bstr.create (-1) in check false with | Invalid_argument _ -> check true | _exn -> check false let test03 = let descr = {text|positive shift|text} in Test.test ~title:"positive shift" ~descr @@ fun () -> let x = Bstr.create 1 in let y = Bstr.shift x 1 in check (0 = Bstr.length y) let test04 = let descr = {text|negative shift|text} in Test.test ~title:"negative shift" ~descr @@ fun () -> let x = Bstr.create 2 in let y = Bstr.sub x ~off:1 ~len:1 in begin try let _ = Bstr.shift x (-1) in check false with | Invalid_argument _ -> check true | _exn -> check false end; begin try let _ = Bstr.shift y (-1) in check false with | Invalid_argument _ -> check true | _exn -> check false end let test05 = let descr = {text|bad positive shift|text} in Test.test ~title:"bad positive shift" ~descr @@ fun () -> let x = Bstr.create 10 in try let _ = Bstr.shift x 11 in check false with Invalid_argument _ -> check true let test06 = let descr = {text|sub|text} in Test.test ~title:"sub" ~descr @@ fun () -> let x = Bstr.create 100 in let y = Bstr.sub x ~off:10 ~len:80 in begin match Bstr.overlap x y with | Some (len, x_off, _) -> check (len = 80); check (x_off = 10) | None -> check false end; let z = Bstr.sub y ~off:20 ~len:60 in begin match Bstr.overlap x z with | Some (len, x_off, _) -> check (len = 60); check (x_off = 30) | None -> check false end let test07 = let descr = {text|negative sub|text} in Test.test ~title:"negative sub" ~descr @@ fun () -> let x = Bstr.create 2 in let y = Bstr.sub ~off:1 ~len:1 x in begin try let _ = Bstr.sub x ~off:(-1) ~len:0 in check false with | Invalid_argument _ -> check true | _exn -> check false end; begin try let _ = Bstr.sub y ~off:(-1) ~len:0 in check false with | Invalid_argument _ -> check true | _exn -> check false end let test08 = let descr = {text|sub len too big|text} in Test.test ~title:"sub len too big" ~descr @@ fun () -> let x = Bstr.create 0 in try let _ = Bstr.sub x ~off:0 ~len:1 in check false with | Invalid_argument _ -> check true | _exn -> check false let test09 = let descr = {text|sub len too small|text} in Test.test ~title:"sub len too small" ~descr @@ fun () -> let x = Bstr.create 0 in try let _ = Bstr.sub x ~off:0 ~len:(-1) in check false with | Invalid_argument _ -> check true | _exn -> check false let test10 = let descr = {text|sub offset too big|text} in Test.test ~title:"sub offset too big" ~descr @@ fun () -> let x = Bstr.create 10 in begin try let _ = Bstr.sub x ~off:11 ~len:0 in check false with | Invalid_argument _ -> check true | _exn -> check false end; let y = Bstr.sub x ~off:1 ~len:9 in begin try let _ = Bstr.sub y ~off:10 ~len:0 in check false with | Invalid_argument _ -> check true | _exn -> check false end let test11 = let descr = {text|blit offset too big|text} in Test.test ~title:"blit offset too big" ~descr @@ fun () -> let x = Bstr.create 1 in let y = Bstr.create 1 in try Bstr.blit x ~src_off:2 y ~dst_off:1 ~len:1; check false with | Invalid_argument _ -> check true | _exn -> check false let test12 = let descr = {text|blit offset too small|text} in Test.test ~title:"blit offset too small" ~descr @@ fun () -> let x = Bstr.create 1 in let y = Bstr.create 1 in try Bstr.blit x ~src_off:(-1) y ~dst_off:1 ~len:1; check false with | Invalid_argument _ -> check true | _exn -> check false let test13 = let descr = {text|blit dst offset too big|text} in Test.test ~title:"blit dst offset too big" ~descr @@ fun () -> let x = Bstr.create 1 in let y = Bstr.create 1 in try Bstr.blit x ~src_off:1 y ~dst_off:2 ~len:1; check false with | Invalid_argument _ -> check true | _exn -> check false let test14 = let descr = {text|blit dst offset too small|text} in Test.test ~title:"blit dst offset too small" ~descr @@ fun () -> let x = Bstr.create 1 in let y = Bstr.create 1 in try Bstr.blit x ~src_off:1 y ~dst_off:(-1) ~len:1; check false with | Invalid_argument _ -> check true | _exn -> check false let test15 = let descr = {text|blit dst offset negative|text} in Test.test ~title:"blit dst offset negative" ~descr @@ fun () -> let x = Bstr.create 1 in let y = Bstr.create 1 in try Bstr.blit x ~src_off:0 y ~dst_off:(-1) ~len:1; check false with | Invalid_argument _ -> check true | _exn -> check false let test16 = let descr = {text|blit len too big|text} in Test.test ~title:"blit len too big" ~descr @@ fun () -> let x = Bstr.create 1 in let y = Bstr.create 2 in try Bstr.blit x ~src_off:0 y ~dst_off:0 ~len:2; check false with | Invalid_argument _ -> check true | _exn -> check false let test17 = let descr = {text|blit len too big (2)|text} in Test.test ~title:"blit len too big (2)" ~descr @@ fun () -> let x = Bstr.create 2 in let y = Bstr.create 1 in try Bstr.blit x ~src_off:0 y ~dst_off:0 ~len:2; check false with | Invalid_argument _ -> check true | _exn -> check false let test18 = let descr = {text|blit len too small|text} in Test.test ~title:"blit len too small" ~descr @@ fun () -> let x = Bstr.create 1 in let y = Bstr.create 1 in try Bstr.blit x ~src_off:0 y ~dst_off:0 ~len:(-1); check false with | Invalid_argument _ -> check true | _exn -> check false let test19 = let descr = {text|view bounds too small|text} in Test.test ~title:"view bounds too small" ~descr @@ fun () -> let x = Bstr.create 4 in let y = Bstr.create 4 in let z = Bstr.sub y ~off:0 ~len:2 in try Bstr.blit x ~src_off:0 z ~dst_off:0 ~len:3; check false with | Invalid_argument _ -> check true | _exn -> check false let test20 = let descr = {text|view bounds too small get_uint8|text} in Test.test ~title:"view bounds too small get_uint8" ~descr @@ fun () -> let x = Bstr.create 2 in let y = Bstr.sub x ~off:0 ~len:1 in try let _ = Bstr.get_uint8 y 1 in check false with | Invalid_argument _ -> check true | _exn -> check false let test21 = let descr = {text|view bounds too small get_char|text} in Test.test ~title:"view bounds too small get_char" ~descr @@ fun () -> let x = Bstr.create 2 in let y = Bstr.sub x ~off:0 ~len:1 in try let _ = Bstr.get y 1 in check false with | Invalid_argument _ -> check true | _exn -> check false let test22 = let descr = {text|view bounds too small get_uint16_be|text} in Test.test ~title:"view bounds too small get_uint16_be" ~descr @@ fun () -> let x = Bstr.create 4 in let y = Bstr.sub x ~off:0 ~len:1 in try let _ = Bstr.get_uint16_be y 0 in check false with | Invalid_argument _ -> check true | _exn -> check false let test23 = let descr = {text|view bounds too small get_int32_be|text} in Test.test ~title:"view bounds too small get_int32_be" ~descr @@ fun () -> let x = Bstr.create 8 in let y = Bstr.sub x ~off:2 ~len:5 in try let _ = Bstr.get_int32_be y 2 in check false with | Invalid_argument _ -> check true | _exn -> check false let test24 = let descr = {text|view bounds too small get_int64_be|text} in Test.test ~title:"view bounds too small get_int64_be" ~descr @@ fun () -> let x = Bstr.create 9 in let y = Bstr.sub x ~off:1 ~len:5 in try let _ = Bstr.get_int64_be y 0 in check false with | Invalid_argument _ -> check true | _exn -> check false let test25 = let descr = {text|view bounds too small get_uint16_le|text} in Test.test ~title:"view bounds too small get_uint16_le" ~descr @@ fun () -> let x = Bstr.create 4 in let y = Bstr.sub x ~off:0 ~len:1 in try let _ = Bstr.get_uint16_le y 0 in check false with | Invalid_argument _ -> check true | _exn -> check false let test26 = let descr = {text|view bounds too small get_int32_le|text} in Test.test ~title:"view bounds too small get_int32_le" ~descr @@ fun () -> let x = Bstr.create 8 in let y = Bstr.sub x ~off:2 ~len:5 in try let _ = Bstr.get_int32_le y 2 in check false with | Invalid_argument _ -> check true | _exn -> check false let test27 = let descr = {text|view bounds too small get_int64_le|text} in Test.test ~title:"view bounds too small get_int64_le" ~descr @@ fun () -> let x = Bstr.create 9 in let y = Bstr.sub x ~off:1 ~len:5 in try let _ = Bstr.get_int64_le y 0 in check false with | Invalid_argument _ -> check true | _exn -> check false let test28 = let descr = {text|view bounds too small get_uint16_ne|text} in Test.test ~title:"view bounds too small get_uint16_ne" ~descr @@ fun () -> let x = Bstr.create 4 in let y = Bstr.sub x ~off:0 ~len:1 in try let _ = Bstr.get_uint16_ne y 0 in check false with | Invalid_argument _ -> check true | _exn -> check false let test29 = let descr = {text|view bounds too small get_int32_ne|text} in Test.test ~title:"view bounds too small get_int32_ne" ~descr @@ fun () -> let x = Bstr.create 8 in let y = Bstr.sub x ~off:2 ~len:5 in try let _ = Bstr.get_int32_ne y 2 in check false with | Invalid_argument _ -> check true | _exn -> check false let test30 = let descr = {text|view bounds too small get_int64_ne|text} in Test.test ~title:"view bounds too small get_int64_ne" ~descr @@ fun () -> let x = Bstr.create 9 in let y = Bstr.sub x ~off:1 ~len:5 in try let _ = Bstr.get_int64_ne y 0 in check false with | Invalid_argument _ -> check true | _exn -> check false let ( test31 , test32 , test33 , test34 , test35 , test36 , test37 , test38 , test39 , test40 , test41 ) = let test get zero = let descr = "subview containment get" and title = "subview containment get" in Test.test ~title ~descr @@ fun () -> let x = Bstr.create 32 in let y = Bstr.sub x ~off:8 ~len:16 in for i = 0 to Bstr.length x - 1 do Bstr.set_uint8 x i 0xff done; for i = 0 to Bstr.length y - 1 do Bstr.set_uint8 y i 0x00 done; for i = -8 to 7 do try let v = get y i in if v <> zero then check false; check (i >= 0) with | Invalid_argument _ -> check (i < 0) | _exn -> check false done in ( test Bstr.get '\000' , test Bstr.get_uint8 0 , test Bstr.get_uint16_be 0 , test Bstr.get_uint16_le 0 , test Bstr.get_uint16_ne 0 , test Bstr.get_int32_be 0l , test Bstr.get_int32_le 0l , test Bstr.get_int32_ne 0l , test Bstr.get_int64_be 0L , test Bstr.get_int64_le 0L , test Bstr.get_int64_ne 0L ) let ( test42 , test43 , test44 , test45 , test46 , test47 , test48 , test49 , test50 , test51 , test52 ) = let test set ff = let descr = "subview containment set" and title = "subview containment set" in Test.test ~title ~descr @@ fun () -> let x = Bstr.create 32 in let y = Bstr.sub x ~off:8 ~len:16 in for i = 0 to Bstr.length x - 1 do Bstr.set_uint8 x i 0x00 done; for i = -8 to 7 do try set y i ff; check (i >= 0) with | Invalid_argument _ -> check (i < 0) | _exn -> check false done; let acc = ref 0 in for i = 0 to Bstr.length x - 1 do acc := !acc + Bstr.get_uint8 x i done; check (!acc >= 8 * 0xff) in ( test Bstr.set '\xff' , test Bstr.set_uint8 0xff , test Bstr.set_uint16_be 0xffff , test Bstr.set_uint16_le 0xffff , test Bstr.set_uint16_ne 0xffff , test Bstr.set_int32_be 0xffffffffl , test Bstr.set_int32_le 0xffffffffl , test Bstr.set_int32_ne 0xffffffffl , test Bstr.set_int64_be 0xffffffffffffffffL , test Bstr.set_int64_le 0xffffffffffffffffL , test Bstr.set_int64_ne 0xffffffffffffffffL ) let check_bstr a b = check (Bstr.equal a b) let check_raise exn fn = try fn (); check false with exn' -> check (exn = exn') let test53 = let descr = {text|Miscellaneous tests|text} in Test.test ~title:"Miscellaneous tests" ~descr @@ fun () -> let x = Bstr.create 0 in check_bstr x Bstr.empty; check_bstr (Bstr.string "abc") (Bstr.of_string "abc"); check_bstr (Bstr.string ~off:0 ~len:1 "abc") (Bstr.of_string "a"); check_bstr (Bstr.string ~off:1 ~len:1 "abc") (Bstr.of_string "b"); check_bstr (Bstr.string ~off:1 ~len:2 "abc") (Bstr.of_string "bc"); check_bstr (Bstr.string ~off:3 ~len:0 "abc") (Bstr.of_string ""); let x = Bstr.string ~off:2 ~len:1 "abc" in check (Bstr.length x = 1); let exn = Invalid_argument "index out of bounds" in check_raise exn (fun () -> ignore (Bstr.get x 3)); check_raise exn (fun () -> ignore (Bstr.get x 2)); check_raise exn (fun () -> ignore (Bstr.get x 1)); check (Bstr.get x 0 = 'c'); check (Bstr.get_uint8 x 0 = 0x63) let test54 = let descr = {text|chop|text} in Test.test ~title:"chop" ~descr @@ fun () -> let x = Bstr.of_string "abc" in let y = Bstr.sub ~off:2 ~len:0 x in let z = Bstr.sub ~off:1 ~len:2 x in check (Bstr.chop y = None); check (Bstr.chop ~rev:true y = None); check (Bstr.chop z = Some 'b'); check (Bstr.chop ~rev:true z = Some 'c') let test55 = let descr = {text|is_empty|text} in Test.test ~title:"is_empty" ~descr @@ fun () -> let abcd = Bstr.of_string "abcd" in let huyi = Bstr.of_string "huyi" in check (Bstr.is_empty (Bstr.sub ~off:4 ~len:0 abcd)); check (Bstr.is_empty (Bstr.sub ~off:0 ~len:0 huyi)); check (Bstr.is_empty (Bstr.sub ~off:0 ~len:1 huyi) == false); check (Bstr.is_empty (Bstr.sub ~off:0 ~len:2 huyi) == false); check (Bstr.is_empty (Bstr.sub ~off:0 ~len:3 huyi) == false); check (Bstr.is_empty (Bstr.sub ~off:0 ~len:4 huyi) == false); check (Bstr.is_empty (Bstr.sub ~off:1 ~len:0 abcd)); check (Bstr.is_empty (Bstr.sub ~off:1 ~len:1 huyi) == false); check (Bstr.is_empty (Bstr.sub ~off:1 ~len:2 huyi) == false); check (Bstr.is_empty (Bstr.sub ~off:1 ~len:3 huyi) == false); check (Bstr.is_empty (Bstr.sub ~off:2 ~len:0 abcd)); check (Bstr.is_empty (Bstr.sub ~off:2 ~len:1 huyi) == false); check (Bstr.is_empty (Bstr.sub ~off:2 ~len:2 huyi) == false); check (Bstr.is_empty (Bstr.sub ~off:3 ~len:0 abcd)); check (Bstr.is_empty (Bstr.sub ~off:3 ~len:1 huyi) == false); check (Bstr.is_empty (Bstr.sub ~off:4 ~len:0 huyi)) let test56 = let descr = {text|is_prefix & starts_with|text} in Test.test ~title:"is_prefix" ~descr @@ fun () -> let ugoadfj = Bstr.of_string "ugoadfj" in let dfkdjf = Bstr.of_string "dfkdjf" in let abhablablu = Bstr.of_string "abhablablu" in let hadfdffdf = Bstr.of_string "hadfdffdf" in let hadhabfdffdf = Bstr.of_string "hadhabfdffdf" in let iabla = Bstr.of_string "iabla" in let empty0 = Bstr.sub ~off:3 ~len:0 ugoadfj in let empty1 = Bstr.sub ~off:4 ~len:0 dfkdjf in let habla = Bstr.sub ~off:2 ~len:5 abhablablu in let h = Bstr.sub ~off:0 ~len:1 hadfdffdf in let ha = Bstr.sub ~off:0 ~len:2 hadfdffdf in let hab = Bstr.sub ~off:3 ~len:3 hadhabfdffdf in let abla = Bstr.sub ~off:1 ~len:4 iabla in check (Bstr.is_empty empty0); check (Bstr.is_empty empty1); check (Bstr.equal habla (Bstr.of_string "habla")); check (Bstr.equal h (Bstr.of_string "h")); check (Bstr.equal ha (Bstr.of_string "ha")); check (Bstr.equal hab (Bstr.of_string "hab")); check (Bstr.equal abla (Bstr.of_string "abla")); check (Bstr.is_prefix ~affix:"" empty1); check (Bstr.starts_with ~prefix:empty0 empty1); check (Bstr.is_prefix ~affix:"" habla); check (Bstr.starts_with ~prefix:empty0 habla); check (Bstr.is_prefix ~affix:"ha" empty1 == false); check (Bstr.starts_with ~prefix:ha empty1 == false); check (Bstr.is_prefix ~affix:"ha" h == false); check (Bstr.starts_with ~prefix:ha h == false); check (Bstr.is_prefix ~affix:"ha" hab); check (Bstr.starts_with ~prefix:ha hab); check (Bstr.is_prefix ~affix:"ha" habla); check (Bstr.starts_with ~prefix:ha habla); check (Bstr.is_prefix ~affix:"ha" abla == false); check (Bstr.starts_with ~prefix:ha abla == false) let test57 = let descr = {text|is_infix|text} in Test.test ~title:"is_infix" ~descr @@ fun () -> let dfkdjf = Bstr.of_string "dfkdjf" in let aasdflablu = Bstr.of_string "aasdflablu" in let cda = Bstr.of_string "cda" in let h = Bstr.of_string "h" in let uhadfdffdf = Bstr.of_string "uhadfdffdf" in let ah = Bstr.of_string "ah" in let aaaha = Bstr.of_string "aaaha" in let ahaha = Bstr.of_string "ahaha" in let hahbdfdf = Bstr.of_string "hahbdfdf" in let blhahbdfdf = Bstr.of_string "blhahbdfdf" in let fblhahbdfdfl = Bstr.of_string "fblhahbdfdfl" in let empty = Bstr.sub dfkdjf ~off:2 ~len:0 in let asdf = Bstr.sub aasdflablu ~off:1 ~len:4 in let a = Bstr.sub cda ~off:2 ~len:1 in let h = Bstr.sub h ~off:0 ~len:1 in let ha = Bstr.sub uhadfdffdf ~off:1 ~len:2 in let ah = Bstr.sub ah ~off:0 ~len:2 in let aha = Bstr.sub aaaha ~off:2 ~len:3 in let haha = Bstr.sub ahaha ~off:1 ~len:4 in let hahb = Bstr.sub hahbdfdf ~off:0 ~len:4 in let blhahb = Bstr.sub blhahbdfdf ~off:0 ~len:6 in let blha = Bstr.sub fblhahbdfdfl ~off:1 ~len:4 in let blh = Bstr.sub fblhahbdfdfl ~off:1 ~len:3 in check (Bstr.to_string asdf = "asdf"); check (Bstr.to_string ha = "ha"); check (Bstr.to_string h = "h"); check (Bstr.to_string a = "a"); check (Bstr.to_string aha = "aha"); check (Bstr.to_string haha = "haha"); check (Bstr.to_string hahb = "hahb"); check (Bstr.to_string blhahb = "blhahb"); check (Bstr.to_string blha = "blha"); check (Bstr.to_string blh = "blh"); check (Bstr.is_infix ~affix:"" empty); check (Bstr.is_infix ~affix:"" asdf); check (Bstr.is_infix ~affix:"" ha); check (Bstr.is_infix ~affix:"ha" empty == false); check (Bstr.is_infix ~affix:"ha" a == false); check (Bstr.is_infix ~affix:"ha" h == false); check (Bstr.is_infix ~affix:"ha" ah == false); check (Bstr.is_infix ~affix:"ha" ha); check (Bstr.is_infix ~affix:"ha" aha); check (Bstr.is_infix ~affix:"ha" haha); check (Bstr.is_infix ~affix:"ha" hahb); check (Bstr.is_infix ~affix:"ha" blhahb); check (Bstr.is_infix ~affix:"ha" blha); check (Bstr.is_infix ~affix:"ha" blh == false) let test58 = let descr = {text|is_suffix & ends_with|text} in Test.test ~title:"is_suffix" ~descr @@ fun () -> let ugoadfj = Bstr.of_string "ugoadfj" in let dfkdjf = Bstr.of_string "dfkdjf" in let aasdflablu = Bstr.of_string "aasdflablu" in let cda = Bstr.of_string "cda" in let h = Bstr.of_string "h" in let uhadfdffdf = Bstr.of_string "uhadfdffdf" in let ah = Bstr.of_string "ah" in let aaaha = Bstr.of_string "aaaha" in let ahaha = Bstr.of_string "ahaha" in let hahbdfdf = Bstr.of_string "hahbdfdf" in let empty0 = Bstr.sub ugoadfj ~off:1 ~len:0 in let empty1 = Bstr.sub dfkdjf ~off:2 ~len:0 in let asdf = Bstr.sub aasdflablu ~off:1 ~len:4 in let a = Bstr.sub cda ~off:2 ~len:1 in let h = Bstr.sub h ~off:0 ~len:1 in let ha = Bstr.sub uhadfdffdf ~off:1 ~len:2 in let ah = Bstr.sub ah ~off:0 ~len:2 in let aha = Bstr.sub aaaha ~off:2 ~len:3 in let haha = Bstr.sub ahaha ~off:1 ~len:4 in let hahb = Bstr.sub hahbdfdf ~off:0 ~len:4 in check (Bstr.to_string asdf = "asdf"); check (Bstr.to_string ha = "ha"); check (Bstr.to_string h = "h"); check (Bstr.to_string a = "a"); check (Bstr.to_string aha = "aha"); check (Bstr.to_string haha = "haha"); check (Bstr.to_string hahb = "hahb"); check (Bstr.is_suffix ~affix:"" empty1); check (Bstr.ends_with ~suffix:empty0 empty1); check (Bstr.is_suffix ~affix:"" asdf); check (Bstr.ends_with ~suffix:empty0 asdf); check (Bstr.is_suffix ~affix:"ha" empty1 == false); check (Bstr.ends_with ~suffix:ha empty1 == false); check (Bstr.is_suffix ~affix:"ha" a == false); check (Bstr.ends_with ~suffix:ha a == false); check (Bstr.is_suffix ~affix:"ha" h == false); check (Bstr.ends_with ~suffix:ha h == false); check (Bstr.is_suffix ~affix:"ha" ah == false); check (Bstr.ends_with ~suffix:ha ah == false); check (Bstr.is_suffix ~affix:"ha" ha); check (Bstr.ends_with ~suffix:ha ha); check (Bstr.is_suffix ~affix:"ha" aha); check (Bstr.ends_with ~suffix:ha aha); check (Bstr.is_suffix ~affix:"ha" haha); check (Bstr.ends_with ~suffix:ha haha); check (Bstr.is_suffix ~affix:"ha" hahb == false); check (Bstr.ends_with ~suffix:ha hahb == false) let test59 = let descr = {text|for_all|text} in Test.test ~title:"for_all" ~descr @@ fun () -> let asldfksaf = Bstr.of_string "asldfksaf" in let sf123df = Bstr.of_string "sf123df" in let _412 = Bstr.of_string "412" in let aaa142 = Bstr.of_string "aaa142" in let aad124 = Bstr.of_string "aad124" in let empty = Bstr.sub ~off:3 ~len:0 asldfksaf in let s123 = Bstr.sub ~off:2 ~len:3 sf123df in let s412 = Bstr.sub ~off:0 ~len:3 _412 in let s142 = Bstr.sub ~off:3 ~len:3 aaa142 in let s124 = Bstr.sub ~off:3 ~len:3 aad124 in check (Bstr.to_string empty = ""); check (Bstr.to_string s123 = "123"); check (Bstr.to_string s412 = "412"); check (Bstr.to_string s142 = "142"); check (Bstr.to_string s124 = "124"); check (Bstr.for_all (fun _ -> false) empty); check (Bstr.for_all (fun _ -> true) empty); check (Bstr.for_all (fun c -> Char.code c < 0x34) s123); check (Bstr.for_all (fun c -> Char.code c < 0x34) s412 == false); check (Bstr.for_all (fun c -> Char.code c < 0x34) s142 == false); check (Bstr.for_all (fun c -> Char.code c < 0x34) s124 == false) let test60 = let descr = {text|trim|text} in Test.test ~title:"trim" ~descr @@ fun () -> let base = Bstr.of_string "00aaaabcdaaaa00" in let aaaabcdaaaa = Bstr.sub ~off:2 ~len:11 base in let aaaabcd = Bstr.sub ~off:2 ~len:7 base in let bcdaaaa = Bstr.sub ~off:6 ~len:7 base in let aaaa = Bstr.sub ~off:2 ~len:4 base in check (Bstr.(to_string (trim (of_string "\t abcd \t"))) = "abcd"); check (Bstr.(to_string (trim aaaabcdaaaa)) = "aaaabcdaaaa"); let drop_a = ( = ) 'a' in check (Bstr.(to_string (trim ~drop:drop_a aaaabcdaaaa)) = "bcd"); check (Bstr.(to_string (trim ~drop:drop_a aaaabcd)) = "bcd"); check (Bstr.(to_string (trim ~drop:drop_a bcdaaaa)) = "bcd"); check Bstr.(is_empty (trim ~drop:drop_a aaaa)); check Bstr.(is_empty (trim (of_string " "))) let is_white = function ' ' | '\t' -> true | _ -> false let is_letter = function 'a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' -> true | _ -> false [@@@warning "-26"] let test61 = let descr = {text|span|text} in Test.test ~title:"span" ~descr @@ fun () -> let test ?rev ?min ?max ?sat bstr (cl, cr) = let rl, rr = Bstr.span ?rev ?min ?max ?sat bstr in let t = Bstr.take ?rev ?min ?max ?sat bstr in let d = Bstr.drop ?rev ?min ?max ?sat bstr in let rev = Option.value ~default:false rev in check (Bstr.equal cl rl); check (Bstr.equal cr rr); check (Bstr.equal (if rev then cr else cl) t); check (Bstr.equal (if rev then cl else cr) d) in let invalid ?rev ?min ?max ?sat bstr = try let _ = Bstr.span ?rev ?min ?max ?sat bstr in check false with Invalid_argument _ -> check true | _exn -> check false in let base = Bstr.of_string "0ab cd0" in let ab_cd = Bstr.sub ~off:1 ~len:5 base in let ab = Bstr.sub ~off:1 ~len:2 base in let _cd = Bstr.sub ~off:3 ~len:3 base in let cd = Bstr.sub ~off:4 ~len:2 base in let ab_ = Bstr.sub ~off:1 ~len:3 base in let a = Bstr.sub ~off:1 ~len:1 base in let b_cd = Bstr.sub ~off:2 ~len:4 base in let b = Bstr.sub ~off:2 ~len:1 base in let d = Bstr.sub ~off:5 ~len:1 base in let ab_c = Bstr.sub ~off:1 ~len:4 base in test ~rev:false ~min:1 ~max:0 ab_cd (Bstr.sub ab_cd ~off:0 ~len:0, ab_cd); test ~rev:true ~min:1 ~max:0 ab_cd (ab_cd, Bstr.sub ab_cd ~off:5 ~len:0); test ~sat:is_white ab_cd (Bstr.sub ab_cd ~off:0 ~len:0, ab_cd); test ~sat:is_letter ab_cd (ab, _cd); test ~max:1 ~sat:is_letter ab_cd (a, b_cd); test ~max:0 ~sat:is_letter ab_cd (Bstr.sub ab_cd ~off:5 ~len:0, ab_cd); test ~rev:true ~sat:is_white ab_cd (ab_cd, Bstr.sub ab_cd ~off:5 ~len:0); test ~rev:true ~sat:is_letter ab_cd (ab_, cd); test ~rev:true ~max:1 ~sat:is_letter ab_cd (ab_c, d); test ~rev:true ~max:0 ~sat:is_letter ab_cd (ab_cd, Bstr.sub ab_cd ~off:5 ~len:0); test ~sat:is_letter ab (ab, Bstr.sub ab ~off:2 ~len:0); test ~max:1 ~sat:is_letter ab (a, b); test ~rev:true ~max:1 ~sat:is_letter ab (a, b); test ~max:1 ~sat:is_white ab (Bstr.sub ~off:0 ~len:0 ab, ab); test ~rev:true ~sat:is_white Bstr.empty (Bstr.empty, Bstr.empty); test ~sat:is_white Bstr.empty (Bstr.empty, Bstr.empty); invalid ~rev:false ~min:(-1) Bstr.empty; invalid ~rev:true ~min:(-1) Bstr.empty; invalid ~rev:false ~max:(-1) Bstr.empty; invalid ~rev:true ~max:(-1) Bstr.empty; test ~rev:false Bstr.empty (Bstr.empty, Bstr.empty); test ~rev:true Bstr.empty (Bstr.empty, Bstr.empty); test ~rev:false ~min:0 ~max:0 Bstr.empty (Bstr.empty, Bstr.empty); test ~rev:true ~min:0 ~max:0 Bstr.empty (Bstr.empty, Bstr.empty); test ~rev:false ~min:1 ~max:0 Bstr.empty (Bstr.empty, Bstr.empty); test ~rev:true ~min:1 ~max:0 Bstr.empty (Bstr.empty, Bstr.empty); test ~rev:false ~max:0 ab_cd (Bstr.sub ~off:0 ~len:0 ab_cd, ab_cd); test ~rev:true ~max:0 ab_cd (ab_cd, Bstr.sub ~off:5 ~len:0 ab_cd); test ~rev:false ~max:2 ab_cd (ab, _cd); test ~rev:true ~max:2 ab_cd (ab_, cd); test ~rev:false ~min:6 ab_cd (Bstr.sub ab_cd ~off:0 ~len:0, ab_cd); test ~rev:true ~min:6 ab_cd (ab_cd, Bstr.sub ab_cd ~off:5 ~len:0); test ~rev:false ab_cd (ab_cd, Bstr.sub ~off:5 ~len:0 ab_cd); test ~rev:true ab_cd (Bstr.sub ab_cd ~off:0 ~len:0, ab_cd); test ~rev:false ~max:30 ab_cd (ab_cd, Bstr.sub ~off:5 ~len:0 ab_cd); test ~rev:true ~max:30 ab_cd (Bstr.sub ab_cd ~off:0 ~len:0, ab_cd); test ~rev:false ~sat:is_white ab_cd (Bstr.sub ~off:0 ~len:0 ab_cd, ab_cd); test ~rev:true ~sat:is_white ab_cd (ab_cd, Bstr.sub ~off:5 ~len:0 ab_cd); test ~rev:false ~sat:is_letter ab_cd (ab, _cd); test ~rev:true ~sat:is_letter ab_cd (ab_, cd); test ~rev:false ~sat:is_letter ~max:0 ab_cd (Bstr.sub ~off:0 ~len:0 ab_cd, ab_cd); test ~rev:true ~sat:is_letter ~max:0 ab_cd (ab_cd, Bstr.sub ~off:5 ~len:0 ab_cd); test ~rev:false ~sat:is_letter ~max:1 ab_cd (a, b_cd); test ~rev:true ~sat:is_letter ~max:1 ab_cd (ab_c, d); test ~rev:false ~sat:is_letter ~min:2 ~max:1 ab_cd (Bstr.sub ~off:0 ~len:0 ab_cd, ab_cd); test ~rev:true ~sat:is_letter ~min:2 ~max:1 ab_cd (ab_cd, Bstr.sub ~off:5 ~len:0 ab_cd); test ~rev:false ~sat:is_letter ~min:3 ab_cd (Bstr.sub ~off:0 ~len:0 ab_cd, ab_cd); test ~rev:true ~sat:is_letter ~min:3 ab_cd (ab_cd, Bstr.sub ~off:5 ~len:0 ab_cd) let ( / ) = Filename.concat let () = let tests = [ test01; test02; test03; test04; test05; test06; test07; test08; test09 ; test10; test11; test12; test13; test14; test15; test16; test17; test18 ; test19; test20; test21; test22; test23; test24; test25; test26; test27 ; test28; test29; test30; test31; test32; test33; test34; test35; test36 ; test37; test38; test39; test40; test41; test42; test43; test44; test45 ; test46; test47; test48; test49; test50; test51; test52; test53; test54 ; test55; test56; test57; test58; test59; test60; test61 ] in let ({ } as runner) = Test.runner (Sys.getcwd () / "_tests") in let run idx test = Format.printf "test%03d: %!" (succ idx); runner test; Format.printf "ok\n%!" in Format.printf "Run tests into %s\n%!" directory; List.iteri run tests