Don't mask error in test setup

This commit is contained in:
Reynir Björnsson 2023-09-14 12:52:53 +02:00 committed by Robur
parent 5ec5cb66df
commit 1452de6280

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@ -145,29 +145,17 @@ let fail_if_none a =
Option.to_result ~none:(`Msg "Failed to retrieve") a
let add_test_build user_id (module Db : CONN) =
let r =
let open Builder_db in
Db.start () >>= fun () ->
Db.exec Job.try_add job_name >>= fun () ->
Db.find_opt Job.get_id_by_name job_name >>= fail_if_none >>= fun job_id ->
Db.exec Build.add { Build.uuid; start; finish; result; console; script; platform;
main_binary = None; input_id = None; user_id; job_id } >>= fun () ->
Db.find last_insert_rowid () >>= fun id ->
Db.exec Build_artifact.add (main_binary, id) >>= fun () ->
Db.find last_insert_rowid () >>= fun main_binary_id ->
Db.exec Build.set_main_binary (id, main_binary_id) >>= fun () ->
Db.commit ()
Result.fold r
~error:(fun e ->
let () =
match e with
| `Msg e -> Printf.eprintf "%s\n%!" e
| #Caqti_error.t as e ->
Fmt.epr "%a" Caqti_error.pp e
Db.rollback ())
let open Builder_db in
Db.start () >>= fun () ->
Db.exec Job.try_add job_name >>= fun () ->
Db.find_opt Job.get_id_by_name job_name >>= fail_if_none >>= fun job_id ->
Db.exec Build.add { Build.uuid; start; finish; result; console; script; platform;
main_binary = None; input_id = None; user_id; job_id } >>= fun () ->
Db.find last_insert_rowid () >>= fun id ->
Db.exec Build_artifact.add (main_binary, id) >>= fun () ->
Db.find last_insert_rowid () >>= fun main_binary_id ->
Db.exec Build.set_main_binary (id, main_binary_id) >>= fun () ->
Db.commit ()
let with_build_db f () =