UI enhancement: all/active build modal

When showing the active builds link to all builds and vice versa.
This commit is contained in:
Reynir Björnsson 2023-09-19 12:07:38 +02:00
parent bfa06c95f8
commit 378f5c4538
2 changed files with 15 additions and 10 deletions

View file

@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ end
let routes ~datadir ~cachedir ~configdir ~expired_jobs =
let builds ?(filter_builds_later_than = 0) req =
let builds ~all ?(filter_builds_later_than = 0) req =
let than =
if filter_builds_later_than = 0 then
@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ let routes ~datadir ~cachedir ~configdir ~expired_jobs =
|> if_error "Error getting jobs"
~log:(fun e -> Log.warn (fun m -> m "Error getting jobs: %a" pp_error e))
>>= fun jobs ->
Views.Builds.make jobs |> string_of_html |> Dream.html |> Lwt_result.ok
Views.Builds.make ~all jobs |> string_of_html |> Dream.html |> Lwt_result.ok
let job req =
@ -620,7 +620,7 @@ let routes ~datadir ~cachedir ~configdir ~expired_jobs =
let w f req = or_error_response (f req) in
`Get, "/", (w (builds ~filter_builds_later_than:expired_jobs));
`Get, "/", (w (builds ~all:false ~filter_builds_later_than:expired_jobs));
`Get, "/job/:job", (w job);
`Get, "/job/:job/failed", (w job_with_failed);
`Get, "/job/:job/build/latest/**", (w redirect_latest);
@ -634,7 +634,7 @@ let routes ~datadir ~cachedir ~configdir ~expired_jobs =
`Get, "/job/:job/build/:build/console", (w (job_build_static_file `Console));
`Get, "/job/:job/build/:build/all.tar.gz", (w job_build_targz);
`Get, "/failed-builds", (w failed_builds);
`Get, "/all-builds", (w builds);
`Get, "/all-builds", (w (builds ~all:true));
`Get, "/hash", (w hash);
`Get, "/compare/:build_left/:build_right", (w compare_builds);
`Post, "/upload", (Authorization.authenticate (w upload));

View file

@ -362,17 +362,22 @@ have questions or suggestions.
H.a ~a:H.[a_href "/failed-builds"]
[H.txt "here"];
H.txt ".";
H.txt "View all jobs ";
H.a ~a:H.[a_href "/all-builds"]
[H.txt "here"];
H.txt ".";
let make section_job_map =
let make_all_or_active all =
[ H.p [
H.txt (if all then "View active jobs " else "View all jobs ");
H.a ~a:H.[a_href (if all then "/" else "/all-builds")]
[H.txt "here"];
H.txt ".";
let make ~all section_job_map =
layout ~title:"Reproducible OPAM builds"
@ make_body section_job_map
@ make_failed_builds)
@ make_failed_builds
@ make_all_or_active all)