Add the /job/:job/upload endpoint which receives a raw binary.

Fixes #38
This commit is contained in:
Robur 2021-06-09 14:26:05 +00:00
parent 901c24ab27
commit 5555c87afd
2 changed files with 33 additions and 1 deletions

View file

@ -242,6 +242,37 @@ let add_routes datadir =
|> string_of_html |> Dream.html |> Lwt_result.ok
let upload_binary req =
let job = Dream.param "job" req in
let* body = Dream.body req in
Authorization.authorized req job
|> if_error ~status:`Forbidden "Forbidden" >>= fun () ->
let uuid = Uuidm.v4_gen (Random.State.make_self_init ()) () in
Dream.sql req (Model.build_exists uuid)
|> if_error "Internal server error"
~log:(fun e ->
Log.warn (fun m -> m "Error saving binary %S: %a" job pp_error e))
>>= function
| true ->
Log.warn (fun m -> m "Build %S with same uuid exists: %a" job Uuidm.pp uuid);
Dream.respond ~status:`Conflict
(Fmt.strf "Build with same uuid exists: %a\n" Uuidm.pp uuid)
|> Lwt_result.ok
| false ->
let datadir = datadir_global req in
let exec =
let now = () in
({ = job ; script = "" ; files = [] }, uuid, [], now, now, Builder.Exited 0,
[ (Fpath.(v "bin" / job + "bin"), body) ])
(Lwt.return (Dream.local Authorization.user_info_local req |>
Option.to_result ~none:(`Msg "no authenticated user")) >>= fun (user_id, _) ->
Dream.sql req (Model.add_build datadir user_id exec))
|> if_error "Internal server error"
~log:(fun e -> Log.warn (fun m -> m "Error saving build %a: %a" pp_exec exec pp_error e))
>>= fun () -> Dream.respond "" |> Lwt_result.ok
let w f req = or_error_response (f req) in
Dream.router [
@ -253,4 +284,5 @@ let add_routes datadir =
Dream.get "/hash" (w hash);
Dream.get "/compare/:build_left/:build_right/opam-switch" (w compare_opam); "/upload" (Authorization.authenticate (w upload)); "/job/:job/upload" (Authorization.authenticate (w upload_binary));

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@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
(name builder_web)
(libraries builder builder_db dream tyxml bos rresult duration hex caqti-lwt opamdiff))
(libraries builder builder_db dream tyxml bos rresult duration hex caqti-lwt opamdiff ptime.clock.os))