builder-db: add extract-build command

This command synthesizes a file containing the ASN.1 representation of a
Builder build.
This commit is contained in:
Reynir Björnsson 2021-12-07 17:13:21 +01:00
parent 0afec1617b
commit 5d33d4cfaf
2 changed files with 94 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -313,6 +313,81 @@ let verify_data_dir () datadir =
or_die 1 r
module Asn = struct
let decode_strict codec cs =
match Asn.decode codec cs with
| Ok (a, cs) ->
if Cstruct.length cs = 0
then Ok a
else Error "trailing bytes"
| Error (`Parse msg) -> Error ("parse error: " ^ msg)
let projections_of asn =
let c = Asn.codec Asn.der asn in
(decode_strict c, Asn.encode c)
let console =
(required ~label:"delta" int)
(required ~label:"data" utf8_string)))
let console_of_cs, console_to_cs = projections_of console
let console_of_string data =
let lines = String.split_on_char '\n' data in
(* remove last empty line *)
let lines =
match List.rev lines with
| "" :: lines -> List.rev lines
| _ -> lines
in (fun line ->
match String.split_on_char ':' line with
| ts :: tail ->
let delta = float_of_string (String.sub ts 0 (String.length ts - 1)) in
Int64.to_int (Duration.of_f delta), String.concat ":" tail
| _ -> assert false)
let extract_full () datadir dest uuid =
let dbpath = datadir ^ "/builder.sqlite3" in
let r =
let* (module Db : Caqti_blocking.CONNECTION) =
connect (Uri.make ~scheme:"sqlite3" ~path:dbpath ~query:["create", ["false"]] ())
let* uuid = Uuidm.of_string uuid |> Option.to_result ~none:(`Msg "bad uuid") in
let* (build_id, build) =
Db.find_opt Builder_db.Build.get_by_uuid uuid
|> Fun.flip Result.bind (Option.to_result ~none:(`Msg "build not found"))
let { Builder_db.Build.start; finish; result;
job_id; console; script; platform; _ } =
let* job_name = Db.find Builder_db.Job.get job_id in
let script_path = Fpath.(v datadir // script) in
let* script = script_path in
let job = { = job_name; platform; script } in
let console_path = Fpath.(v datadir // console) in
let* console = console_path in
let out = console_of_string console in
let* artifacts = Db.collect_list Builder_db.Build_artifact.get_all_by_build build_id in
let* data =
List.fold_left (fun acc (_, { Builder_db.filepath; localpath; _ }) ->
let* acc = acc in
let* data = Fpath.(v datadir // localpath) in
Ok ((filepath, data) :: acc))
(Ok [])
let exec = (job, uuid, out, start, finish, result, data) in
let cs = Builder.Asn.exec_to_cs exec in
Bos.OS.File.write (Fpath.v dest) (Cstruct.to_string cs)
or_die 1 r
let help man_format cmds = function
| None -> `Help (man_format, None)
| Some cmd ->
@ -384,6 +459,17 @@ let job =
pos 1 (some string) None &
info ~doc ~docv:"JOB" [])
let build =
let doc = "build uuid" in
Cmdliner.Arg.(required &
pos 0 (some string) None &
info ~doc ~docv:"BUILD" [])
let full_dest =
let doc = "path to write build file" in
Cmdliner.Arg.(value & opt string "full" &
info ~doc ["dest"])
let setup_log =
let setup_log level =
Logs.set_level level;
@ -437,6 +523,11 @@ let job_remove_cmd =
(Cmdliner.Term.(pure job_remove $ setup_log $ datadir $ jobname), ~doc "job-remove")
let extract_full_cmd =
let doc = "extract a build from the database" in
(Cmdliner.Term.(pure extract_full $ setup_log $ datadir $ full_dest $ build), ~doc "extract-build")
let verify_input_id_cmd =
let doc = "verify that the main binary hash of all builds with the same input are equal" in
(Cmdliner.Term.(pure verify_input_id $ setup_log $ dbpath),
@ -468,5 +559,6 @@ let () =
[help_cmd; migrate_cmd;
user_add_cmd; user_update_cmd; user_remove_cmd; user_list_cmd; user_disable_cmd;
access_add_cmd; access_remove_cmd; job_remove_cmd;
verify_input_id_cmd; verify_data_dir_cmd ]
verify_input_id_cmd; verify_data_dir_cmd;
extract_full_cmd ]
|> Cmdliner.Term.exit

View file

@ -13,4 +13,4 @@
(public_name builder-db)
(name builder_db_app)
(modules builder_db_app)
(libraries builder_db builder_system caqti.blocking uri bos fmt logs logs.cli logs.fmt cmdliner mirage-crypto-rng.unix))
(libraries builder_db builder_system caqti.blocking uri bos fmt logs logs.cli logs.fmt cmdliner mirage-crypto-rng.unix builder))