Remove builder-db add command

Instead, use e.g.

    find /var/db/builder/ -maxdepth 3 -name full -exec curl http://user:password@builder-web:3000/upload --data-binary @\{} \;

This will add the build to builder-web.
This commit is contained in:
Reynir Björnsson 2021-01-22 14:36:52 +01:00 committed by Gitea
parent dbe7300c9d
commit 810e1393ed

View file

@ -6,111 +6,6 @@ let or_die exit_code = function
Format.eprintf "Database error: %a" Caqti_error.pp e;
exit exit_code
let save_data outputdir (filepath, data) =
let localpath = Fpath.(outputdir // filepath) in
(* FIXME: return an error?! *)
let () =
match Bos.OS.File.exists localpath with
| Ok false ->
Logs.warn (fun m -> m "artifact file %a does not exist in %a"
Fpath.pp filepath Fpath.pp outputdir)
| Error (`Msg e) ->
Logs.warn (fun m -> m "artifact file error %a: %s"
Fpath.pp localpath e)
| Ok true -> ()
(filepath, localpath, data)
let get_by_uuid uuid (module Db : Caqti_blocking.CONNECTION) =
Uuidm.of_string uuid |> Option.to_result ~none:"bad uuid" >>= fun uuid ->
Db.find_opt Builder_db.Build.get_by_uuid uuid
|> Result.map_error (fun e ->
Fmt.strf "Error getting build %a: %a" Uuidm.pp uuid Caqti_error.pp e)
let db_add_build (job, uuid, console, start, finish, result, artifacts)
(input_files : (Fpath.t * Fpath.t * string) list)
(module Db : Caqti_blocking.CONNECTION) =
let open Builder_db in
let job_name = in
Db.exec Job.try_add job_name >>= fun () ->
Db.find Job.get_id_by_name job_name >>= fun job_id ->
Db.exec Build.add { Build.uuid; start; finish; result; console;
script = job.Builder.script; job_id } >>= fun () ->
Db.find last_insert_rowid () >>= fun id ->
(fun r (filepath, localpath, data) ->
r >>= fun () ->
let sha256 = Mirage_crypto.Hash.SHA256.digest (Cstruct.of_string data) in
Db.exec Build_artifact.add ({ filepath; localpath; sha256 }, id))
(Ok ())
artifacts >>= fun () ->
(fun r (filepath, localpath, data) ->
r >>= fun () ->
let sha256 = Mirage_crypto.Hash.SHA256.digest (Cstruct.of_string data) in
Db.exec Build_file.add ({ filepath; localpath; sha256 }, id))
(Ok ())
let add_build conn builddir =
let f = Fpath.(builddir / "full") in
let outputdir = Fpath.(builddir / "output") in
let inputdir = Fpath.(builddir / "input") in
let uuid = Fpath.basename builddir in
match get_by_uuid uuid conn with
| Error e -> Logs.warn (fun m -> m "%s" e)
| Ok (Some _) -> Logs.debug (fun m -> m "Skipping %a, already in database" Fpath.pp builddir)
| Ok None ->
Logs.debug (fun m -> m "Adding build %a" Fpath.pp builddir);
match f with
| Error (`Msg e) ->
Logs.warn (fun m -> m "Error getting build %a: %s"
Fpath.pp builddir e)
| Ok contents ->
match Builder.Asn.exec_of_cs (Cstruct.of_string contents) with
| Error (`Msg e) ->
Logs.warn (fun m -> m "Error parsing build file %a: %s"
Fpath.pp f e)
| Ok (job, uuid, console, start, finish, result, data) ->
let data = (save_data outputdir) data in
let input_files = (save_data inputdir) job.Builder.files in
match db_add_build (job, uuid, console, start, finish, result, data) input_files conn with
| Error e ->
Logs.err (fun m -> m "Error inserting build %a: %a"
Fpath.pp builddir Caqti_error.pp e)
| Ok () -> ()
let add_job conn jobdir =
Logs.debug (fun m -> m "Adding job %a" Fpath.pp jobdir);
match Bos.OS.Dir.contents jobdir with
| Error (`Msg e) ->
Logs.warn (fun m ->
m "Error getting job %s: %s\n" (Fpath.basename jobdir) e)
| Ok builds ->
List.iter (add_build conn) builds
let add_jobs conn datadir =
Bos.OS.Dir.contents datadir >>|
List.filter (fun f -> not Fpath.(equal (v "state") f)) >>|
List.iter (add_job conn)
let add () dbpath datadir =
let datadir = Fpath.v datadir in
Logs.debug (fun m -> m "Data dir: %a" Fpath.pp datadir);
let conn =
match Caqti_blocking.connect (Uri.make ~scheme:"sqlite3" ~path:dbpath ~query:["create", ["false"]] ()) with
| Error e ->
Logs.err (fun m -> m "Error connecting to database: %a" Caqti_error.pp e);
exit 1
| Ok conn ->
match add_jobs conn datadir with
| Ok () -> ()
| Error (`Msg e) ->
Logs.err (fun m -> m "Error getting jobs: %s\n" e);
exit 2
let do_migrate dbpath =
Caqti_blocking.connect (Uri.make ~scheme:"sqlite3" ~path:dbpath ())
>>= fun (module Db : Caqti_blocking.CONNECTION) ->
@ -198,11 +93,6 @@ let password_iter =
opt (some int) None &
info ~doc ["hash-count"])
let datadir =
let doc = ~doc:"builder data dir" ["datadir"] in
Cmdliner.Arg.(value &
opt dir "/var/db/builder/" doc)
let setup_log =
let setup_log level =
Logs.set_level level;
@ -216,21 +106,6 @@ let migrate_cmd =
Cmdliner.Term.(pure migrate $ setup_log $ dbpath_new), ~doc "migrate"
let add_cmd =
let doc = "populates database with builder data" in
let man =
`P "Scrape builder data directory information and insert into builder-web database.";
`P "It assumes the `full' files are stored in a directory hierarchy of the following shape:";
`Pre "/path/to/datadir/JOB-NAME/BUILD-UUID/full";
`P "Before parsing, The UUID in the filesystem is looked up in the database \
to see if already exists.\
It is assumed the UUIDs correspond.";
(Cmdliner.Term.(pure add $ setup_log $ dbpath $ datadir), ~doc ~man "add")
let user_add_cmd =
let doc = "add a user" in
(Cmdliner.Term.(pure user_add $ setup_log $ dbpath $ password_iter $ username),
@ -269,6 +144,6 @@ let () =
Mirage_crypto_rng_unix.initialize ();
[help_cmd; add_cmd; migrate_cmd;
[help_cmd; migrate_cmd;
user_add_cmd; user_update_cmd; user_remove_cmd; user_list_cmd]
|> Cmdliner.Term.exit