
This commit is contained in:
Hannes Mehnert 2023-09-18 12:13:05 +02:00 committed by Reynir Björnsson
parent a9799f4ca8
commit bfa06c95f8
3 changed files with 24 additions and 24 deletions

View file

@ -81,28 +81,28 @@ let init_influx name data =
let run_batch_viz ~cachedir ~datadir ~configdir =
let open Rresult.R.Infix in
let script = Fpath.(configdir / "batch-viz.sh")
let script = Fpath.(configdir / "batch-viz.sh")
and script_log = Fpath.(cachedir / "batch-viz.log")
and viz_script = Fpath.(configdir / "upload-hooks" / "visualizations.sh")
and viz_script = Fpath.(configdir / "upload-hooks" / "visualizations.sh")
Bos.OS.File.exists script >>= fun script_exists ->
if not script_exists then begin
Logs.warn (fun m -> m "Didn't find %s" (Fpath.to_string script));
Ok ()
end else
let args =
let args =
[ "--cache-dir=" ^ Fpath.to_string cachedir;
"--data-dir=" ^ Fpath.to_string datadir;
"--viz-script=" ^ Fpath.to_string viz_script ]
|> List.map (fun s -> "\"" ^ String.escaped s ^ "\"")
|> String.concat " "
(*> Note: The reason for appending, is that else a new startup could
(*> Note: The reason for appending, is that else a new startup could
overwrite an existing running batch's log*)
(Fpath.to_string script ^ " " ^ args
^ " 2>&1 >> " ^ Fpath.to_string script_log
^ " &")
|> Sys.command
|> Sys.command
|> ignore
|> Result.ok

View file

@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ let make_breadcrumbs nav =
txtf "Job %s" job_name, Link.Job.make ~job_name ();
txtf "%a" pp_platform platform,
Link.Job.make ~job_name ~queries ()
Link.Job.make ~job_name ~queries ()
| `Build (job_name, build) ->
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ let make_breadcrumbs nav =
txtf "Comparison between %s@%a and %s@%a"
job_left pp_ptime build_left.Builder_db.Build.start
job_right pp_ptime build_right.Builder_db.Build.start,
~right:build_right.uuid ()
@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ let page_not_found ~target ~referer =
| None -> []
| Some prev_url -> [
H.p [
H.txt "Go back to ";
H.txt "Go back to ";
H.a ~a:H.[ a_href prev_url ] [ H.txt prev_url ];
@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ module Job = struct
check_icon build.Builder_db.Build.result;
txtf " %s " build.platform;
H.a ~a:H.[
a_href @@ Link.Job_build.make
a_href @@ Link.Job_build.make
~build:build.Builder_db.Build.uuid () ]
@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ module Job = struct
H.txt "." ]
H.p [
H.txt "Including failed builds " ;
H.txt "Including failed builds " ;
H.a ~a:H.[
a_href @@ Link.Job.make_failed ~job_name ~queries ()
@ -586,7 +586,7 @@ module Job_build = struct
| Some b when not (Uuidm.equal build.uuid b.Builder_db.Build.uuid) ->
[ H.li [ H.txt ctx;
H.a ~a:[
H.a_href @@ Link.Compare_builds.make
H.a_href @@ Link.Compare_builds.make
~right:build.uuid () ]
[txtf "%a" pp_ptime b.start]]
@ -683,10 +683,10 @@ module Job_build = struct
font-weight: bold;\
let make_viz_section ~job_name ~artifacts ~uuid =
let viz_deps =
let iframe =
let viz_deps =
let iframe =
let src = Link.Job_build_artifact.make ~job_name ~build:uuid
~artifact:`Viz_dependencies () in
H.iframe ~a:H.[
@ -697,11 +697,11 @@ module Job_build = struct
let descr_txt = "\
This is an interactive visualization of dependencies, \
focusing on how shared dependencies are.
focusing on how shared dependencies are.
In the middle you see the primary package. \
Edges shoot out to its direct \
dependencies, including build dependencies.
dependencies, including build dependencies.
From these direct dependencies, edges shoot out to sets \
of their own respective direct dependencies. \
@ -718,7 +718,7 @@ dependency.\
[ iframe; H.br (); make_description descr_txt ]
let viz_treemap = lazy (
let iframe =
let iframe =
let src = Link.Job_build_artifact.make ~job_name ~build:uuid
~artifact:`Viz_treemap () in
H.iframe ~a:H.[
@ -730,7 +730,7 @@ dependency.\
let descr_txt = "\
This interactive treemap shows the space-usage of modules/libraries inside the \
ELF binary. You can get more info from each block by \
hovering over them.
hovering over them.
On top of the treemap there is a scale, showing how much space the \
treemap itself constitutes of the binary, the excluded symbols/modules \

View file

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
module Param_verification = struct
(*> None is 'verified'*)
type t = wrong_type option
type t = wrong_type option
[@@deriving yojson,show,eq]
and wrong_type = {
@ -24,9 +24,9 @@ module Param_verification = struct
expected = "Uuidm.t"
let verify parameters req =
let verified_params =
List.fold_left (fun acc p ->
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ let find_parameters path =
(String.split_on_char '/' path)
let router =
(* XXX: this relies on [Builder_web.routes] only using {data,cache,config}dir
* in the handlers which are never called here. The path /nonexistant is
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ let test_link method_ target () =
Alcotest.(check' (result Param_verification.alcotyp string) ~msg:"param-verification"
~actual:body ~expected:(Ok None))
let test_link_artifact artifact =
let test_link_artifact artifact =
let job_name = "test" in
let build = Uuidm.v `V4 in
test_link `GET @@
@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ let () =
test_case "Link.Failed_builds.make" `Quick begin
test_link `GET @@
Builder_web.Link.Failed_builds.make ~count:2 ~start:1 ()
Builder_web.Link.Failed_builds.make ~count:2 ~start:1 ()
(* this doesn't actually test the redirects, unfortunately *)