Made Builder_web.routes be a list of methods, routes and handlers - to become testable without depending on DB

This commit is contained in:
rand00 2022-06-21 21:21:55 +02:00 committed by Reynir Björnsson
parent 93dc0d6d87
commit c533ea7c07
2 changed files with 31 additions and 20 deletions

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@ -147,12 +147,17 @@ let setup_app level influx port host datadir cachedir configdir run_batch_viz_fl
| Some App -> None
Dream.initialize_log ?level ();
let dream_routes = Builder_web.(
routes ~datadir ~cachedir ~configdir
|> to_dream_routes
in ~port ~interface:host ~tls:false
@@ Dream.logger
@@ Dream.sql_pool ("sqlite3:" ^ dbpath)
@@ Http_status_metrics.handle
@@ Builder_web.Middleware.remove_trailing_url_slash
@@ Dream.router (Builder_web.routes ~datadir ~cachedir ~configdir)
@@ Dream.router dream_routes
open Cmdliner

View file

@ -591,27 +591,33 @@ let routes ~datadir ~cachedir ~configdir =
let w f req = or_error_response (f req) in
Dream.get "/" (w builds);
Dream.get "/job" (w redirect_parent);
Dream.get "/job/:job" (w job);
Dream.get "/job/:job/build" (w redirect_parent);
Dream.get "/job/:job/failed" (w job_with_failed);
Dream.get "/job/:job/build/latest/**" (w redirect_latest);
Dream.get "/job/:job/build/:build" (w job_build);
Dream.get "/job/:job/build/:build/f/**" (w job_build_file);
Dream.get "/job/:job/build/:build/main-binary" (w redirect_main_binary);
Dream.get "/job/:job/build/:build/viztreemap" (w @@ job_build_viz `Treemap);
Dream.get "/job/:job/build/:build/vizdependencies" (w @@ job_build_viz `Dependencies);
Dream.get "/job/:job/build/:build/script" (w (job_build_static_file `Script));
Dream.get "/job/:job/build/:build/console" (w (job_build_static_file `Console));
Dream.get "/failed-builds" (w failed_builds);
Dream.get "/job/:job/build/:build/all.tar.gz" (w job_build_targz);
Dream.get "/hash" (w hash);
Dream.get "/compare/:build_left/:build_right" (w compare_builds); "/upload" (Authorization.authenticate (w upload)); "/job/:job/platform/:platform/upload" (Authorization.authenticate (w upload_binary));
`Get, "/", (w builds);
`Get, "/job", (w redirect_parent);
`Get, "/job/:job", (w job);
`Get, "/job/:job/build", (w redirect_parent);
`Get, "/job/:job/failed", (w job_with_failed);
`Get, "/job/:job/build/latest/**", (w redirect_latest);
`Get, "/job/:job/build/:build", (w job_build);
`Get, "/job/:job/build/:build/f/**", (w job_build_file);
`Get, "/job/:job/build/:build/main-binary", (w redirect_main_binary);
`Get, "/job/:job/build/:build/viztreemap", (w @@ job_build_viz `Treemap);
`Get, "/job/:job/build/:build/vizdependencies", (w @@ job_build_viz `Dependencies);
`Get, "/job/:job/build/:build/script", (w (job_build_static_file `Script));
`Get, "/job/:job/build/:build/console", (w (job_build_static_file `Console));
`Get, "/failed-builds", (w failed_builds);
`Get, "/job/:job/build/:build/all.tar.gz", (w job_build_targz);
`Get, "/hash", (w hash);
`Get, "/compare/:build_left/:build_right", (w compare_builds);
`Post, "/upload", (Authorization.authenticate (w upload));
`Post, "/job/:job/platform/:platform/upload", (Authorization.authenticate (w upload_binary));
let to_dream_route = function
| `Get, path, handler -> Dream.get path handler
| `Post, path, handler -> path handler
let to_dream_routes l = to_dream_route l
let routeprefix_ignorelist_when_removing_trailing_slash = [