redisign hero text on home page

This commit is contained in:
Pizie Dust 2025-02-10 15:19:12 +01:00
parent 6fa388631e
commit da52d976ad

View file

@ -238,24 +238,75 @@ have questions or suggestions.
|} |}
let make_header = let make_header =
[ H.([ (Utils.md_to_html data); div ~a:[a_class ["header container mx-auto px-4 py-8 text-gray-800"]] [
H.form ~a:H.[a_action "/hash"; a_method `Get] [ (* Logo Section *)
H.label [ div ~a:[a_class ["flex items-center mb-6"]] [
H.txt "Search artifact by SHA256"; ]; (); h1 ~a:[a_class ["text-7xl font-bold text-primary-600 text-center"]]
H.input ~a:H.[ [txt "Reproducible OPAM Builds"]
a_input_type `Search;
a_id "sha256";
a_name "sha256";
] ();
]; ];
H.input ~a:H.[
a_input_type `Submit; div ~a:[a_class ["grid grid-cols-2 gap-3"]] [
a_value "Search"; div [
] (); p ~a:[a_class ["text-lg mb-4"]] [
]; txt "This website offers binary MirageOS unikernels and supplementary OS packages. ";
] txt "If you want to use our binary packages and setup unikernels, follow ";
a ~a:[a_href ""; a_class ["text-primary-500 underline font-mono"]]
[txt "these instructions"];
txt "."
p ~a:[a_class ["text-lg mb-4"]] [
txt "The unikernels are statically linked executables where the execution target is ";
txt "independent of the build platform - so even if they're compiled on a FreeBSD ";
txt "system they can be run on a Linux or OpenBSD host. Many are executed using a ";
a ~a:[a_href ""; a_class ["text-primary-500 underline font-mono"]]
[txt "solo5"];
txt " tender."
div [
p ~a:[a_class ["text-lg mt-6 mb-4"]] [
txt "A persistent link to the latest successful build is available as ";
code ~a:[a_class ["px-2 py-1 rounded text-sm font-mono text-primary-500"]]
[txt "/job/*jobname*/build/latest/"];
txt ". Each build can be reproduced with ";
a ~a:[a_href ""; a_class ["text-primary-500 underline font-mono"]]
[txt "orb"];
txt "."
p ~a:[a_class ["text-lg mb-4"]] [
txt "The builds are scheduled and executed daily by ";
a ~a:[a_href ""; a_class ["text-primary-500 underline font-mono"]]
[txt "builder"];
txt ". This web interface is ";
a ~a:[a_href ""; a_class ["text-primary-500 underline font-mono"]]
[txt "builder-web"];
txt ". Read further information ";
a ~a:[a_href ""; a_class ["text-primary-500 underline font-mono"]]
[txt "on our project page"];
txt "."
p ~a:[a_class ["text-lg mt-6 mb-4"]] [
txt "This work has been funded by the European Union under the ";
a ~a:[a_href ""; a_class ["text-primary-500 underline font-mono"]]
[txt "NGI Pointer"];
txt " program. Contact team AT if you have questions or suggestions."
div ~a:[a_class ["my-4"]] [
h2 ~a:[a_class ["text-xl font-semibold mt-6 mb-2"]]
[txt "Execution Environments"];
ul ~a:[a_class ["list-disc list-inside text-lg space-y-2 font-mono"]] [
li [span ~a:[a_class ["text-primary-500"]] [txt ".spt: "]; txt "sandboxed process - requires solo5-spt (Linux with seccomp)"];
li [span ~a:[a_class ["text-primary-500"]] [txt ".xen: "]; txt "Xen PVH virtual machine (on a Xen or QubesOS host)"];
li [span ~a:[a_class ["text-primary-500"]] [txt ".virtio: "]; txt "any virtio environment (qemu, GCE, KVM, BHyve)"];
li [span ~a:[a_class ["text-primary-500"]] [txt ".muem: "]; txt "on muen"]
let make_platform_builds ~job_name (platform, latest_build, latest_artifact) = let make_platform_builds ~job_name (platform, latest_build, latest_artifact) =
[ [