improve comparison page and always link with current build as head (right_build)

This commit is contained in:
Robur 2021-11-12 13:01:20 +00:00
parent 1dd1fe54ba
commit e15bd00fe5
3 changed files with 42 additions and 42 deletions

View file

@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ let add_routes datadir =
|> Lwt_result.ok
let compare_opam req =
let compare_builds req =
let datadir = datadir_global req in
let build_left = Dream.param "build_left" req in
let build_right = Dream.param "build_right" req in
@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ let add_routes datadir =
let switch_left = OpamFile.SwitchExport.read_from_string switch_left
and switch_right = OpamFile.SwitchExport.read_from_string switch_right in switch_left switch_right
|> Views.compare_opam job_left job_right build_left build_right env_diff pkg_diff
|> Views.compare_builds job_left job_right build_left build_right env_diff pkg_diff
|> string_of_html |> Dream.html |> Lwt_result.ok
@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ let add_routes datadir =
Dream.get "/job/:job/build/:build/script" (w (job_build_static_file `Script));
Dream.get "/job/:job/build/:build/console" (w (job_build_static_file `Console));
Dream.get "/hash" (w hash);
Dream.get "/compare/:build_left/:build_right/opam-switch" (w compare_opam);
Dream.get "/compare/:build_left/:build_right/" (w compare_builds); "/upload" (Authorization.authenticate (w upload)); "/job/:job/platform/:platform/upload" (Authorization.authenticate (w upload_binary));

View file

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ let diff_map a b =
let diff a b =
String_map.fold (fun k v acc ->
if not (String_map.mem k b) then (k, v) :: acc else acc)
a []
a [] |> List.rev
let added = diff b a
and removed = diff a b
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ let diff_map a b =
match String_map.find_opt k b with
| None -> acc
| Some v' -> if String.equal v v' then acc else (k, v, v') :: acc)
a []
a [] |> List.rev
(added, removed, changed)

View file

@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ let layout ?nav:(nav_=`Default) ~title:title_ body_ =
txtf "Comparison between %s@%a and %s@%a"
job_left pp_ptime build_left.Builder_db.Build.start
job_right pp_ptime build_right.Builder_db.Build.start,
Fmt.str "/compare/%a/%a/opam-switch" Uuidm.pp build_left.uuid Uuidm.pp build_right.uuid;
Fmt.str "/compare/%a/%a/" Uuidm.pp build_left.uuid Uuidm.pp build_right.uuid;
@ -306,13 +306,12 @@ let job_build
[txtf "%a" pp_ptime start]
same_input_same_output) @ (fun { Builder_db.Build.start = other_start ; uuid = other_uuid ; platform ; _ } ->
let fst, snd = if Ptime.is_later ~than:start other_start then uuid, other_uuid else other_uuid, uuid in (fun { Builder_db.Build.start ; uuid = other_uuid ; platform ; _ } ->
li [
txtf "on %s, different input, " platform;
a ~a:[Fmt.kstr a_href "/compare/%a/%a/opam-switch"
Uuidm.pp fst Uuidm.pp snd]
[txtf "%a" pp_ptime other_start]
a ~a:[Fmt.kstr a_href "/compare/%a/%a/"
Uuidm.pp other_uuid Uuidm.pp uuid]
[txtf "%a" pp_ptime start]
] @
@ -321,12 +320,11 @@ let job_build
[ h3 [txt "Same input, different output (not reproducible!)"];
ul ( (fun { Builder_db.Build.start = other_start ; uuid = other_uuid ; platform ; _ } ->
let fst, snd = if Ptime.is_later ~than:start other_start then uuid, other_uuid else other_uuid, uuid in (fun { Builder_db.Build.start ; uuid = other_uuid ; platform ; _ } ->
li [
txtf "on %s, " platform ;
a ~a:[Fmt.kstr a_href "/compare/%a/%a/opam-switch" Uuidm.pp fst Uuidm.pp snd]
[txtf "%a" pp_ptime other_start]
a ~a:[Fmt.kstr a_href "/compare/%a/%a/" Uuidm.pp other_uuid Uuidm.pp uuid]
[txtf "%a" pp_ptime start]
]) @
@ -334,8 +332,8 @@ let job_build
let opt_build (ctx, uu) =
match uu with
| Some uu when not (Uuidm.equal uuid uu) ->
[ li [ a ~a:[Fmt.kstr a_href "/compare/%a/%a/opam-switch"
Uuidm.pp uuid Uuidm.pp uu]
[ li [ a ~a:[Fmt.kstr a_href "/compare/%a/%a/"
Uuidm.pp uu Uuidm.pp uuid]
[txtf "With %s build" ctx]]
| _ -> []
@ -394,51 +392,53 @@ let opam_diffs diffs =
[ br () ])
let compare_opam job_left job_right
let compare_builds job_left job_right
(build_left : Builder_db.Build.t) (build_right : Builder_db.Build.t)
(added_env, removed_env, changed_env)
(added_pkgs, removed_pkgs, changed_pkgs)
(same, opam_diff, version_diff, left, right) =
~nav:(`Comparison ((job_left, build_left), (job_right, build_right)))
~title:(Fmt.str "Comparing opam switches between builds %a and %a"
~title:(Fmt.str "Comparing builds %a and %a"
Uuidm.pp build_left.uuid Uuidm.pp build_right.uuid)
h1 [txt "Comparing opam switches"];
h1 [txt "Comparing builds"];
h2 [
txt "Builds ";
a ~a:[a_href
(Fmt.str "/job/%s/build/%a/"
Uuidm.pp build_left.uuid)]
[txtf "%a" pp_ptime build_left.start];
[txtf "%s@%a %a" job_left pp_ptime build_left.start pp_platform (Some build_left.platform)];
txt " and ";
a ~a:[a_href
(Fmt.str "/job/%s/build/%a/"
Uuidm.pp build_right.uuid)]
[txtf "%a" pp_ptime build_right.start];
[txtf "%s@%a %a" job_right pp_ptime build_right.start pp_platform (Some build_right.platform)];
h3 [ a ~a:[Fmt.kstr a_href "/compare/%a/%a/" Uuidm.pp build_right.uuid Uuidm.pp build_left.uuid]
[txt "Compare in reverse direction"]] ;
ul [
li [
a ~a:[a_href "#packages-removed"]
[txtf "%d packages removed" (OpamPackage.Set.cardinal left)]
a ~a:[a_href "#opam-packages-removed"]
[txtf "%d opam packages removed" (OpamPackage.Set.cardinal left)]
li [
a ~a:[a_href "#packages-installed"]
[txtf "%d new packages installed" (OpamPackage.Set.cardinal right)]
a ~a:[a_href "#opam-packages-installed"]
[txtf "%d new opam packages installed" (OpamPackage.Set.cardinal right)]
li [
a ~a:[a_href "#packages-version-diff"]
[txtf "%d packages with version changes" (List.length version_diff)]
a ~a:[a_href "#opam-packages-version-diff"]
[txtf "%d opam packages with version changes" (List.length version_diff)]
li [
a ~a:[a_href "#packages-opam-diff"]
[txtf "%d packages with changes in their opam file" (List.length opam_diff)]
a ~a:[a_href "#opam-packages-opam-diff"]
[txtf "%d opam packages with changes in their opam file" (List.length opam_diff)]
li [
a ~a:[a_href "#packages-unchanged"]
[txtf "%d packages unchanged" (OpamPackage.Set.cardinal same)]
a ~a:[a_href "#opam-packages-unchanged"]
[txtf "%d opam packages unchanged" (OpamPackage.Set.cardinal same)]
li [
a ~a:[a_href "#env-added"]
@ -465,20 +465,20 @@ let compare_opam job_left job_right
[ txtf "%d system packages changed" (List.length changed_pkgs)]
h3 ~a:[a_id "packages-removed"]
[txt "Packages removed"];
h3 ~a:[a_id "opam-packages-removed"]
[txt "Opam packages removed"];
code (packages left);
h3 ~a:[a_id "packages-installed"]
[txt "New packages installed"];
h3 ~a:[a_id "opam-packages-installed"]
[txt "New opam packages installed"];
code (packages right);
h3 ~a:[a_id "packages-version-diff"]
[txt "Packages with version changes"];
h3 ~a:[a_id "opam-packages-version-diff"]
[txt "Opam packages with version changes"];
code (package_diffs version_diff);
h3 ~a:[a_id "packages-opam-diff"]
[txt "Packages with changes in their opam file"]] @
h3 ~a:[a_id "opam-packages-opam-diff"]
[txt "Opam packages with changes in their opam file"]] @
opam_diffs opam_diff @ [
h3 ~a:[a_id "packages-unchanged"]
[txt "Unchanged packages"];
h3 ~a:[a_id "opam-packages-unchanged"]
[txt "Unchanged opam packages"];
code (packages same);
h3 ~a:[a_id "env-added"] [txt "Environment variables added"];
code (key_values added_env);