Views: Added usage-descriptions on mouse-over on '?' below each visualzation (not mobile compatible)

This commit is contained in:
rand00 2022-03-29 12:56:11 +02:00
parent 7356950897
commit ef253b7b87

View file

@ -635,29 +635,74 @@ module Job_build = struct
min-height: 43em;
let make_description descr_txt =
H.span [ H.txt "?" ] ~a:H.[
a_title descr_txt;
a_style "\
font-size: 1.2em;\
font-weight: bold;\
let make_viz_section ~name ~artifacts ~uuid =
let viz_deps_iframe = [
let viz_deps =
let iframe =
let src = Fmt.str "/job/%s/build/%a/vizdependencies" name Uuidm.pp uuid in
H.iframe ~a:H.[
a_src src;
a_title "Opam dependencies";
a_style viz_style_deps
] []
let viz_treemap_iframe = lazy [
let descr_txt = "\
This is an interactive visualization of dependencies, \
focusing on how shared dependencies are.
In the middle you see the primary package. \
Edges shoot out to its direct \
dependencies, including build dependencies.
From these direct dependencies, edges shoot out to sets \
of their own respective direct dependencies. \
These dependency-sets include duplicates (i.e. shared dependencies) \
across the other dependency sets \
- which are shown by hovering over the \
direct dependencies of the primary package.
The lightness of nodes correspond to how shared they are. See \
the exact amount of reverse dependencies in the tooltip for each \
[ iframe; (); make_description descr_txt ]
let viz_treemap = lazy (
let iframe =
let src = Fmt.str "/job/%s/build/%a/viztreemap" name Uuidm.pp uuid in
H.iframe ~a:H.[
a_src src;
a_title "Binary dissection";
a_style viz_style_treemap
] []
let descr_txt = "\
This interactive treemap shows the space-usage of modules/libraries inside the \
ELF binary. You can get more info from each block by \
hovering over them.
On top of the treemap there is a scale, showing how much space the \
treemap itself constitutes of the binary, the excluded symbols/modules \
and the rest of the unaccounted data.\
[ iframe; (); make_description descr_txt ]
let a_paragraph = H.[ a_style "text-align: center" ] in
List.flatten [
[ H.p viz_deps_iframe];
[ H.p ~a:a_paragraph viz_deps];
if not @@ contains_debug_bin artifacts then [] else [
H.p @@ Lazy.force viz_treemap_iframe ];
H.p ~a:a_paragraph @@ Lazy.force viz_treemap ];
let make