let ( >>= ) = Result.bind let ( >>| ) x f = Result.map f x module type CONN = Caqti_blocking.CONNECTION let () = Mirage_crypto_rng_unix.initialize (module Mirage_crypto_rng.Fortuna) let iter f xs = List.fold_left (fun r x -> r >>= fun () -> f x) (Ok ()) xs let get_opt message = function | Some x -> x | None -> Alcotest.fail message let or_fail x = match x with | Ok x -> x | Error (`Msg msg) -> Alcotest.failf "Error: %s" msg | Error (#Caqti_error.t as e) -> Alcotest.failf "DB error: %a" Caqti_error.pp e module Testable = struct let builder_web_auth = let equal (x : _ Builder_web_auth.user_info) (y : _ Builder_web_auth.user_info) = x.username = y.username && x.restricted = y.restricted && match x.password_hash, y.password_hash with | `Scrypt (hash, salt, params), `Scrypt (hash', salt', params') -> String.equal hash hash' && String.equal salt salt' && params = params' in let pp ppf { Builder_web_auth.username; password_hash; restricted } = match password_hash with | `Scrypt (hash, salt, { Builder_web_auth.scrypt_n; scrypt_r; scrypt_p }) -> Format.fprintf ppf "user:%s;(%d,%d,%d);%B;%a;%a" username scrypt_n scrypt_r scrypt_p restricted Ohex.pp hash Ohex.pp salt in Alcotest.testable pp equal let file = let equal (x : Builder_db.Rep.file) (y : Builder_db.Rep.file) = Fpath.equal x.filepath y.filepath && String.equal x.sha256 y.sha256 && x.size = y.size in let pp ppf { Builder_db.Rep.filepath; sha256; size } = Format.fprintf ppf "{@[@;<1 0>Builder_db.Rep.filepath = %a;@;<1 0>\ sha256 = %a;@;<1 0>\ size = %d;@;<1 0>\ @]@,}" Fpath.pp filepath Ohex.pp sha256 size in Alcotest.testable pp equal let uuid = Alcotest.testable Uuidm.pp Uuidm.equal end let setup_db () = Caqti_blocking.connect (Uri.make ~scheme:"sqlite3" ~path:":memory:" ~query:["create", ["true"]] ()) >>= fun ((module Db) as conn) -> iter (fun migrate -> Db.exec migrate ()) Builder_db.migrate >>= fun () -> Ok conn let scrypt_params = Builder_web_auth.scrypt_params ~scrypt_n:1024 ~scrypt_r:1 () let username = "test" and password = "testtest" let restricted = false (* Bad, but fast *) let auth = Builder_web_auth.hash ~scrypt_params ~username ~password ~restricted () let add_test_user (module Db : CONN) = Db.exec Builder_db.User.add auth >>= fun () -> Db.find Builder_db.last_insert_rowid () let with_user_db f () = or_fail (setup_db () >>= fun conn -> add_test_user conn >>= fun _id -> f conn) let test_user_get_all (module Db : CONN) = Db.collect_list Builder_db.User.get_all () >>| fun users -> Alcotest.(check int) "one user" (List.length users) 1 let test_user_get_user (module Db : CONN) = Db.find_opt Builder_db.User.get_user username >>| fun res -> let auth_opt = Option.map snd res in Alcotest.(check (option Testable.builder_web_auth)) "test user" auth_opt (Some auth) let test_user_remove_user (module Db : CONN) = Db.exec Builder_db.User.remove_user username >>= fun () -> Db.find_opt Builder_db.User.get_user username >>| fun res -> let auth_opt = Option.map snd res in Alcotest.(check (option Testable.builder_web_auth)) "remove user" auth_opt None let test_user_update (module Db : CONN) = let auth' = Builder_web_auth.hash ~scrypt_params ~username ~password:"differentpassword" ~restricted () in Db.exec Builder_db.User.update_user auth' >>= fun () -> Db.find_opt Builder_db.User.get_user username >>| fun res -> let auth_opt = Option.map snd res in Alcotest.(check (option Testable.builder_web_auth)) "update user" auth_opt (Some auth') let test_user_auth (module Db : CONN) = Db.find_opt Builder_db.User.get_user username >>| function | None -> Alcotest.fail "user not found" | Some (_id, auth') -> Alcotest.(check bool) "authorized" (Builder_web_auth.verify_password password auth') true let test_user_unauth (module Db : CONN) = Db.find_opt Builder_db.User.get_user username >>| function | None -> Alcotest.fail "user not found" | Some (_id, auth') -> Alcotest.(check bool) "unauthorized" (Builder_web_auth.verify_password "wrong" auth') false let job_name = "test-job" let script = Fpath.v "/dev/null" let uuid = Uuidm.v `V4 let console = Fpath.v "/dev/null" let start = Option.get (Ptime.of_float_s 0.) let finish = Option.get (Ptime.of_float_s 1.) let result = Builder.Exited 0 let main_binary = let filepath = Result.get_ok (Fpath.of_string "bin/hello.sh") in let data = "#!/bin/sh\necho Hello, World\n" in let sha256 = Digestif.SHA256.(to_raw_string (digest_string data)) in let size = String.length data in { Builder_db.Rep.filepath; sha256; size } let main_binary2 = let data = "#!/bin/sh\necho Hello, World 2\n" in let sha256 = Digestif.SHA256.(to_raw_string (digest_string data)) in let size = String.length data in { main_binary with sha256 ; size } let platform = "exotic-os" let fail_if_none a = Option.to_result ~none:(`Msg "Failed to retrieve") a let add_test_build user_id (module Db : CONN) = let open Builder_db in Db.start () >>= fun () -> Db.exec Job.try_add job_name >>= fun () -> Db.find_opt Job.get_id_by_name job_name >>= fail_if_none >>= fun job_id -> Db.exec Build.add { Build.uuid; start; finish; result; console; script; platform; main_binary = None; input_id = None; user_id; job_id } >>= fun () -> Db.find last_insert_rowid () >>= fun id -> Db.exec Build_artifact.add (main_binary, id) >>= fun () -> Db.find last_insert_rowid () >>= fun main_binary_id -> Db.exec Build.set_main_binary (id, main_binary_id) >>= fun () -> Db.commit () let with_build_db f () = or_fail (setup_db () >>= fun conn -> add_test_user conn >>= fun user_id -> add_test_build user_id conn >>= fun () -> f conn) let test_job_get_id_by_name (module Db : CONN) = Db.find_opt Builder_db.Job.get_id_by_name job_name >>= fail_if_none >>| fun _id -> () let test_job_get (module Db : CONN) = Db.find_opt Builder_db.Job.get_id_by_name job_name >>= fail_if_none >>= fun job_id -> Db.find_opt Builder_db.Job.get job_id >>| fun job_name' -> Alcotest.(check (option string)) "job equal" job_name' (Some job_name) let test_job_remove () = let r = setup_db () >>= fun (module Db : CONN) -> Db.exec Builder_db.Job.try_add "test-job" >>= fun () -> Db.find_opt Builder_db.Job.get_id_by_name "test-job" >>= fail_if_none >>= fun id -> Db.exec Builder_db.Job.remove id >>= fun () -> match Db.find Builder_db.Job.get id with | Error #Caqti_error.call_or_retrieve -> Ok () | Ok _ -> Alcotest.fail "expected no job" in or_fail r let test_build_get_by_uuid (module Db : CONN) = Db.find_opt Builder_db.Build.get_by_uuid uuid >>| get_opt "no build" >>| fun (_id, build) -> Alcotest.(check Testable.uuid) "same uuid" build.uuid uuid let test_build_get_all (module Db : CONN) = Db.find_opt Builder_db.Job.get_id_by_name job_name >>= fail_if_none >>= fun job_id -> Db.collect_list Builder_db.Build.get_all job_id >>| fun builds -> Alcotest.(check int) "one build" (List.length builds) 1 let uuid' = Uuidm.v `V4 let start' = Option.get (Ptime.of_float_s 3600.) let finish' = Option.get (Ptime.of_float_s 3601.) let add_second_build (module Db : CONN) = let uuid = uuid' and start = start' and finish = finish' in let open Builder_db in Db.find_opt User.get_user username >>= fail_if_none >>= fun (user_id, _) -> Db.start () >>= fun () -> Db.find_opt Job.get_id_by_name job_name >>= fail_if_none >>= fun job_id -> Db.exec Build.add { Build.uuid; start; finish; result; console; script; platform; main_binary = None; input_id = None; user_id; job_id; } >>= fun () -> Db.find last_insert_rowid () >>= fun id -> Db.exec Build_artifact.add (main_binary2, id) >>= fun () -> Db.find last_insert_rowid () >>= fun main_binary_id -> Db.exec Build.set_main_binary (id, main_binary_id) >>= fun () -> Db.commit () let test_build_get_latest (module Db : CONN) = add_second_build (module Db) >>= fun () -> (* Test *) Db.find_opt Builder_db.Job.get_id_by_name job_name >>= fail_if_none >>= fun job_id -> Db.find_opt Builder_db.Build.get_latest_successful_with_binary (job_id, platform) >>| get_opt "no latest build" >>| fun (_id, meta, main_binary') -> Alcotest.(check Testable.file) "same main binary" main_binary2 main_binary'; Alcotest.(check Testable.uuid) "same uuid" meta.uuid uuid' let test_build_get_previous (module Db : CONN) = add_second_build (module Db) >>= fun () -> Db.find_opt Builder_db.Build.get_by_uuid uuid' >>| get_opt "no build" >>= fun (id, _build) -> Db.find_opt Builder_db.Build.get_previous_successful_different_output id >>| get_opt "no previous build" >>| fun build -> Alcotest.(check Testable.uuid) "same uuid" build.Builder_db.Build.uuid uuid let test_build_get_previous_none (module Db : CONN) = Db.find_opt Builder_db.Build.get_by_uuid uuid >>| get_opt "no build" >>= fun (id, _build) -> Db.find_opt Builder_db.Build.get_previous_successful_different_output id >>| function | None -> () | Some build -> Alcotest.failf "Got unexpected result %a" Uuidm.pp build.Builder_db.Build.uuid let test_build_get_with_jobname_by_hash (module Db : CONN) = add_second_build (module Db) >>= fun () -> Db.find_opt Builder_db.Build.get_with_jobname_by_hash main_binary.sha256 >>| get_opt "no build" >>= fun (job_name', build) -> Alcotest.(check string) "same job" job_name' job_name; Alcotest.(check Testable.uuid) "same uuid" build.uuid uuid; Db.find_opt Builder_db.Build.get_with_jobname_by_hash main_binary2.sha256 >>| get_opt "no build" >>| fun (job_name', build) -> Alcotest.(check string) "same job" job_name' job_name; Alcotest.(check Testable.uuid) "same uuid" build.uuid uuid' let test_artifact_get_all_by_build (module Db : CONN) = Db.find_opt Builder_db.Build.get_by_uuid uuid >>| get_opt "no build" >>= fun (id, _build) -> Db.collect_list Builder_db.Build_artifact.get_all_by_build id >>| fun build_artifacts -> Alcotest.(check int) "one build artifact" (List.length build_artifacts) 1 let test_artifact_get_by_build_uuid (module Db : CONN) = Db.find_opt Builder_db.Build_artifact.get_by_build_uuid (uuid, main_binary.Builder_db.Rep.filepath) >>| get_opt "no build" >>| fun (_id, file) -> Alcotest.(check Testable.file) "same file" file main_binary let test_artifact_exists_true (module Db : CONN) = Db.find Builder_db.Build_artifact.exists main_binary.sha256 >>| fun exists -> Alcotest.(check bool) "main binary exists" true exists let test_artifact_exists_false (module Db : CONN) = Db.find Builder_db.Build_artifact.exists main_binary2.sha256 >>| fun exists -> Alcotest.(check bool) "main binary2 doesn't exists" false exists (* XXX: This test should fail because main_binary on the corresponding build * references its main_binary. This is not the case now due to foreign key. *) let test_artifact_remove_by_build (module Db : CONN) = Db.find_opt Builder_db.Build.get_by_uuid uuid >>| get_opt "no build" >>= fun (id, _build) -> Db.exec Builder_db.Build_artifact.remove_by_build id let test_get_builds_older_than (module Db : CONN) = add_second_build (module Db) >>= fun () -> let date = Option.get (Ptime.of_float_s (3600. /. 2.)) in Db.find_opt Builder_db.Job.get_id_by_name job_name >>= fail_if_none >>= fun job_id -> Db.collect_list Builder_db.Build.get_builds_older_than (job_id, None, date) >>= fun builds -> let builds = List.map (fun (_, { Builder_db.Build.uuid; _ }) -> uuid) builds in Alcotest.(check (list Testable.uuid)) "last build" builds [ uuid ]; Db.collect_list Builder_db.Build.get_builds_older_than (job_id, None, Ptime_clock.now ()) >>= fun builds -> let builds = List.map (fun (_, { Builder_db.Build.uuid; _ }) -> uuid) builds in (* NOTE(dinosaure): from the most recent to the older. *) Alcotest.(check (list Testable.uuid)) "last builds" builds [ uuid'; uuid ]; Ok () let test_builds_excluding_latest_n (module Db : CONN) = add_second_build (module Db) >>= fun () -> Db.find_opt Builder_db.Job.get_id_by_name job_name >>= fail_if_none >>= fun job_id -> Db.collect_list Builder_db.Build.get_builds_excluding_latest_n (job_id, None, 1) >>= fun builds -> let builds = List.map (fun (_, { Builder_db.Build.uuid; _ }) -> uuid) builds in Alcotest.(check (list Testable.uuid)) "keep recent build" builds [ uuid ]; Db.collect_list Builder_db.Build.get_builds_excluding_latest_n (job_id, None, 2) >>= fun builds -> let builds = List.map (fun (_, { Builder_db.Build.uuid; _ }) -> uuid) builds in Alcotest.(check (list Testable.uuid)) "keep 2 builds" builds []; Db.collect_list Builder_db.Build.get_builds_excluding_latest_n (job_id, None, 3) >>= fun builds -> let builds = List.map (fun (_, { Builder_db.Build.uuid; _ }) -> uuid) builds in Alcotest.(check (list Testable.uuid)) "last more builds than we have" builds []; Db.collect_list Builder_db.Build.get_builds_excluding_latest_n (job_id, None, 0) >>= fun builds -> let builds = List.map (fun (_, { Builder_db.Build.uuid; _ }) -> uuid) builds in Alcotest.(check (list Testable.uuid)) "delete all builds" builds [ uuid'; uuid ]; Db.collect_list Builder_db.Build.get_builds_excluding_latest_n (job_id, None, -1) >>= fun builds -> let builds = List.map (fun (_, { Builder_db.Build.uuid; _ }) -> uuid) builds in Alcotest.(check (list Testable.uuid)) "test an incomprehensible argument (-1)" builds [ uuid'; uuid ]; Ok () let () = let open Alcotest in Alcotest.run "Builder_db" [ "user", [ test_case "One user" `Quick (with_user_db test_user_get_all); test_case "Get user" `Quick (with_user_db test_user_get_user); test_case "Remove user by name" `Quick (with_user_db test_user_remove_user); test_case "Update user" `Quick (with_user_db test_user_update); ]; "user-auth", [ test_case "User auth success" `Quick (with_user_db test_user_auth); test_case "User auth fail" `Quick (with_user_db test_user_unauth); ]; "job", [ test_case "Add build" `Quick (with_build_db (fun _ -> Ok ())); test_case "Get job id" `Quick (with_build_db test_job_get_id_by_name); test_case "Get job" `Quick (with_build_db test_job_get); test_case "Remove job" `Quick test_job_remove; ]; "build", [ test_case "Get build" `Quick (with_build_db test_build_get_by_uuid); test_case "One build" `Quick (with_build_db test_build_get_all); test_case "Get latest build" `Quick (with_build_db test_build_get_latest); test_case "Get build by hash" `Quick (with_build_db test_build_get_with_jobname_by_hash); test_case "Get previous build" `Quick (with_build_db test_build_get_previous); test_case "Get previous build when first" `Quick (with_build_db test_build_get_previous_none); ]; "build-artifact", [ test_case "Get all by build" `Quick (with_build_db test_artifact_get_all_by_build); test_case "Get by build uuid" `Quick (with_build_db test_artifact_get_by_build_uuid); test_case "Artifact exists" `Quick (with_build_db test_artifact_exists_true); test_case "Other artifact doesn't exists" `Quick (with_build_db test_artifact_exists_false); test_case "Remove by build" `Quick (with_build_db test_artifact_remove_by_build); ]; "vacuum", [ test_case "Get builds older than now" `Quick (with_build_db test_get_builds_older_than); test_case "Get older builds and keep a fixed number of then" `Quick (with_build_db test_builds_excluding_latest_n); ] ]