module High : sig type t type 'a s = 'a Lwt.t external inj : 'a s -> ('a, t) = "%identity" external prj : ('a, t) -> 'a s = "%identity" end = struct type t type 'a s = 'a Lwt.t external inj : 'a -> 'b = "%identity" external prj : 'a -> 'b = "%identity" end let value v = Tar.High (High.inj v) let ok_value v = value (Lwt_result.ok v) let run t stream = let rec run : type a. (a, 'err, High.t) Tar.t -> (a, 'err) result Lwt.t = function | Tar.Write str -> (* Can this not fail?!? Obviously, it can, but we never know?? *) Lwt_result.ok (Dream.write stream str) | Tar.Seek _ | Tar.Read _ | Tar.Really_read _ -> assert false | Tar.Return value -> Lwt.return value | Tar.High value -> High.prj value | Tar.Bind (x, f) -> let open Lwt_result.Syntax in let* v = run x in run (f v) in run t let header_of_file mod_time (file : Builder_db.file) = let file_mode = if Fpath.is_prefix Fpath.(v "bin/") file.filepath then 0o755 else 0o644 in Tar.Header.make ~file_mode ~mod_time (Fpath.to_string file.filepath) (Int64.of_int file.size) let contents datadir file : unit -> (string option, _, _) Tar.t = let state = ref `Initial in let dispenser () = let ( let* ) = Tar.( let* ) in let src = Fpath.append datadir (Model.artifact_path file) in let* state' = match !state with | `Initial -> let* fd = ok_value (Lwt_io.open_file ~mode:Lwt_io.Input (Fpath.to_string src)) in let s = `Active fd in state := s; Tar.return (Ok s) | `Active _ | `Closed as s -> Tar.return (Ok s) in match state' with | `Closed -> Tar.return (Ok None) | `Active fd -> let* data = ok_value ( ~count:65536 fd) in if String.length data = 0 then begin state := `Closed; let* () = ok_value (Lwt_io.close fd) in Tar.return (Ok None) end else Tar.return (Ok (Some data)) in dispenser let entries datadir finish files = let files = (fun file -> let hdr = header_of_file finish file in let level = Some Tar.Header.Posix in (level, hdr, contents datadir file) ) files in let files = ref files in fun () -> match !files with | [] -> Tar.return (Ok None) | f :: fs -> files := fs; Tar.return (Ok (Some f)) let targz_response datadir finish files stream = let entries : (_, _) Tar.entries = entries datadir finish files in let global_hdr = Tar.Header.Extended.make ~comment:"Tar file produced by builder-web.%%VERSION_NUM%%" () in let finish32 = Int64.to_int32 finish in Logs.err (fun m -> m "finished at %ld (%Ld)" finish32 finish); run (Tar_gz.out_gzipped ~level:9 ~mtime:finish32 Gz.Unix (Tar.out ~global_hdr entries)) stream