open Lwt_result.Infix let src = Logs.Src.create "builder-web.model" ~doc:"Builder_web model" module Log = (val Logs.src_log src : Logs.LOG) module type CONN = Caqti_lwt.CONNECTION type error = [ Caqti_error.call_or_retrieve | `Not_found | `File_error of Fpath.t | `Msg of string ] let pp_error ppf = function | `Not_found -> Format.fprintf ppf "value not found in database" | `File_error path -> Format.fprintf ppf "error reading file %a" Fpath.pp path | `Msg e -> Format.fprintf ppf "error %s" e | #Caqti_error.call_or_retrieve as e -> Caqti_error.pp ppf e let not_found = function | None -> Lwt.return (Error `Not_found :> (_, [> error ]) result) | Some v -> Lwt_result.return v let staging datadir = Fpath.(datadir / "_staging") let read_file filepath = Lwt.try_bind (fun () -> Lwt_io.open_file ~mode:Lwt_io.Input (Fpath.to_string filepath)) (fun ic -> Lwt_result.ok ( ic)) (function | Unix.Unix_error (e, _, _) -> Logs.warn (fun m -> m "Error reading local file %a: %s" Fpath.pp filepath (Unix.error_message e)); Lwt.return_error (`File_error filepath) | e -> e) let build_artifact build filepath (module Db : CONN) = Db.find_opt Builder_db.Build_artifact.get_by_build_uuid (build, filepath) >>= function | Some (_id, file) -> read_file file.Builder_db.localpath >|= fun data -> data, file.Builder_db.sha256 | None -> Lwt.return_error `Not_found let build_artifacts build (module Db : CONN) = Db.collect_list Builder_db.Build_artifact.get_all_by_build build >|= snd let build uuid (module Db : CONN) = Db.find_opt Builder_db.Build.get_by_uuid uuid >>= not_found let build_meta job (module Db : CONN) = Db.find_opt Builder_db.Build.get_latest job >|= (fun (_id, meta, file) -> (meta, file)) let build_hash hash (module Db : CONN) = Db.find_opt Builder_db.Build.get_by_hash hash let build_exists uuid (module Db : CONN) = Db.find_opt Builder_db.Build.get_by_uuid uuid >|= Option.is_some let main_binary id main_binary (module Db : CONN) = match main_binary with | None -> Lwt_result.return None | Some main_binary -> Db.find Builder_db.Build_artifact.get_by_build (id, main_binary) >|= fun (_id, file) -> Some file let job job (module Db : CONN) = Db.collect_list Builder_db.Build.get_all_meta_by_name job >|= (fun (_id, meta, main_binary) -> (meta, main_binary)) let jobs (module Db : CONN) = Db.collect_list Builder_db.Job.get_all () let user username (module Db : CONN) = Db.find_opt Builder_db.User.get_user username >|= snd let cleanup_staging datadir (module Db : Caqti_lwt.CONNECTION) = let cleanup_staged staged = match Uuidm.of_string (Fpath.to_string staged) with | None -> Log.warn (fun m -> m "Non-uuid staged files: %a" Fpath.pp Fpath.(staging datadir // staged)); Lwt.return (Bos.OS.Path.delete ~recurse:true Fpath.(staging datadir // staged)) | Some uuid -> let staged = Fpath.(staging datadir // staged) in Db.find_opt Builder_db.Build.get_by_uuid uuid >>= function | Some (_id, build) -> Db.find Builder_db.Job.get build.job_id >>= fun job_name -> let destdir = Fpath.(datadir / job_name / Uuidm.to_string uuid) in Lwt.return (Bos.OS.Path.move staged destdir) | None -> Lwt.return (Bos.OS.Path.delete ~recurse:true Fpath.(staging datadir // staged)) in Lwt.return (Bos.OS.Dir.contents ~rel:true (staging datadir)) >>= fun stageds -> Lwt_result.ok @@ Lwt_list.iter_s (fun staged -> (function | Error (_ as e) -> Log.warn (fun m -> m "Failed cleaning up staged files %a in %a: %a" Fpath.pp staged Fpath.pp Fpath.(staging datadir // staged) pp_error e) | Ok () -> ()) (cleanup_staged staged)) stageds let save file data = let open Lwt.Infix in Lwt.catch (fun () -> Lwt_io.open_file ~mode:Lwt_io.Output (Fpath.to_string file) >>= fun oc -> Lwt_io.write oc data >>= fun () -> Lwt_io.close oc |> Lwt_result.ok) (function | Unix.Unix_error (e, _, _) -> (`Msg (Unix.error_message e)) | e -> e) let save_exec build_dir exec = let cs = Builder.Asn.exec_to_cs exec in save Fpath.(build_dir / "full") (Cstruct.to_string cs) let save_file dir staging (filepath, data) = let size = String.length data in let sha256 = Mirage_crypto.Hash.SHA256.digest (Cstruct.of_string data) in let localpath = Fpath.append dir filepath in let destpath = Fpath.append staging filepath in Lwt_result.lift (Bos.OS.Dir.create (Fpath.parent destpath)) >>= fun _ -> save destpath data >|= fun () -> { Builder_db.filepath; localpath; sha256; size } let save_files dir staging files = List.fold_left (fun r file -> r >>= fun acc -> save_file dir staging file >>= fun file -> Lwt_result.return (file :: acc)) (Lwt_result.return []) files let save_all basedir staging_dir ((job, uuid, _, _, _, _, artifacts) as exec) = let build_dir = Fpath.(basedir / / Uuidm.to_string uuid) in let input_dir = Fpath.(build_dir / "input") and staging_input_dir = Fpath.(staging_dir / "input") in let output_dir = Fpath.(build_dir / "output") and staging_output_dir = Fpath.(staging_dir / "output") in Lwt.return (Bos.OS.Dir.create staging_dir) >>= (fun created -> if not created then (`Msg "build directory already exists") else Lwt_result.return ()) >>= fun () -> Lwt.return (Bos.OS.Dir.create staging_input_dir) >>= fun _ -> Lwt.return (Bos.OS.Dir.create staging_output_dir) >>= fun _ -> save_exec staging_dir exec >>= fun () -> save_files output_dir staging_output_dir artifacts >>= fun artifacts -> save_files input_dir staging_input_dir job.Builder.files >>= fun input_files -> Lwt_result.return (artifacts, input_files) let commit_files basedir staging_dir job_name uuid = let job_dir = Fpath.(basedir / job_name) in let dest = Fpath.(job_dir / Uuidm.to_string uuid) in Lwt.return (Bos.OS.Dir.create job_dir) >>= fun _ -> Lwt.return (Bos.OS.Path.move staging_dir dest) let add_build basedir ((job, uuid, console, start, finish, result, _) as exec) (module Db : CONN) = let open Builder_db in let job_name = in let staging_dir = Fpath.(staging basedir / Uuidm.to_string uuid) in let or_cleanup x = Lwt_result.map_err (fun e -> Bos.OS.Dir.delete ~recurse:true staging_dir |> Result.iter_error (fun e -> Log.err (fun m -> m "Failed to remove staging dir %a: %a" Fpath.pp staging_dir pp_error e)); e) x in or_cleanup (save_all basedir staging_dir exec) >>= fun (artifacts, input_files) -> let main_binary = match List.find_all (fun file -> Fpath.is_prefix (Fpath.v "bin/") file.Builder_db.filepath) artifacts with | [ main_binary ] -> Some main_binary.filepath | [] -> Log.debug (fun m -> m "Zero binaries for build %a" Uuidm.pp uuid); None | binaries -> Log.debug (fun m -> m "Multiple binaries for build %a: %a" Uuidm.pp uuid Fmt.(list ~sep:(any ",") Fpath.pp) ( (fun f -> f.filepath) binaries)); None in let r = Db.start () >>= fun () -> Db.exec Job.try_add job_name >>= fun () -> Db.find Job.get_id_by_name job_name >>= fun job_id -> Db.exec Build.add { Build.uuid; start; finish; result; console; script = job.Builder.script; main_binary; job_id } >>= fun () -> Db.find last_insert_rowid () >>= fun id -> List.fold_left (fun r file -> r >>= fun () -> Db.exec Build_artifact.add (file, id)) (Lwt_result.return ()) artifacts >>= fun () -> List.fold_left (fun r file -> r >>= fun () -> Db.exec Build_file.add (file, id)) (Lwt_result.return ()) input_files >>= fun () -> Db.commit () >>= fun () -> commit_files basedir staging_dir job_name uuid in or_cleanup r