# Builder-web - a web frontend for reproducible builds Builder-web takes in submissions of builds, typically from [builder](https://github.com/roburio/builder/), and displays the produced artifacts in a way that makes it easy to compare checksums and build status. Produced binaries can be downloaded and executed. [builds.robur.coop](https://builds.robur.coop/) itself runs builder-web. ## Overview Builder-web is a single binary web server using a sqlite3 database with versioned schemas. Finished builds from [builder](https://github.com/roburio/builder/) are uploaded to builder-web, stored and indexed in the database and presented in the web interface to the user. Users can: * Get an overview of *jobs* - a job is typically script or opam package that is run and builds an artifact, * Browse all *builds* of a job - each job may have multiple builds, that are executed periodically by builder * Browse individual *build* and download artifacts and build information for reproducing the same binary. * Compare two builds, observing the differences in used opam packages, environment variables, and system packages. * Search for the SHA-256 hash of a binary to view a build that resulted in that binary. ## Installation Installing from source can be done with opam: `opam install builder-web`. We also provide [reproducible binary packages](https://builds.robur.coop/job/builder-web/). ## Setup Builder-web consists of a binary `builder-web` that runs a web server on port 3000 listening on all interfaces by default. These values can be changed with the `--port` and `--host` flags respectively. See `builder-web --help` for more information. Service scripts for FreeBSD and systemd are provided. The web server expects a sqlite3 database in its data directory. An empty database can be created with `builder-db migrate`. ## Database migrations The sqlite3 database builder-web uses contains versioning information. On every schema change the database schema version is updated, and migration and rollback scripts are provided. The tool for database migrations is `builder-migrations`. See the `builder-migrations --help` output for each migration for further details.