module H = Tyxml.Html let pp_ptime ppf ptime = let (y, m, d), ((hh, mm, ss), _) = Ptime.to_date_time ptime in ppf "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02dZ" y m d hh mm ss let txtf fmt = Fmt.kstr H.txt fmt let a_titlef fmt = Fmt.kstr H.a_title fmt let check_icon result = match result with | Builder.Exited 0 -> H.span ~a:H.[ a_class ["text-primary-500 cursor-pointer"]; a_titlef "%a" Builder.pp_execution_result result; ] [H.txt "☑"] | _ -> H.span ~a:H.[ a_class ["text-secondary-500 cursor-pointer"]; a_titlef "%a" Builder.pp_execution_result result; ] [H.txt "☒"] type nav = [ | `Default | `Job of string * string option | `Build of string * Builder_db.Build.t | `Comparison of (string * Builder_db.Build.t) * (string * Builder_db.Build.t) ] let pp_platform = Fmt.(option ~none:(any "") (append (any "on ") string)) let make_breadcrumbs nav = let to_nav kvs = H.nav [ H.ul ( (fun (desc, href) -> [H.a ~a:H.[a_href href] [desc]] ) kvs )] in match nav with | `Default -> to_nav [H.txt "Home", "/"] | `Job (job_name, platform) -> let queries = platform |> (fun v -> `Platform v) |> Option.to_list in to_nav [ H.txt "Home", "/"; txtf "Job %s" job_name, Link.Job.make ~job_name (); ( txtf "%a" pp_platform platform, Link.Job.make ~job_name ~queries () ) ] | `Build (job_name, build) -> to_nav [ H.txt "Home", "/"; txtf "Job %s" job_name, Link.Job.make ~job_name (); ( txtf "%a" pp_platform (Some build.Builder_db.Build.platform), Link.Job.make ~job_name ~queries:[ `Platform build.Builder_db.Build.platform ] () ); ( txtf "Build %a" pp_ptime build.Builder_db.Build.start, Link.Job_build.make ~job_name ~build:build.Builder_db.Build.uuid () ); ] | `Comparison ((job_left, build_left), (job_right, build_right)) -> to_nav [ H.txt "Home", "/"; ( txtf "Comparison between %s@%a and %s@%a" job_left pp_ptime build_left.Builder_db.Build.start job_right pp_ptime build_right.Builder_db.Build.start, Link.Compare_builds.make ~left:build_left.uuid ~right:build_right.uuid () ); ] let layout ?include_static_css ?(nav=`Default) ?(manual_width=false) ~title body = let breadcrumb = make_breadcrumbs nav in (*> Note: Last declared CSS wins - so one can override here*) let static_css = Styles.static_css :: Option.to_list include_static_css in let body = let _style_grid_container = H.a_style "\ display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; min-width: 83em; " and _style_grid = H.a_style @@ if manual_width then "" else "\ width: 76%;\ " in [ H.div ~a:[ ] [ H.div ~a:[ ] body ]] in H.html (H.head (H.title (H.txt title)) [ ~a:H.[a_mime_type "text/css"] static_css]) (H.body ~a:[H.a_class ["bg-black-molly mx-auto p-10"]] [ H.div ~a:[H.a_class ["fixed text-center"]; H.a_style "padding: 9rem;"] [ H.img ~a:[H.a_class [""]] ~src:"" ~alt:"Robur Logo" () ]; H.div ~a:[H.a_class ["max-w-7xl mx-auto"]] [ H.(div ~a:[a_class ["flex justify-between items-center"]] [ div [breadcrumb]; div [ form ~a:[a_action "/hash"; a_method `Get; a_class ["mt-6 p-4"]] [ label ~a:[a_class ["block text-lg font-semibold mb-2 text-right"]] [ txt "Search artifact by SHA256"; ]; div ~a:[a_class ["w-full flex space-x-2 justify-end justify-items-center items-center"]] [ div [ input ~a:[ a_input_type `Search; a_id "sha256"; a_required (); a_name "sha256"; a_class ["w-full text-gray-800 rounded px-3 py-2 focus:ring-0 focus:ring-primary-500"] ] () ]; div ~a:[a_class ["text-center"]] [ input ~a:[ a_input_type `Submit; a_value "Search"; a_class ["mt-3 bg-primary-500 text-gray-50 cursor-pointer font-bold py-2 px-4 rounded hover:bg-primary-800"] ] () ] ] ] ] ]); H.main body ]; ]) let toggleable ?(hidden=true) ~id ~description content = let checked = if hidden then [] else H.[a_checked ()] in H.div [ H.label ~a:H.[ a_label_for id; a_class ["toggleable-descr"]; ] [H.txt description]; H.input ~a:(checked @ H.[ a_input_type `Checkbox; a_id id; a_style "display: none;"; ]) (); H.div ~a:H.[ a_class ["toggleable"] ] content; ] let artifact ~basename ~job_name ~build ~file:{ Builder_db.filepath; sha256; size } = let artifact_link = Link.Job_build_artifact.make ~job_name ~build:build.Builder_db.Build.uuid ~artifact:(`File filepath) () in H.(div [ a ~a:[a_href artifact_link; a_class ["text-primary-500 underline"]] [ (if basename then txt ("Download " ^ Fpath.basename filepath) else txtf "Download %a" Fpath.pp filepath); txtf " (%a)" Fmt.byte_size size; ]; br (); code [txtf "SHA256:%s" (Ohex.encode sha256)]; ]) let page_not_found ~target ~referer = [ H.h2 ~a:[ H.a_style "padding-top: 33vh" ] [ txtf "This page does not exist" ]; H.p [ H.txt @@ Fmt.str "You requested the page %s" target ]; ] @ ( match referer with | None -> [] | Some prev_url -> [ H.p [ H.txt "Go back to "; H.a ~a:H.[ a_href prev_url ] [ H.txt prev_url ]; ]; ] ) |> layout ~title:"Page not found" let viz_not_found = let title = "Visualization not found" in let content = [ H.h2 ~a:[ H.a_style "\ padding-top: 41vh;\ text-align: center;\ "] [ txtf "%s" title ]; ] in let static_css = Styles.static_css :: [ "\ body { background: rgb(191,191,191); }\ "] in let body = [ H.div content ] in H.html (H.head (H.title (H.txt title)) [ ~a:H.[a_mime_type "text/css"] static_css]) (H.body [ H.main body ]) module Builds = struct let make_header = H.([ div ~a:[a_class ["header container mx-auto px-4 py-8 text-gray-800"]] [ (* Logo Section *) div ~a:[a_class ["flex items-center mb-6"]] [ ]; h1 ~a:[a_class ["text-7xl font-bold text-primary-600 text-center"]] [txt "Reproducible OPAM Builds"] ]; div ~a:[a_class ["grid grid-cols-2 gap-3"]] [ div [ p ~a:[a_class ["text-lg mb-4"]] [ txt "This website offers binary MirageOS unikernels and supplementary OS packages. "; txt "If you want to use our binary packages and setup unikernels, follow "; a ~a:[a_href ""; a_class ["text-primary-500 underline font-mono"]] [txt "these instructions"]; txt "." ]; p ~a:[a_class ["text-lg mb-4"]] [ txt "The unikernels are statically linked executables where the execution target is "; txt "independent of the build platform - so even if they're compiled on a FreeBSD "; txt "system they can be run on a Linux or OpenBSD host. Many are executed using a "; a ~a:[a_href ""; a_class ["text-primary-500 underline font-mono"]] [txt "solo5"]; txt " tender." ]; ]; div [ p ~a:[a_class ["text-lg mt-6 mb-4"]] [ txt "A persistent link to the latest successful build is available as "; code ~a:[a_class ["px-2 py-1 rounded text-sm font-mono text-primary-500"]] [txt "/job/*jobname*/build/latest/"]; txt ". Each build can be reproduced with "; a ~a:[a_href ""; a_class ["text-primary-500 underline font-mono"]] [txt "orb"]; txt "." ]; p ~a:[a_class ["text-lg mb-4"]] [ txt "The builds are scheduled and executed daily by "; a ~a:[a_href ""; a_class ["text-primary-500 underline font-mono"]] [txt "builder"]; txt ". This web interface is "; a ~a:[a_href ""; a_class ["text-primary-500 underline font-mono"]] [txt "builder-web"]; txt ". Read further information "; a ~a:[a_href ""; a_class ["text-primary-500 underline font-mono"]] [txt "on our project page"]; txt "." ]; p ~a:[a_class ["text-lg mt-6 mb-4"]] [ txt "This work has been funded by the European Union under the "; a ~a:[a_href ""; a_class ["text-primary-500 underline font-mono"]] [txt "NGI Pointer"]; txt " program. Contact team AT if you have questions or suggestions." ]; ]; ]; div ~a:[a_class ["my-4"]] [ h2 ~a:[a_class ["text-xl font-semibold mt-6 mb-2"]] [txt "Execution Environments"]; ul ~a:[a_class ["list-disc list-inside text-lg space-y-2 font-mono"]] [ li [span ~a:[a_class ["text-primary-500"]] [txt ".spt: "]; txt "sandboxed process - requires solo5-spt (Linux with seccomp)"]; li [span ~a:[a_class ["text-primary-500"]] [txt ".xen: "]; txt "Xen PVH virtual machine (on a Xen or QubesOS host)"]; li [span ~a:[a_class ["text-primary-500"]] [txt ".virtio: "]; txt "any virtio environment (qemu, GCE, KVM, BHyve)"]; li [span ~a:[a_class ["text-primary-500"]] [txt ".muem: "]; txt "on muen"] ]; ] ] ) let make_platform_builds ~job_name (platform, latest_build, latest_artifact) = H.([ div ~a:[a_class ["grid grid-cols-3 space-y-2 p-2 rounded-lg"]] [ div ~a:[a_class ["flex items-center space-x-2"]] [ check_icon latest_build.Builder_db.Build.result; a ~a:[ a_href @@ Link.Job.make ~job_name ~queries:[ `Platform platform ] (); a_class ["text-primary-500 underline font-medium"] ] [txt platform] ]; div ~a:[a_class ["text-gray-300"]] [ a ~a:[ a_href @@ Link.Job_build.make ~job_name ~build:latest_build.Builder_db.Build.uuid (); a_class ["underline text-primary-500"] ] [txtf "%a" pp_ptime latest_build.Builder_db.Build.start]; ]; div ~a:[a_class [""]] [ artifact ~basename:true ~job_name ~build:latest_build ~file:latest_artifact ]; ]; ]) let make_jobs jobs = H.(table ~a:[a_class ["table-auto min-w-full"]] ~thead: (thead [ tr []; ]) ( (fun (job_name, synopsis, platform_builds) -> tr ~a:[a_class ["divide-y divide-gray-600"]] [ td ~a:[a_class ["px-6 py-4 font-medium text-gray-200"]] [ a ~a:[a_href ("/job/" ^ job_name ^ "/"); a_class ["text-primary-500 font-bold"]] [txt job_name]; br(); txt (Option.value ~default:"" synopsis); ]; td ~a:[a_class ["px-6 py-4 text-gray-400"]] [ div ~a:[a_class ["flex flex-col text-wrap"]] (List.concat_map (make_platform_builds ~job_name) platform_builds); ]; ]; ) jobs)) let make_body section_job_map = let aux section jobs acc = acc @ [ H.div ~a:[H.a_class ["my-4 py-4 divide-y divide-gray-300"]] [ H.h2 ~a:[H.a_class ["text-xl uppercase font-bold my-4"]] [ H.txt section ]; make_jobs jobs; ] ] in Utils.String_map.fold aux section_job_map [] let make_failed_builds = [ H.div ~a:H.[a_class ["flex justify-center mt-6"]] [ H.a ~a:H.[a_href "/failed-builds"; a_class ["text-secondary-500 underline font-semibold"]] [H.txt "View Latest Failed Builds"]; ]] let make_all_or_active all = [ H.div ~a:H.[a_class ["flex justify-center mt-6"]] [ H.a ~a:H.[a_href (if all then "/" else "/all-builds"); a_class ["text-primary-500 underline font-semibold"]] [H.txt (if all then "View Active Jobs" else "View All Jobs")]; ]] let make ~all section_job_map = layout ~title:"Reproducible OPAM builds" (make_header @ make_body section_job_map @ make_failed_builds @ make_all_or_active all) let make_json ~all:_ section_job_map = let all_jobs = Utils.String_map.fold (fun _section jobs acc -> (fun (job_name, _, _) -> `String job_name) jobs @ acc) section_job_map [] in let by_section = Utils.String_map.fold (fun section jobs acc -> (section, `List ( (fun (job_name, _, _) -> `String job_name) jobs)) :: acc) section_job_map [] in `Assoc [ "jobs", `List all_jobs; "jobs_by_section", `Assoc by_section; ] end module Job = struct let make_header ~job_name ~platform ~readme = H.(h1 ~a:[a_class ["text-4xl font-bold text-center my-4"]] [txtf "Job %s %a" job_name pp_platform platform]) :: ( match readme with | None -> [] | Some data -> [ H.(div ~a:[a_class ["flex justify-between items-center"]] [ h2 ~a:[a_id "readme"; a_class ["text-2xl"]] [txt "README"]; a ~a:[a_href "#builds"; a_class ["text-primary-500 underline"]] [txt "Skip to builds"]; ]); (Utils.md_to_html ~adjust_heading:2 data) ] ) let make_build ~job_name (build, main_binary) = H.(li ~a:[a_class ["my-4 p-4 border-t-1"]] ( [ div ~a:[a_class ["flex my-2"]] [ check_icon build.Builder_db.Build.result; p ~a:[a_class ["text-xl px-2"]] [txtf " %s " build.platform;]; ]; a ~a:[ a_href @@ Link.Job_build.make ~job_name ~build:build.Builder_db.Build.uuid (); a_class ["text-primary-500 underline font-mono my-2"] ] [ txtf "%a" pp_ptime build.Builder_db.Build.start; ]; ] @ match main_binary with | Some main_binary -> [artifact ~basename:true ~job_name ~build ~file:main_binary] | None -> [ txtf "Build failure: %a" Builder.pp_execution_result build.Builder_db.Build.result ] )) let make_builds ~failed ~job_name ~platform builds = [ H.(div ~a:[a_class ["flex justify-between items-center"]] [ h2 ~a:[a_id "builds"; a_class ["text-2xl"]] [txt "Builds"]; a ~a:[a_href "#readme"; a_class ["text-primary-500 underline"]] [txt "Back to readme"]; ]); H.ul (builds |> (make_build ~job_name)); let queries = platform |> (fun p -> `Platform p) |> Option.to_list in if failed then H.p [ H.txt "Excluding failed builds " ; H.a ~a:H.[ a_href @@ Link.Job.make ~job_name ~queries (); a_class ["text-primary-500 underline font-mono"] ] [H.txt "here"] ; H.txt "." ] else H.p [ H.txt "Including failed builds " ; H.a ~a:H.[ a_href @@ Link.Job.make_failed ~job_name ~queries (); a_class ["text-secondary-500 underline font-mono"] ] [H.txt "here"] ; H.txt "." ] ] let make_body ~failed ~job_name ~platform ~readme builds = make_header ~job_name ~platform ~readme @ make_builds ~failed ~job_name ~platform builds let make ~failed ~job_name ~platform ~readme builds = let nav = `Job (job_name, platform) in let title = Fmt.str "Job %s %a" job_name pp_platform platform in layout ~nav ~title @@ make_body ~failed ~job_name ~platform ~readme builds let make_json ~failed:_ ~job_name:_ ~platform:_ ~readme:_ builds = (* For now we will ignore most arguments. It's to keep the arguments the same as [make]. This is subject to change. *) let build (build, main_binary) = let main_binary = match main_binary with | None -> `Null | Some { Builder_db.filepath; sha256; size } -> `Assoc [ "filename", `String (Fpath.basename filepath); "sha256", `String (Ohex.encode sha256); "size", `Int size; ] in `Assoc [ "uuid", `String (Uuidm.to_string build.Builder_db.Build.uuid); "main_binary", main_binary ] in `Assoc [ "builds", `List ( build builds); ] end module Job_build = struct let contains_debug_bin artifacts = let check f = Fpath.has_ext "debug" f.Builder_db.filepath in List.exists check artifacts let make_artifacts ~job_name ~build_uuid ~artifacts ~main_binary ~solo5_manifest = let solo5_devices solo5_manifest = let pp_devices = let pp_device_name ppf = function | Solo5_elftool.Dev_block_basic name | Solo5_elftool.Dev_net_basic name -> ppf "%S" name in Fmt.(list ~sep:(any ", ") pp_device_name) in match List.partition (function Solo5_elftool.Dev_block_basic _ -> true | _ -> false) solo5_manifest.Solo5_elftool.entries with | [], [] -> [txtf "with no devices in solo5 manifest"] | (_::_) as block_devices, [] -> [txtf "with block devices %a" pp_devices block_devices] | [], ((_::_) as net_devices) -> [txtf "with net devices %a" pp_devices net_devices] | block_devices, net_devices -> [txtf "with block devices %a, and net devices %a" pp_devices block_devices pp_devices net_devices] in let aux (file:Builder_db.file) = let sha256_hex = Ohex.encode file.sha256 in [ H.(dt [ a ~a:[a_href @@ Link.Job_build_artifact.make ~job_name ~build:build_uuid ~artifact:(`File file.filepath) (); a_class ["text-primary-500 underline"] ] [code [txtf "%a" Fpath.pp file.filepath; txtf " (%a)" Fmt.byte_size file.size]] ]); H.dd ([ H.code [H.txt "SHA256:"; H.txt sha256_hex]; ] @ match main_binary, solo5_manifest with | Some main_binary, Some solo5_manifest when main_binary = file -> ( () :: solo5_devices solo5_manifest) | _ -> []); ] in [ H.(h3 ~a:[a_class ["text-xl font-semibold my-4"]] [txt "Build artifacts"]); H.(dl ~a:[a_class ["p-4 my-4"]] (List.concat_map aux artifacts)) ] let make_reproductions ~job_name ~(build:Builder_db.Build.t) ~same_input_same_output ~different_input_same_output = let same_input_same_output_html = (fun (build:Builder_db.Build.t) -> [ txtf "on %s, same input, " build.platform; H.a ~a:H.[a_href @@ Link.Job_build.make ~job_name ~build:build.uuid ()] [txtf "%a" pp_ptime build.start] ]) same_input_same_output in let different_input_same_output_html = (fun (build':Builder_db.Build.t) -> [ txtf "on %s, different input, " build'.platform; H.a ~a:H.[ a_href @@ Link.Compare_builds.make ~left:build'.uuid ~right:build.uuid ()] [txtf "%a" pp_ptime build'.start] ]) different_input_same_output in [ H.(div ~a:[a_class ["my-4"]] [ h3 ~a:[a_class ["text-xl font-semibold"]] [ txtf "Reproduced by %d builds" (List.length (same_input_same_output @ different_input_same_output))]; ul @@ ( same_input_same_output_html @ different_input_same_output_html ) ]) ] let make_not_reproducible ~(build:Builder_db.Build.t) ~same_input_different_output = if same_input_different_output = [] then [] else [ H.h3 [H.txt "Same input, different output (not reproducible!)"]; H.ul ( (fun (build':Builder_db.Build.t) -> [ txtf "on %s, " build'.platform ; H.a ~a:H.[ a_href @@ Link.Compare_builds.make ~left:build'.uuid ~right:build.uuid ()] [txtf "%a" pp_ptime build'.start] ]) same_input_different_output) ] let make_comparisons_same_platform ~(build:Builder_db.Build.t) ~previous ~latest ~next = [ H.(h3 ~a:[a_class ["my-4 text-xl font-semibold"]] [txt "Comparisons with other builds on the same platform"]); let opt_build (ctx, build') = match build' with | Some b when not (Uuidm.equal build.uuid b.Builder_db.Build.uuid) -> [ [ H.txt ctx; H.a ~a:[ H.a_href @@ Link.Compare_builds.make ~left:b.uuid ~right:build.uuid () ; H.a_class ["underline text-primary-500 font-mono"] ] [txtf "%a" pp_ptime b.start]] ] | _ -> [] in H.ul (List.concat_map opt_build [ ("Latest build ", latest) ; ("Later build with different output ", next) ; ("Earlier build with different output ", previous) ]) ] let make_build_info ~job_name ~delta ~(build:Builder_db.Build.t) ~artifacts ~main_binary ~solo5_manifest ~same_input_same_output ~different_input_same_output ~same_input_different_output ~latest ~next ~previous = [ H.(h2 ~a:[a_id "build"; a_class ["text-2xl my-4 font-semibold"]] [txtf "Build %a" pp_ptime build.start]); H.(div ~a:[a_class []] [ table ~a:[a_class ["table-auto min-w-full border my-4"]] ~thead: (thead [ tr ~a:[a_class ["border"]] [ th ~a: [ a_class [ "px-6 py-2 text-center \ font-bold \ text-primary-600 uppercase"; ]; ] [ txt "Platform" ]; th ~a: [ a_class [ "px-6 py-2 text-center \ font-bold \ text-primary-600 uppercase"; ]; ] [ txt "Duration" ]; th ~a: [ a_class [ "px-6 py-2 text-center \ font-bold \ text-primary-600 uppercase"; ]; ] [ txt "Execution Result" ]; ]; ]) [ tr ~a:[a_class ["text-center"]] [ td ~a: [ a_class [ "px-6 py-1 \ font-medium text-gray-200"; ]; ] [ txtf "%s" build.platform ]; td ~a: [ a_class [ "px-6 py-1 \ font-medium text-gray-200"; ]; ] [ txtf "%a." Ptime.Span.pp delta ]; td ~a: [ a_class [ "px-6 py-1 \ font-medium text-gray-200"; ]; ] [ txtf "%a" Builder.pp_execution_result build.result ]; ] ]; ]); H.(h3 ~a:[a_class ["text-xl font-semibold my-2"]] [txt "Build info"]); H.(div ~a:[a_class ["my-4 flex justify-between items-center"]] [ div [ a ~a:[ a_href @@ Link.Job_build_artifact.make ~job_name ~build:build.uuid ~artifact:`Console (); a_class ["text-primary-500 font-mono"] ] [H.txt "Console output -->"]; ]; div [ a ~a:[ a_href @@ Link.Job_build_artifact.make ~job_name ~build:build.uuid ~artifact:`Script (); a_class ["text-primary-500 font-mono"] ] [txt "Build script -->"]; ] ]); ] @ make_artifacts ~job_name ~build_uuid:build.uuid ~artifacts ~main_binary ~solo5_manifest @ make_reproductions ~job_name ~build ~same_input_same_output ~different_input_same_output @ make_not_reproducible ~build ~same_input_different_output @ make_comparisons_same_platform ~build ~previous ~latest ~next let viz_style_deps = " border: 0; width: 45em; height: 45.4em; max-width: 100%; max-height: 49vw; min-width: 38em; min-height: 40em; " let viz_style_treemap = " border: 0; width: 46em; height: 49.4em; max-width: 100%; max-height: 52vw; min-width: 38em; min-height: 43em; " let make_description descr_txt = H.span [ H.txt "?" ] ~a:H.[ a_title descr_txt; a_style "\ font-size: 1.2em;\ font-weight: bold;\ " ] let make_viz_section ~job_name ~artifacts ~uuid = let viz_deps = let iframe = let src = Link.Job_build_artifact.make ~job_name ~build:uuid ~artifact:`Viz_dependencies () in H.iframe ~a:H.[ a_src src; a_title "Opam dependencies"; a_style viz_style_deps ] [] in let descr_txt = "\ This is an interactive visualization of dependencies, \ focusing on how shared dependencies are. In the middle you see the primary package. \ Edges shoot out to its direct \ dependencies, including build dependencies. From these direct dependencies, edges shoot out to sets \ of their own respective direct dependencies. \ These dependency-sets include duplicates (i.e. shared dependencies) \ across the other dependency sets \ - which are shown by hovering over the \ direct dependencies of the primary package. The lightness of nodes correspond to how shared they are. See \ the exact amount of reverse dependencies in the tooltip for each \ dependency.\ " in [ iframe; (); make_description descr_txt ] in let viz_treemap = lazy ( let iframe = let src = Link.Job_build_artifact.make ~job_name ~build:uuid ~artifact:`Viz_treemap () in H.iframe ~a:H.[ a_src src; a_title "Binary dissection"; a_style viz_style_treemap ] [] in let descr_txt = "\ This interactive treemap shows the space-usage of modules/libraries inside the \ ELF binary. You can get more info from each block by \ hovering over them. On top of the treemap there is a scale, showing how much space the \ treemap itself constitutes of the binary, the excluded symbols/modules \ and the rest of the unaccounted data.\ " in [ iframe; (); make_description descr_txt ] ) in let a_paragraph = H.[ a_style "text-align: center" ] in List.flatten [ [ H.p ~a:a_paragraph viz_deps]; if not @@ contains_debug_bin artifacts then [] else [ H.p ~a:a_paragraph @@ Lazy.force viz_treemap ]; ] let make ~job_name ~(build:Builder_db.Build.t) ~artifacts ~main_binary ~solo5_manifest ~same_input_same_output ~different_input_same_output ~same_input_different_output ~latest ~next ~previous = let delta = Ptime.diff build.finish build.start in let right_column = make_viz_section ~job_name ~artifacts ~uuid:build.uuid in let left_column = make_build_info ~job_name ~delta ~build ~artifacts ~main_binary ~solo5_manifest ~same_input_same_output ~different_input_same_output ~same_input_different_output ~latest ~next ~previous in let _style_grid = H.a_style "display: flex; " in let _style_col_left = H.a_style "width: 45em; min-width: 43em;" in let _style_col_right = H.a_style "width: 50%" in let body = [ H.(h1 ~a:[a_class ["text-4xl font-bold text-center my-4"]] [txtf "Job %s" job_name]); H.div~a:[ H.a_class ["grid grid-cols-2 gap-10"] ] [ H.div~a:[ ] left_column; H.div~a:[ ] right_column ] ] in layout ~nav:(`Build (job_name, build)) ~title:(Fmt.str "Job %s %a" job_name pp_ptime build.start) ~manual_width:true body end let key_values xs = List.concat_map (fun (k, v) -> [ txtf "%s %s" k v ; () ]) xs let key_value_changes xs = List.concat_map (fun (k, v, v') -> [ txtf "%s %s->%s" k v v' ; () ]) xs let packages packages = OpamPackage.Set.elements packages |> List.concat_map (fun p -> [ txtf "%a" Opamdiff.pp_opampackage p; (); ]) let package_diffs diffs = List.concat_map (fun pd -> [ txtf "%a" Opamdiff.pp_version_diff pd; (); ]) diffs let duniverse_dirs dirs = List.concat_map (fun p -> [ txtf "%a" Opamdiff.pp_duniverse_dir p; (); ]) dirs let duniverse_diffs diffs = List.concat_map (fun p -> [ txtf "%a" Opamdiff.pp_duniverse_diff p; (); ]) diffs let opam_diffs diffs = List.concat_map (fun pd -> H.h4 ~a:[H.a_class ["text-md font-semibold text-primary-500"]] [ txtf "%a" Opamdiff.pp_opam_diff pd ] :: H.pre [ H.code [H.txt pd.diff] ] :: () :: []) diffs let compare_builds ~job_left ~job_right ~(build_left : Builder_db.Build.t) ~(build_right : Builder_db.Build.t) ~env_diff:(added_env, removed_env, changed_env) ~pkg_diff:(added_pkgs, removed_pkgs, changed_pkgs) ~opam_diff:(opam_diff, version_diff, left, right, duniverse) = let items, data = List.fold_left (fun (items, data) (id, txt, amount, code) -> let id_href = "#" ^ id in if amount = 0 then items, data else [ H.a ~a:[H.a_href id_href; H.a_class ["underline text-primary-500 font-mono"]] [txtf "%d %s" amount txt] ] :: items, data @ H.h3 ~a:[H.a_id id; H.a_class ["text-xl font-semibold my-4"]] [H.txt txt] :: code) ([], []) ([ ("opam-packages-removed", "Opam packages removed", OpamPackage.Set.cardinal left, [ H.(code ~a:[a_class ["code-diff"]] (packages left)) ]) ; ("opam-packages-installede", "New opam packages installed", OpamPackage.Set.cardinal right, [ H.(code ~a:[a_class ["code-diff"]] (packages right)) ]) ; ("opam-packages-version-diff", "Opam packages with version changes", List.length version_diff, [ H.(code ~a:[a_class ["code-diff"]] (package_diffs version_diff)) ]) ; ] @ (match duniverse with | Ok (duniverse_left, duniverse_right, duniverse_content_diff) -> [ ("duniverse-dirs-removed", "Duniverse directories removed", List.length duniverse_left, [ H.(code ~a:[a_class ["code-diff"]] (duniverse_dirs duniverse_left)) ]) ; ("duniverse-dirs-installed", "New duniverse directories installed", List.length duniverse_right, [ H.(code ~a:[a_class ["code-diff"]] (duniverse_dirs duniverse_right)) ]) ; ("duniverse-dirs-content-diff", "Duniverse directories with content changes", List.length duniverse_content_diff, [ H.(code ~a:[a_class ["code-diff"]] (duniverse_diffs duniverse_content_diff)) ]) ; ] | Error `Msg msg -> [ "duniverse-dirs-error", "Duniverse parsing error", 1, [ H.txt msg ] ] ) @ [ ("opam-packages-opam-diff", "Opam packages with changes in their opam file", List.length opam_diff, opam_diffs opam_diff) ; ("env-removed", "Environment variables removed", List.length removed_env, [ H.(code ~a:[a_class ["code-diff"]] (key_values removed_env)) ]) ; ("env-added", "New environment variables added", List.length added_env, [ H.(code ~a:[a_class ["code-diff"]] (key_values added_env)) ]) ; ("env-changed", "Environment variables changed", List.length changed_env, [ H.(code ~a:[a_class ["code-diff"]] (key_value_changes changed_env)) ]) ; ("pkgs-removed", "System packages removed", List.length removed_pkgs, [ H.(code ~a:[a_class ["code-diff"]] (key_values removed_pkgs)) ]) ; ("pkgs-added", "New system packages added", List.length added_pkgs, [ H.(code ~a:[a_class ["code-diff"]] (key_values added_pkgs)) ]) ; ("pkgs-changed", "System packages changed", List.length changed_pkgs, [ H.(code ~a:[a_class ["code-diff"]] (key_value_changes changed_pkgs)) ]) ; ]) in layout ~nav:(`Comparison ((job_left, build_left), (job_right, build_right))) ~title:(Fmt.str "Comparing builds %a and %a" Uuidm.pp build_left.uuid Uuidm.pp build_right.uuid) ([ H.(h1 ~a:[a_class ["text-center text-2xl font-semibold my-4"]] [txt "Comparing builds"]); H.(h2 ~a:[a_class ["text-center text-xl font-semibold my-4"]] [ txt "Builds "; (a ~a:[ a_href @@ Link.Job_build.make ~job_name:job_left ~build:build_left.uuid (); a_class ["text-primary-500 underline font-mono"] ] [ txtf "%s@%a %a" job_left pp_ptime build_left.start pp_platform (Some build_left.platform)]); txt " and "; a ~a:[ a_href @@ Link.Job_build.make ~job_name:job_right ~build:build_right.uuid (); a_class ["text-primary-500 underline font-mono"] ] [ txtf "%s@%a %a" job_right pp_ptime build_right.start pp_platform (Some build_right.platform)]; ]); H.(h3 ~a:[a_class ["text-right"]] [ a ~a:[ a_href @@ Link.Compare_builds.make ~left:build_right.uuid ~right:build_left.uuid (); a_class ["text-primary-500 underline font-mono"] ] [txt "Compare in reverse direction"]]) ; H.ul (List.rev items) ] @ data) let failed_builds ~start ~count builds = let build (job_name, build) = [ check_icon build.Builder_db.Build.result; txtf " %s %a " job_name pp_platform (Some build.platform); H.a ~a:H.[ a_href @@ Link.Job_build.make ~job_name ~build:build.uuid () ] [txtf "%a" pp_ptime build.start]; txtf " %a" Builder.pp_execution_result build.result; ] in layout ~title:"Failed builds" (match builds with | [] -> [ H.h1 [H.txt "No failed builds to list"]; H.p [H.txt "🥳"]; ] | _ :: _ -> [ H.h1 [H.txt "Failed builds"]; H.ul ( build builds); H.p [ txtf "View the next %d failed builds " count; H.a ~a:H.[ a_href @@ Link.Failed_builds.make ~count ~start:(start + count) () ] [ H.txt "here"]; H.txt "."; ] ])