let old_user_version = 2L let new_user_version = 3L let new_build_artifact = Caqti_request.exec ~oneshot:true Caqti_type.unit {| CREATE TABLE new_build_artifact ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, filepath TEXT NOT NULL, -- the path as in the build localpath TEXT NOT NULL, -- local path to the file on disk sha256 BLOB NOT NULL, size INTEGER NOT NULL, build INTEGER NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY(build) REFERENCES build(id), UNIQUE(build, filepath) ) |} let new_build_file = Caqti_request.exec ~oneshot:true Caqti_type.unit {| CREATE TABLE new_build_file ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, filepath TEXT NOT NULL, -- the path as in the build localpath TEXT NOT NULL, -- local path to the file on disk sha256 BLOB NOT NULL, size INTEGER NOT NULL, build INTEGER NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY(build) REFERENCES build(id), UNIQUE(build, filepath) ) |} let collect_build_artifact = Caqti_request.collect ~oneshot:true Caqti_type.unit Caqti_type.(tup3 int64 (tup3 string string octets) int64) "SELECT id, filepath, localpath, sha256, build FROM build_artifact" let collect_build_file = Caqti_request.collect ~oneshot:true Caqti_type.unit Caqti_type.(tup3 int64 (tup3 string string octets) int64) "SELECT id, filepath, localpath, sha256, build FROM build_file" let insert_new_build_artifact = Caqti_request.exec ~oneshot:true Caqti_type.(tup3 int64 (tup4 string string octets int64) int64) {| INSERT INTO new_build_artifact (id, filepath, localpath, sha256, size, build) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) |} let insert_new_build_file = Caqti_request.exec ~oneshot:true Caqti_type.(tup3 int64 (tup4 string string octets int64) int64) {| INSERT INTO new_build_file (id, filepath, localpath, sha256, size, build) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) |} let drop_build_artifact = Caqti_request.exec ~oneshot:true Caqti_type.unit "DROP TABLE build_artifact" let drop_build_file = Caqti_request.exec ~oneshot:true Caqti_type.unit "DROP TABLE build_file" let rename_build_artifact = Caqti_request.exec ~oneshot:true Caqti_type.unit "ALTER TABLE new_build_artifact RENAME TO build_artifact" let rename_build_file = Caqti_request.exec ~oneshot:true Caqti_type.unit "ALTER TABLE new_build_file RENAME TO build_file" let migrate (module Db : Caqti_blocking.CONNECTION) = let open Rresult.R.Infix in Grej.check_version ~user_version:old_user_version (module Db) >>= fun () -> Db.exec new_build_artifact () >>= fun () -> Db.rev_collect_list collect_build_artifact () >>= fun build_artifacts -> Grej.list_iter_result (fun (id, (filepath, localpath, sha256), build) -> let stats = Unix.stat localpath in Db.exec insert_new_build_artifact (id, (filepath, localpath, sha256, Int64.of_int stats.st_size), build)) build_artifacts >>= fun () -> Db.exec drop_build_artifact () >>= fun () -> Db.exec rename_build_artifact () >>= fun () -> Db.exec new_build_file () >>= fun () -> Db.rev_collect_list collect_build_file () >>= fun build_files -> Grej.list_iter_result (fun (id, (filepath, localpath, sha256), build) -> let stats = Unix.stat localpath in Db.exec insert_new_build_file (id, (filepath, localpath, sha256, Int64.of_int stats.st_size), build)) build_files >>= fun () -> Db.exec drop_build_file () >>= fun () -> Db.exec rename_build_file () >>= fun () -> Db.exec (Grej.set_version new_user_version) () let old_build_artifact = Caqti_request.exec ~oneshot:true Caqti_type.unit {| CREATE TABLE new_build_artifact ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, filepath TEXT NOT NULL, -- the path as in the build localpath TEXT NOT NULL, -- local path to the file on disk sha256 BLOB NOT NULL, build INTEGER NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY(build) REFERENCES build(id), UNIQUE(build, filepath) ) |} let old_build_file = Caqti_request.exec ~oneshot:true Caqti_type.unit {| CREATE TABLE new_build_file ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, filepath TEXT NOT NULL, -- the path as in the build localpath TEXT NOT NULL, -- local path to the file on disk sha256 BLOB NOT NULL, build INTEGER NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY(build) REFERENCES build(id), UNIQUE(build, filepath) ) |} let copy_build_artifact = Caqti_request.exec ~oneshot:true Caqti_type.unit "INSERT INTO new_build_artifact SELECT id, filepath, localpath, sha256, build FROM build_artifact" let copy_build_file = Caqti_request.exec ~oneshot:true Caqti_type.unit "INSERT INTO new_build_file SELECT id, filepath, localpath, sha256, build FROM build_file" let rollback (module Db : Caqti_blocking.CONNECTION) = let open Rresult.R.Infix in Grej.check_version ~user_version:new_user_version (module Db) >>= fun () -> Db.exec old_build_artifact () >>= fun () -> Db.exec copy_build_artifact () >>= fun () -> Db.exec drop_build_artifact () >>= fun () -> Db.exec rename_build_artifact () >>= fun () -> Db.exec old_build_file () >>= fun () -> Db.exec copy_build_file () >>= fun () -> Db.exec drop_build_file () >>= fun () -> Db.exec rename_build_file () >>= fun () -> Db.exec (Grej.set_version old_user_version) ()