module Param_verification = struct (*> None is 'verified'*) type t = wrong_type option [@@deriving yojson,show,eq] and wrong_type = { param : string; expected : string; } let alcotyp = Alcotest.testable pp equal module P = struct let is_string : (string * string) option -> _ option = function | Some _ -> None | None -> None let is_uuid = function | Some (param, value) -> begin match Uuidm.of_string value with | Some _ -> None | None -> Some { param; expected = "Uuidm.t" } end | None -> None end let param req tag = try Some (tag, Dream.param req tag) with _ -> None let ( &&& ) v v' = match v with | None -> v' | Some _ as some -> some let verify req = let verified_params = (param req "job" |> P.is_string) &&& (param req "build" |> P.is_uuid) &&& (param req "build_left" |> P.is_uuid) &&& (param req "build_right" |> P.is_uuid) &&& (param req "platform" |> P.is_string) in let response_json = verified_params |> to_yojson |> Yojson.Safe.to_string in Dream.respond response_json end let router = let tmp = Fpath.v "/tmp" in Builder_web.routes ~datadir:tmp ~cachedir:tmp ~configdir:tmp |> (fun (meth, route, _handler) -> meth, route, Param_verification.verify) |> Builder_web.to_dream_routes |> Dream.router |> Builder_web.Middleware.remove_trailing_url_slash |> Dream.test let test_link method_ target () = let req = Dream.request ~method_ ~target "" in let resp = router req in let status_code = Dream.(status resp |> status_to_int) in Alcotest.(check' int ~msg:"status-code" ~actual:status_code ~expected:200); let body = Dream.body resp |> |> Yojson.Safe.from_string |> Param_verification.of_yojson |> Result.get_ok in Alcotest.(check' Param_verification.alcotyp ~msg:"param-verification" ~actual:body ~expected:None) let test_link_artifact artifact = let job_name = "test" in let build = Uuidm.v `V4 in test_link `GET @@ Builder_web.Link.Job_build_artifact.make ~job_name ~build ~artifact () let () = "Router" [ "Link module synced", Alcotest.[ test_case "Link.Root.make" `Quick begin test_link `GET @@ Builder_web.Link.Root.make () end; test_case "Link.Job.make" `Quick begin let queries = [ `Platform "test" ] in let job_name = "test" in test_link `GET @@ Builder_web.Link.Job.make ~queries ~job_name () end; test_case "Link.Job.make_failed" `Quick begin let queries = [ `Platform "test" ] in let job_name = "test" in test_link `GET @@ Builder_web.Link.Job.make_failed ~queries ~job_name () end; test_case "Link.Job_build.make" `Quick begin let job_name = "test" in let build = Uuidm.v `V4 in test_link `GET @@ Builder_web.Link.Job_build.make ~job_name ~build () end; test_case "Link.Job_build_artifact.make_from_string" `Quick begin let job_name = "test" in let build = Uuidm.v `V4 in let artifact = "" in test_link `GET @@ Builder_web.Link.Job_build_artifact.make_from_string ~job_name ~build ~artifact () end; ] @ Alcotest.( [ `Main_binary; `Viz_treemap; `Viz_dependencies; `Script; `Console; `All_targz; `File Fpath.(v "some" / "path"); ] |> (fun artifact -> let descr = Fmt.str "Job_build_artifact.make: %s" @@ Builder_web.Link.Job_build_artifact.encode_artifact artifact in test_case descr `Quick begin test_link_artifact artifact end ) ) @ Alcotest.[ test_case "Link.Compare_builds.make" `Quick begin let left = Uuidm.v `V4 in let right = Uuidm.v `V4 in test_link `GET @@ Builder_web.Link.Compare_builds.make ~left ~right () end; test_case "Link.Failed_builds.make" `Quick begin test_link `GET @@ Builder_web.Link.Failed_builds.make ~count:2 ~start:1 () end; ]; (* this doesn't actually test the redirects, unfortunately *) "Latest", (fun p -> Alcotest.(test_case ("…"^p) `Quick begin test_link `GET @@ "/job/test/build/latest" ^ p end)) [ "/f/bin/unikernel.hvt"; "/"; ""; ] ]