
285 lines
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let src = Logs.Src.create "builder-web" ~doc:"Builder_web"
module Log = (val Logs.src_log src : Logs.LOG)
open Lwt.Syntax
open Lwt_result.Infix
type db_error = [ Caqti_error.connect | Model.error ]
let pp_error ppf = function
| #Caqti_error.connect as e -> Caqti_error.pp ppf e
| #Model.error as e -> Model.pp_error ppf e
| `Wrong_version (application_id, version) ->
if application_id = Builder_db.application_id
then Format.fprintf ppf "Wrong database version: %Ld" version
else Format.fprintf ppf "Wrong database application id: %ld" application_id
let realm = "builder-web"
let init_datadir datadir =
let open Rresult.R.Infix in
Bos.OS.Dir.exists datadir >>= (fun exists ->
if exists
then Ok ()
else Error (`Msg "Datadir does not exist")) >>= fun () ->
Bos.OS.Dir.create ~path:false (Model.staging datadir) >>| fun _ -> ()
let init dbpath datadir =
Rresult.R.bind (init_datadir datadir) @@ fun () -> (
(Uri.make ~scheme:"sqlite3" ~path:dbpath ~query:["create", ["false"]] ())
>>= fun (module Db : Caqti_lwt.CONNECTION) ->
Db.find Builder_db.get_application_id () >>= fun application_id ->
Db.find Builder_db.get_version () >>= (fun version ->
if (application_id, version) = Builder_db.(application_id, current_version)
then Lwt_result.return ()
else (`Wrong_version (application_id, version)))
>>= fun () ->
Model.cleanup_staging datadir (module Db))
let pp_exec ppf (job, uuid, _, _, _, _, _) =
Format.fprintf ppf "%s(%a)" Uuidm.pp uuid
let safe_seg path =
if Fpath.is_seg path && not (Fpath.is_rel_seg path)
then Ok (Fpath.v path)
else Rresult.R.error_msgf "unsafe path %S" path
(* mime lookup with orb knowledge *)
let mime_lookup path =
match Fpath.to_string path with
| "build-environment" | "opam-switch" | "system-packages" ->
| _ ->
if Fpath.has_ext "build-hashes" path
then "text/plain"
else if Fpath.is_prefix Fpath.(v "bin/") path
then "application/octet-stream"
else Magic_mime.lookup (Fpath.to_string path)
let authorized handler = fun req ->
let unauthorized () =
let headers = ["WWW-Authenticate", Printf.sprintf "Basic realm=\"%s\"" realm] in
Dream.respond ~headers ~status:`Unauthorized "Forbidden!"
match Dream.header "Authorization" req with
| None -> unauthorized ()
| Some data -> match String.split_on_char ' ' data with
| [ "Basic" ; user_pass ] ->
(match Base64.decode user_pass with
| Error `Msg msg -> (fun m -> m "Invalid user / pasword encoding in %S: %S" data msg);
Dream.respond ~status:`Bad_Request "Couldn't decode authorization"
| Ok user_pass -> match String.split_on_char ':' user_pass with
| [] | [_] -> (fun m -> m "Invalid user / pasword encoding in %S" data);
Dream.respond ~status:`Bad_Request "Couldn't decode authorization"
| user :: password ->
let pass = String.concat ":" password in
let* user_info = Dream.sql req (Model.user user) in
match user_info with
| Ok (Some user_info) ->
if Builder_web_auth.verify_password pass user_info
then handler req
else unauthorized ()
| Ok None ->
let _ : _ Builder_web_auth.user_info =
Builder_web_auth.hash ~username:user ~password:pass () in
unauthorized ()
| Error e ->
Log.warn (fun m -> m "Error getting user: %a" pp_error e);
Dream.respond ~status:`Internal_Server_Error "Internal server error")
| _ ->
Log.warn (fun m -> m "Error retrieving authorization %S" data);
Dream.respond ~status:`Bad_Request "Couldn't decode authorization"
let string_of_html =
Format.asprintf "%a" (Tyxml.Html.pp ())
let add_routes datadir =
let datadir_global = Dream.new_global ~name:"datadir" (fun () -> datadir) in
let builder req =
let* jobs = Dream.sql req in
match jobs with
| Error e ->
Log.warn (fun m -> m "Error getting jobs: %a" pp_error e);
Dream.respond ~status:`Internal_Server_Error "Error getting jobs"
| Ok jobs ->
let* jobs =
(fun (job_id, job_name) r ->
r >>= fun acc ->
Dream.sql req (Model.build_meta job_id) >>= function
| Some (latest_build, latest_artifact) ->
Lwt_result.return ((job_name, latest_build, latest_artifact) :: acc)
| None ->
Log.warn (fun m -> m "Job without builds: %s" job_name);
Lwt_result.return acc)
(Lwt_result.return [])
match jobs with
| Error e ->
Log.warn (fun m -> m "Error getting jobs: %a" pp_error e);
Dream.respond ~status:`Internal_Server_Error "Error getting jobs"
| Ok jobs ->
Views.builder jobs |> string_of_html |> Dream.html
let job req =
let job_name = Dream.param "job" req in
let* job = Dream.sql req (Model.job job_name) in
match job with
| Error e ->
Log.warn (fun m -> m "Error getting job: %a" pp_error e);
Dream.respond ~status:`Internal_Server_Error "Error getting job"
| Ok builds ->
Views.job job_name builds |> string_of_html |> Dream.html
let job_build req =
let job_name = Dream.param "job" req
and build = Dream.param "build" req in
match Uuidm.of_string build with
| None ->
Dream.respond "Bad request." ~status:`Bad_Request
| Some uuid ->
let* data =
Dream.sql req ( uuid) >>= fun (build_id, build) ->
Dream.sql req (Model.build_artifacts build_id) >>= fun artifacts ->
Dream.sql req (Model.latest_build_uuid build.job_id) >>= fun latest_uuid ->
Dream.sql req (Model.build_previous build_id) >|= fun previous_build ->
(build, artifacts, latest_uuid, previous_build)
match data with
| Error e ->
Log.warn (fun m -> m "Error getting job build: %a" pp_error e);
Dream.respond "Error getting job build" ~status:`Internal_Server_Error
| Ok (build, artifacts, latest_uuid, previous_build) ->
Views.job_build job_name build artifacts latest_uuid previous_build |> string_of_html |> Dream.html
let job_build_file req =
let datadir = datadir_global req in
let _job_name = Dream.param "job" req
and build = Dream.param "build" req
and filepath = Dream.path req |> String.concat "/" in
(* XXX: We don't check safety of [file]. This should be fine however since
* we don't use [file] for the filesystem but is instead used as a key for
* lookup in the data table of the 'full' file. *)
match Uuidm.of_string build, Fpath.of_string filepath with
| None, _ ->
Log.debug (fun m -> m "bad uuid: %s" build);
Dream.respond ~status:`Not_Found "File not found"
| _, Error (`Msg e) ->
Log.debug (fun m -> m "bad path: %s" e);
Dream.respond ~status:`Not_Found "File not found"
| Some build, Ok filepath ->
let* artifact = Dream.sql req (Model.build_artifact datadir build filepath) in
match artifact with
| Error e ->
Log.warn (fun m -> m "Error getting build artifact: %a" pp_error e);
Dream.respond ~status:`Internal_Server_Error "Error getting build artifact"
| Ok (data, digest) ->
let headers = [
"Content-Type", mime_lookup filepath;
"ETag",(Base64.encode_string (Cstruct.to_string digest));
] in
Dream.respond ~headers data
let upload req =
let* body = Dream.body req in
match Builder.Asn.exec_of_cs (Cstruct.of_string body) with
| Error (`Msg e) ->
Log.warn (fun m -> m "Received bad builder ASN.1");
Log.debug (fun m -> m "Parse error: %s" e);
Dream.respond ~status:`Bad_Request "Bad request"
| Ok ((_, uuid, _, _, _, _, _) as exec) -> (fun m -> m "Received build %a" pp_exec exec);
let* r = Dream.sql req (Model.build_exists uuid) in
match r with
| Error e ->
Log.warn (fun m -> m "Error saving build %a: %a" pp_exec exec pp_error e);
Dream.respond ~status:`Internal_Server_Error "Internal server error"
| Ok true ->
Log.warn (fun m -> m "Build with same uuid exists: %a" pp_exec exec);
Dream.respond ~status:`Conflict
(Fmt.strf "Build with same uuid exists: %a\n" Uuidm.pp uuid)
| Ok false ->
let datadir = datadir_global req in
let* r = Dream.sql req (Model.add_build datadir exec) in
match r with
| Ok () ->
Dream.respond ""
| Error e ->
Log.warn (fun m -> m "Error saving build %a: %a" pp_exec exec pp_error e);
Dream.respond ~status:`Internal_Server_Error "Internal server error"
let hash req =
let hash_hex = Dream.query "sha256" req in
match (fun h -> Hex.to_cstruct (`Hex h)) hash_hex with
| None ->
Log.debug (fun m -> m "sha256 query parameter not provided");
Dream.respond ~status:`Bad_Request "Bad request"
| Some hash ->
let* build = Dream.sql req (Model.build_hash hash) in
(match build with
| Error e ->
Log.warn (fun m -> m "Database error: %a" pp_error e);
Dream.respond ~status:`Internal_Server_Error "Internal server error"
| Ok None ->
Log.debug (fun m -> m "Hash not found: %S" (Option.get hash_hex));
Dream.respond ~status:`Not_Found "Artifact not found"
| Ok (Some (job_name, build)) ->
Dream.redirect req
(Fmt.strf "/job/%s/build/%a/" job_name Uuidm.pp build.Builder_db.Build.uuid))
| exception Invalid_argument _ ->
Log.debug (fun m -> m "Invalid hash hex %S" (Option.get hash_hex));
Dream.respond ~status:`Bad_Request "Bad request"
let compare_opam req =
let datadir = datadir_global req in
let build_left = Dream.param "build_left" req in
let build_right = Dream.param "build_right" req in
match Uuidm.of_string build_left, Uuidm.of_string build_right with
| None, _ | _, None ->
Dream.respond ~status:`Bad_Request "Bad request"
| Some build_left, Some build_right ->
let* r =
Dream.sql req (Model.build_artifact datadir build_left (Fpath.v "opam-switch"))
>>= fun switch_left ->
Dream.sql req (Model.build_artifact datadir build_right (Fpath.v "opam-switch"))
>>= fun switch_right ->
Dream.sql req ( build_left) >>= fun (_id, build_left) ->
Dream.sql req ( build_right) >>= fun (_id, build_right) ->
Dream.sql req (Model.job_name build_left.job_id) >>= fun job_left ->
Dream.sql req (Model.job_name build_right.job_id) >>= fun job_right ->
Lwt_result.return (job_left, job_right, build_left, build_right, switch_left, switch_right)
match r with
| Error e ->
Log.warn (fun m -> m "Database error: %a" pp_error e);
Dream.respond ~status:`Internal_Server_Error "Internal server error"
| Ok (job_left, job_right, build_left, build_right,
(switch_left, _sha256_left), (switch_right, _sha256_right)) ->
let switch_left = OpamFile.SwitchExport.read_from_string switch_left
and switch_right = OpamFile.SwitchExport.read_from_string switch_right in switch_left switch_right
|> Views.compare_opam job_left job_right build_left build_right
|> string_of_html |> Dream.html
Dream.router [
Dream.get "/" builder;
Dream.get "/job/:job/" job;
Dream.get "/job/:job/build/:build/" job_build;
Dream.get "/hash" hash;
Dream.get "/job/:job/build/:build/f/**" job_build_file; "/upload" (authorized upload);
Dream.get "/compare/:build_left/:build_right/opam-switch" compare_opam;