
259 lines
8.4 KiB

open Lwt.Infix
let safe_close fd =
(fun () -> Lwt_unix.close fd)
(fun _ -> Lwt.return_unit)
let connect addrtype sockaddr =
let c = Lwt_unix.(socket addrtype SOCK_STREAM 0) in
Lwt_unix.set_close_on_exec c ;
Lwt.catch (fun () ->
Lwt_unix.(connect c sockaddr) >|= fun () ->
Some c)
(fun e ->
Logs.warn (fun m -> m "error %s connecting to influx"
(Printexc.to_string e));
safe_close c >|= fun () ->
let write_raw s buf =
let rec w off l =
Lwt.catch (fun () ->
Lwt_unix.send s buf off l [] >>= fun n ->
if n = l then
Lwt.return (Ok ())
w (off + n) (l - n))
(fun e ->
Logs.err (fun m -> m "exception %s while writing" (Printexc.to_string e)) ;
safe_close s >|= fun () ->
Error `Exception)
(* Logs.debug (fun m -> m "writing %a" (Ohex.pp_hexdump ()) (Bytes.unsafe_to_string buf)) ; *)
w 0 (Bytes.length buf)
let process =
Metrics.field ~doc:"name of the process" "vm" Metrics.String
let init_influx name data =
match data with
| None -> ()
| Some (ip, port) -> (fun m -> m "stats connecting to %a:%d" Ipaddr.V4.pp ip port);
Metrics.enable_all ();
Metrics_lwt.init_periodic (fun () -> Lwt_unix.sleep 10.);
Metrics_lwt.periodically (Metrics_rusage.rusage_src ~tags:[]);
Metrics_lwt.periodically (Metrics_rusage.kinfo_mem_src ~tags:[]);
let get_cache, reporter = Metrics.cache_reporter () in
Metrics.set_reporter reporter;
let fd = ref None in
let rec report () =
let send () =
(match !fd with
| Some _ -> Lwt.return_unit
| None ->
let addr = Lwt_unix.ADDR_INET (Ipaddr_unix.V4.to_inet_addr ip, port) in
connect Lwt_unix.PF_INET addr >|= function
| None -> Logs.err (fun m -> m "connection failure to stats")
| Some fd' -> fd := Some fd') >>= fun () ->
match !fd with
| None -> Lwt.return_unit
| Some socket ->
let tag = process name in
let datas = Metrics.SM.fold (fun src (tags, data) acc ->
let name = src in
Metrics_influx.encode_line_protocol (tag :: tags) data name :: acc)
(get_cache ()) []
let datas = String.concat "" datas in
write_raw socket (Bytes.unsafe_of_string datas) >|= function
| Ok () -> ()
| Error `Exception ->
Logs.warn (fun m -> m "error on stats write");
fd := None
and sleep () = Lwt_unix.sleep 10.
Lwt.join [ send () ; sleep () ] >>= report
Lwt.async report
let run_batch_viz ~cachedir ~datadir ~configdir =
let open Rresult.R.Infix in
let script = Fpath.(configdir / "")
and script_log = Fpath.(cachedir / "batch-viz.log")
and viz_script = Fpath.(configdir / "upload-hooks" / "")
Bos.OS.File.exists script >>= fun script_exists ->
if not script_exists then begin
Logs.warn (fun m -> m "Didn't find %s" (Fpath.to_string script));
Ok ()
end else
let args =
[ "--cache-dir=" ^ Fpath.to_string cachedir;
"--data-dir=" ^ Fpath.to_string datadir;
"--viz-script=" ^ Fpath.to_string viz_script ]
|> (fun s -> "\"" ^ String.escaped s ^ "\"")
|> String.concat " "
(*> Note: The reason for appending, is that else a new startup could
overwrite an existing running batch's log*)
(Fpath.to_string script ^ " " ^ args
^ " 2>&1 >> " ^ Fpath.to_string script_log
^ " &")
|> Sys.command
|> ignore
|> Result.ok
|> function
| Ok () -> ()
| Error err ->
Logs.warn (fun m ->
m "Error while starting %a"
Rresult.R.pp_msg err)
let setup_app level influx port host datadir cachedir configdir run_batch_viz_flag expired_jobs =
let dbpath = Printf.sprintf "%s/builder.sqlite3" datadir in
let datadir = Fpath.v datadir in
let cachedir =
cachedir |> Option.fold ~none:Fpath.(datadir / "_cache") ~some:Fpath.v
let configdir = Fpath.v configdir in
let () = Mirage_crypto_rng_unix.initialize (module Mirage_crypto_rng.Fortuna) in
let () = init_influx "builder-web" influx in
let () =
if run_batch_viz_flag then
run_batch_viz ~cachedir ~datadir ~configdir
match Builder_web.init dbpath datadir with
| exception Sqlite3.Error e ->
Format.eprintf "Error: @[@,%s.\
@,Does the database file exist? Create with `builder-db migrate`.@]\n%!"
exit 2
| Error (#Caqti_error.load as e) ->
Format.eprintf "Error: %a\n%!" Caqti_error.pp e;
exit 2
| Error (`Wrong_version _ as e) ->
Format.eprintf "Error: @[@,%a.\
@,Migrate database version with `builder-migrations`,\
@,or start with a fresh database with `builder-db migrate`.@]\n%!"
Builder_web.pp_error e;
| Error (
| #Caqti_error.call_or_retrieve
| `Msg _ as e
) ->
Format.eprintf "Error: %a\n%!" Builder_web.pp_error e;
exit 1
| Ok () ->
let level = match level with
| None -> None
| Some Logs.Debug -> Some `Debug
| Some Info -> Some `Info
| Some Warning -> Some `Warning
| Some Error -> Some `Error
| Some App -> None
let error_handler = Dream.error_template Builder_web.error_template in
Dream.initialize_log ?level ();
let dream_routes = Builder_web.(
routes ~datadir ~cachedir ~configdir ~expired_jobs
|> to_dream_routes
in ~port ~interface:host ~tls:false ~error_handler
@@ Dream.logger
@@ Dream_encoding.compress
@@ Dream.sql_pool ("sqlite3:" ^ dbpath)
@@ Http_status_metrics.handle
@@ Builder_web.Middleware.remove_trailing_url_slash
@@ Dream.router dream_routes
open Cmdliner
let ip_port : (Ipaddr.V4.t * int) Arg.conv =
let default_port = 8094 in
let parse s =
match String.split_on_char ':' s with
| [ s ] -> Ok (s, default_port)
| [ip; port] -> begin match int_of_string port with
| exception Failure _ -> Error "non-numeric port"
| port -> Ok (ip, port)
| _ -> Error "multiple : found"
| Error msg -> Error (`Msg msg)
| Ok (ip, port) -> match Ipaddr.V4.of_string ip with
| Ok ip -> Ok (ip, port)
| Error `Msg msg -> Error (`Msg msg)
let printer ppf (ip, port) =
Format.fprintf ppf "%a:%d" Ipaddr.V4.pp ip port in
Arg.conv (parse, printer)
let datadir =
let doc = "data directory" in
let docv = "DATA_DIR" in
let env = "BUILDER_WEB_DATADIR" in
value &
opt dir Builder_system.default_datadir &
info ~env [ "d"; "datadir" ] ~doc ~docv
let cachedir =
let doc = "cache directory" in
let docv = "CACHE_DIR" in
& opt (some ~none:"DATADIR/_cache" dir) None
& info [ "cachedir" ] ~doc ~docv)
let configdir =
let doc = "config directory" in
let docv = "CONFIG_DIR" in
value &
opt dir Builder_system.default_configdir &
info [ "c"; "configdir" ] ~doc ~docv)
let port =
let doc = "port" in
Arg.(value & opt int 3000 & info [ "p"; "port" ] ~doc)
let host =
let doc = "host" in
Arg.(value & opt string "" & info [ "h"; "host" ] ~doc)
let influx =
let doc = "IP address and port (default: 8094) to report metrics to \
influx line protocol" in
value &
opt (some ip_port) None &
info [ "influx" ] ~doc ~docv:"INFLUXHOST[:PORT]")
let run_batch_viz =
let doc = "Run CONFIG_DIR/ on startup. \
Note that this is started in the background - so the user \
is in charge of not running several instances of this. A \
log is written to CACHE_DIR/batch-viz.log" in
Arg.(value & flag & info [ "run-batch-viz" ] ~doc)
let expired_jobs =
let doc = "Amount of days after which a job is considered to be inactive if \
no successful build has been achieved (use 0 for infinite)" in
Arg.(value & opt int 30 & info [ "expired-jobs" ] ~doc)
let () =
let term =
Term.(const setup_app $ Logs_cli.level () $ influx $ port $ host $ datadir $
cachedir $ configdir $ run_batch_viz $ expired_jobs)
let info = "Builder web" ~doc:"Builder web" ~man:[] in
Cmd.v info term
|> Cmd.eval
|> exit