- Dream.path is deprecated. For now the deprecation is suppressed. - Remove unused dream_svg. - Remove datadir global. The datadir variable is in scope already, and global variables were removed in alpha3. - Dream_tar.tar_response: flush before closing. It's unclear if this is necessary. - Change Builder_web.add_routes to Builder_web.routes returning a list of routes, and in Builder_web_app construct the router. - Builder_web.not_found is removed due to changes in Dream.router. It seems an error handler might be the way forward.
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let src = Logs.Src.create "authorization" ~doc:"Builder_web authorization"
module Log = (val Logs.src_log src : Logs.LOG)
open Lwt.Syntax
let realm = "builder-web"
let user_info_field = Dream.new_field ~name:"user_info" ()
let authenticate handler = fun req ->
let unauthorized () =
let headers = ["WWW-Authenticate", Printf.sprintf "Basic realm=\"%s\"" realm] in
Dream.respond ~headers ~status:`Unauthorized "Forbidden!"
match Dream.header req "Authorization" with
| None -> unauthorized ()
| Some data -> match String.split_on_char ' ' data with
| [ "Basic" ; user_pass ] ->
(match Base64.decode user_pass with
| Error `Msg msg ->
Log.info (fun m -> m "Invalid user / pasword encoding in %S: %S" data msg);
Dream.respond ~status:`Bad_Request "Couldn't decode authorization"
| Ok user_pass -> match String.split_on_char ':' user_pass with
| [] | [_] ->
Log.info (fun m -> m "Invalid user / pasword encoding in %S" data);
Dream.respond ~status:`Bad_Request "Couldn't decode authorization"
| user :: password ->
let pass = String.concat ":" password in
let* user_info = Dream.sql req (Model.user user) in
match user_info with
| Ok (Some (id, user_info)) ->
if Builder_web_auth.verify_password pass user_info
then (Dream.set_field req user_info_field (id, user_info); handler req)
else unauthorized ()
| Ok None ->
let _ : _ Builder_web_auth.user_info =
Builder_web_auth.hash ~username:user ~password:pass ~restricted:true () in
unauthorized ()
| Error e ->
Log.warn (fun m -> m "Error getting user: %a" Model.pp_error e);
Dream.respond ~status:`Internal_Server_Error "Internal server error")
| _ ->
Log.warn (fun m -> m "Error retrieving authorization %S" data);
Dream.respond ~status:`Bad_Request "Couldn't decode authorization"
let authorized req job_name =
match Dream.field req user_info_field with
| None -> Lwt.return (Error (`Msg "not authenticated"))
| Some (id, user) ->
if user.restricted then
Dream.sql req (Model.authorized id job_name)
Lwt_result.return ()