Hannes Mehnert 544d6883a0 Remove the /job and /job/:job/build "redirect parent" parts from the router
Also, when "remove slash and redirect" (in the "Middleware"), use a 301 status.
This is well recognized by browsers, and leads to a request to the respective
resource (in contrast to 308. 308 may be useful for other HTTP methods than GET,
but our entire redirect middleware only handles GET and HEAD anyways (POST are
2023-08-27 22:02:47 +02:00

689 lines
27 KiB

let src = Logs.Src.create "builder-web" ~doc:"Builder_web"
module Log = (val Logs.src_log src : Logs.LOG)
open Lwt.Syntax
open Lwt_result.Infix
let pp_error ppf = function
| #Caqti_error.connect as e -> Caqti_error.pp ppf e
| #Model.error as e -> Model.pp_error ppf e
| `Wrong_version (application_id, version) ->
if application_id = Builder_db.application_id
then Format.fprintf ppf "Wrong database version: %Ld, expected %Ld" version Builder_db.current_version
else Format.fprintf ppf "Wrong database application id: %ld, expected %ld" application_id Builder_db.application_id
let init_datadir datadir =
let ( let* ) = Result.bind and ( let+ ) x f = f x in
let* exists = Bos.OS.Dir.exists datadir in
let* () =
if exists
then Ok ()
else Error (`Msg "Datadir does not exist")
let+ _ = Bos.OS.Dir.create ~path:false (Model.staging datadir) in
let init dbpath datadir =
Result.bind (init_datadir datadir) @@ fun () -> (
(Uri.make ~scheme:"sqlite3" ~path:dbpath ~query:["create", ["false"]] ())
>>= fun (module Db : Caqti_lwt.CONNECTION) ->
Db.find Builder_db.get_application_id () >>= fun application_id ->
Db.find Builder_db.get_version () >>= (fun version ->
if (application_id, version) = Builder_db.(application_id, current_version)
then Lwt_result.return ()
else (`Wrong_version (application_id, version)))
>>= fun () ->
Model.cleanup_staging datadir (module Db))
let pp_exec ppf ((job : Builder.script_job), uuid, _, _, _, _, _) =
Format.fprintf ppf "%s(%a)" Uuidm.pp uuid
let safe_seg path =
if Fpath.is_seg path && not (Fpath.is_rel_seg path)
then Ok (Fpath.v path)
else Fmt.kstr (fun s -> Error (`Msg s)) "unsafe path %S" path
(* mime lookup with orb knowledge *)
let append_charset = function
(* mime types from nginx: *)
| "text/html" | "text/xml" | "text/plain" | "text/vnd.wap.wml"
| "application/javascript" | "application/rss+xml" | "application/atom+xml"
as content_type ->
content_type ^ "; charset=utf-8" (* default to utf-8 *)
| content_type -> content_type
let mime_lookup path =
(match Fpath.to_string path with
| "build-environment" | "opam-switch" | "system-packages" ->
| _ ->
if Fpath.has_ext "build-hashes" path
then "text/plain"
else if Fpath.is_prefix Fpath.(v "bin/") path
then "application/octet-stream"
else Magic_mime.lookup (Fpath.to_string path))
let string_of_html =
Format.asprintf "%a" (Tyxml.Html.pp ())
let or_error_response r =
let* r = r in
match r with
| Ok response -> Lwt.return response
| Error (text, status) -> Dream.respond ~status text
let default_log_warn ~status e =
Log.warn (fun m -> m "%s: %a" (Dream.status_to_string status) pp_error e)
let if_error
?(status = `Internal_Server_Error)
?(log = default_log_warn ~status)
message r =
let* r = r in
match r with
| Error `Not_found -> ("Resource not found", `Not_Found)
| Error (#Model.error as e) ->
log e; (message, status)
| Ok _ as r -> Lwt.return r
let not_found_error r =
let* r = r in
match r with
| Error `Not_found -> ("Resource not found", `Not_Found)
| Ok _ as r -> Lwt.return r
let get_uuid s =
(if String.length s = 36 then
match Uuidm.of_string s with
| Some uuid -> Ok uuid
| None -> Error ("Bad uuid", `Bad_Request)
else Error ("Bad uuid", `Bad_Request))
let main_binary_of_uuid uuid db = uuid db
|> if_error "Error getting job build"
~log:(fun e -> Log.warn (fun m -> m "Error getting job build: %a" pp_error e))
>>= fun (_id, build) ->
Model.not_found build.Builder_db.Build.main_binary
|> not_found_error
>>= fun main_binary ->
Model.build_artifact_by_id main_binary db
|> if_error "Error getting main binary"
module Viz_aux = struct
let viz_type_to_string = function
| `Treemap -> "treemap"
| `Dependencies -> "dependencies"
let viz_dir ~cachedir ~viz_typ ~version =
let typ_str = viz_type_to_string viz_typ in
Fpath.(cachedir / Fmt.str "%s_%d" typ_str version)
let viz_path ~cachedir ~viz_typ ~version ~input_hash =
viz_dir ~cachedir ~viz_typ ~version
/ input_hash + "html"
let choose_versioned_viz_path
~current_version =
let ( >>= ) = Result.bind in
let rec aux current_version =
let path =
viz_path ~cachedir
~input_hash:viz_input_hash in
Bos.OS.File.exists path >>= fun path_exists ->
if path_exists then Ok path else (
if current_version = 1 then
Error (`Msg (Fmt.str "viz '%s': There exist no version of the requested \
(viz_type_to_string viz_typ)))
aux @@ pred current_version
aux current_version
let get_viz_version_from_dirs ~cachedir ~viz_typ =
let ( >>= ) = Result.bind in
Bos.OS.Dir.contents cachedir >>= fun versioned_dirs ->
let max_cached_version =
let viz_typ_str = viz_type_to_string viz_typ ^ "_" in
|> List.filter_map (fun versioned_dir ->
match Bos.OS.Dir.exists versioned_dir with
| Error (`Msg err) ->
Logs.warn (fun m -> m "%s" err);
| Ok false -> None
| Ok true ->
let dir_str = Fpath.filename versioned_dir in
if not (String.starts_with ~prefix:viz_typ_str dir_str) then
String.(sub dir_str
(length viz_typ_str)
(length dir_str - length viz_typ_str))
|> int_of_string
|> Option.some
with Failure _ ->
Logs.warn (fun m ->
m "Failed to read visualization-version from directory: '%s'"
(Fpath.to_string versioned_dir));
|> List.fold_left Int.max (-1)
if max_cached_version = -1 then
Result.error @@
`Msg (Fmt.str "Couldn't find any visualization-version of %s"
(viz_type_to_string viz_typ))
Result.ok max_cached_version
let hash_viz_input ~uuid typ db =
let open Builder_db in
let hex cstruct =
let `Hex hex_str = Hex.of_cstruct cstruct in
main_binary_of_uuid uuid db >>= fun main_binary -> uuid db
|> if_error "Error getting build" >>= fun (build_id, _build) ->
Model.build_artifacts build_id db
|> if_error "Error getting build artifacts" >>= fun artifacts ->
match typ with
| `Treemap ->
let debug_binary =
let bin = Fpath.base main_binary.localpath in
(fun p -> Fpath.(equal (bin + "debug") (base p.localpath)))
Model.not_found debug_binary
|> not_found_error >>= fun debug_binary ->
|> hex
|> Lwt_result.return
| `Dependencies ->
let opam_switch =
(fun p -> Fpath.(equal (v "opam-switch") (base p.localpath)))
Model.not_found opam_switch
|> not_found_error >>= fun opam_switch ->
|> hex
|> Lwt_result.return
let try_load_cached_visualization ~cachedir ~uuid viz_typ db =
Lwt.return (get_viz_version_from_dirs ~cachedir ~viz_typ)
|> if_error "Error getting visualization version" >>= fun latest_viz_version ->
hash_viz_input ~uuid viz_typ db >>= fun viz_input_hash ->
|> Lwt.return
|> if_error "Error finding a version of the requested visualization")
>>= fun viz_path ->
Lwt_result.catch (fun () ->
Lwt_io.with_file ~mode:Lwt_io.Input
(Fpath.to_string viz_path)
|> Lwt_result.map_error (fun exn -> `Msg (Printexc.to_string exn))
|> if_error "Error getting cached visualization"
let routes ~datadir ~cachedir ~configdir =
let builds req =
Dream.sql req Model.jobs_with_section_synopsis
|> if_error "Error getting jobs"
~log:(fun e -> Log.warn (fun m -> m "Error getting jobs: %a" pp_error e))
>>= fun jobs ->
(fun (job_id, job_name, section, synopsis) r ->
r >>= fun acc ->
Dream.sql req (Model.platforms_of_job job_id) >>= fun ps ->
List.fold_right (fun platform r ->
r >>= fun acc ->
Dream.sql req (Model.build_with_main_binary job_id platform) >>= function
| Some (build, artifact) ->
Lwt_result.return ((platform, build, artifact) :: acc)
| None ->
Log.warn (fun m -> m "Job without builds: %s" job_name);
Lwt_result.return acc)
ps (Lwt_result.return []) >>= fun platform_builds ->
let v = (job_name, synopsis, platform_builds) in
let section = Option.value ~default:"Uncategorized" section in
Lwt_result.return (Utils.String_map.add_or_create section v acc))
(Lwt_result.return Utils.String_map.empty)
|> if_error "Error getting jobs"
~log:(fun e -> Log.warn (fun m -> m "Error getting jobs: %a" pp_error e))
>>= fun jobs ->
Views.Builds.make jobs |> string_of_html |> Dream.html |> Lwt_result.ok
let job req =
let job_name = Dream.param req "job" in
let platform = Dream.query req "platform" in
(Dream.sql req (Model.job_and_readme job_name) >>= fun (job_id, readme) ->
Dream.sql req (Model.builds_grouped_by_output job_id platform) >|= fun builds ->
(readme, builds))
|> if_error "Error getting job"
~log:(fun e -> Log.warn (fun m -> m "Error getting job: %a" pp_error e))
>>= fun (readme, builds) ->
Views.Job.make ~failed:false ~job_name ~platform ~readme builds
|> string_of_html |> Dream.html |> Lwt_result.ok
let job_with_failed req =
let job_name = Dream.param req "job" in
let platform = Dream.query req "platform" in
(Dream.sql req (Model.job_and_readme job_name) >>= fun (job_id, readme) ->
Dream.sql req (Model.builds_grouped_by_output_with_failed job_id platform) >|= fun builds ->
(readme, builds))
|> if_error "Error getting job"
~log:(fun e -> Log.warn (fun m -> m "Error getting job: %a" pp_error e))
>>= fun (readme, builds) ->
Views.Job.make ~failed:true ~job_name ~platform ~readme builds
|> string_of_html |> Dream.html |> Lwt_result.ok
let redirect_latest req ~job_name ~platform ~artifact =
(Dream.sql req (Model.job_id job_name) >>= Model.not_found >>= fun job_id ->
Dream.sql req (Model.latest_successful_build_uuid job_id platform))
>>= Model.not_found
|> if_error "Error getting job" >>= fun build ->
Dream.redirect req
(Link.Job_build_artifact.make_from_string ~job_name ~build ~artifact ())
|> Lwt_result.ok
let redirect_latest req =
let job_name = Dream.param req "job" in
let platform = Dream.query req "platform" in
let artifact =
(* FIXME Dream.path deprecated *)
let path = begin[@alert "-deprecated"] Dream.path req end in
if path = [] then
"" (* redirect without trailing slash *)
"/" ^ ( Uri.pct_encode path |> String.concat "/")
redirect_latest req ~job_name ~platform ~artifact
and redirect_latest_no_slash req =
let job_name = Dream.param req "job" in
let platform = Dream.query req "platform" in
redirect_latest req ~job_name ~platform ~artifact:""
let redirect_main_binary req =
let job_name = Dream.param req "job"
and build = Dream.param req "build" in
get_uuid build >>= fun uuid ->
Dream.sql req (main_binary_of_uuid uuid) >>= fun main_binary ->
let artifact = `File main_binary.Builder_db.filepath in
Link.Job_build_artifact.make ~job_name ~build:uuid ~artifact ()
|> Dream.redirect req
|> Lwt_result.ok
let job_build_viz viz_typ req =
let _job_name = Dream.param req "job"
and build = Dream.param req "build" in
get_uuid build >>= fun uuid ->
Dream.sql req (Viz_aux.try_load_cached_visualization ~cachedir ~uuid viz_typ)
>>= fun svg_html ->
Lwt_result.ok (Dream.html svg_html)
let job_build req =
let job_name = Dream.param req "job"
and build = Dream.param req "build" in
get_uuid build >>= fun uuid ->
Dream.sql req (fun conn -> uuid conn >>= fun (build_id, build) ->
(match build.Builder_db.Build.main_binary with
| Some main_binary ->
Model.build_artifact_by_id main_binary conn |> Option.some
| None -> Lwt_result.return None) >>= fun main_binary ->
Model.build_artifacts build_id conn >>= fun artifacts ->
Model.builds_with_same_input_and_same_main_binary build_id conn >>= fun same_input_same_output ->
Model.builds_with_different_input_and_same_main_binary build_id conn >>= fun different_input_same_output ->
Model.builds_with_same_input_and_different_main_binary build_id conn >>= fun same_input_different_output ->
Model.latest_successful_build build.job_id (Some build.Builder_db.Build.platform) conn >>= fun latest ->
Model.next_successful_build_different_output build_id conn >>= fun next ->
Model.previous_successful_build_different_output build_id conn >|= fun previous ->
(build, main_binary, artifacts, same_input_same_output, different_input_same_output, same_input_different_output, latest, next, previous)
|> if_error "Error getting job build"
~log:(fun e -> Log.warn (fun m -> m "Error getting job build: %a" pp_error e))
>>= fun (build, main_binary, artifacts, same_input_same_output, different_input_same_output, same_input_different_output, latest, next, previous) ->
let solo5_manifest = Option.bind main_binary (Model.solo5_manifest datadir) in
~latest ~next ~previous
|> string_of_html |> Dream.html |> Lwt_result.ok
let job_build_file req =
let _job_name = Dream.param req "job"
and build = Dream.param req "build"
(* FIXME *)
and filepath = begin[@alert "-deprecated"] Dream.path req |> String.concat "/" end in
let if_none_match = Dream.header req "if-none-match" in
(* XXX: We don't check safety of [file]. This should be fine however since
* we don't use [file] for the filesystem but is instead used as a key for
* lookup in the data table of the 'full' file. *)
get_uuid build >>= fun build ->
Fpath.of_string filepath |> Lwt_result.lift
|> if_error ~status:`Not_Found "File not found" >>= fun filepath ->
Dream.sql req (Model.build_artifact build filepath)
|> if_error "Error getting build artifact" >>= fun file ->
let etag = Base64.encode_string (Cstruct.to_string file.Builder_db.sha256) in
match if_none_match with
| Some etag' when etag = etag' ->
Dream.empty `Not_Modified |> Lwt_result.ok
| _ ->
Model.build_artifact_data datadir file
|> if_error "Error getting build artifact"
~log:(fun e -> Log.warn (fun m -> m "Error getting build artifact data for file %a in %a: %a"
Fpath.pp file.Builder_db.filepath Fpath.pp file.Builder_db.localpath
pp_error e)) >>= fun data ->
let headers = [
"Content-Type", mime_lookup file.Builder_db.filepath;
"ETag", etag;
] in
Dream.respond ~headers data |> Lwt_result.ok
let job_build_static_file (file : [< `Console | `Script ]) req =
let _job_name = Dream.param req "job"
and build = Dream.param req "build" in
get_uuid build >>= fun build ->
(match file with
| `Console ->
Dream.sql req (Model.build_console_by_uuid datadir build)
| `Script ->
Dream.sql req (Model.build_script_by_uuid datadir build))
|> if_error "Error getting data"
~log:(fun e -> Log.warn (fun m -> m "Error getting script or console data for build %a: %a"
Uuidm.pp build pp_error e)) >>= fun data ->
let headers = [ "Content-Type", "text/plain; charset=utf-8" ] in
Dream.respond ~headers data |> Lwt_result.ok
let failed_builds req =
let platform = Dream.query req "platform" in
let to_int default s = Option.(value ~default (bind s int_of_string_opt)) in
let start = to_int 0 (Dream.query req "start") in
let count = to_int 10 (Dream.query req "count") in
Dream.sql req (Model.failed_builds ~start ~count platform)
|> if_error "Error getting data"
~log:(fun e -> Log.warn (fun m -> m "Error getting failed builds: %a"
pp_error e)) >>= fun builds ->
Views.failed_builds ~start ~count builds
|> string_of_html |> Dream.html |> Lwt_result.ok
let job_build_targz req =
let _job_name = Dream.param req "job"
and build = Dream.param req "build" in
get_uuid build >>= fun build ->
Dream.sql req ( build)
|> if_error "Error getting build" >>= fun (build_id, build) ->
Dream.sql req (Model.build_artifacts build_id)
|> if_error "Error getting artifacts" >>= fun artifacts ->
Ptime.diff build.finish Ptime.epoch |> Ptime.Span.to_int_s
|> Option.to_result ~none:(`Msg "bad finish time") |> Int64.of_int
|> Lwt.return |> if_error "Internal server error" >>= fun finish -> ~headers:["Content-Type", "application/tar+gzip"]
(Dream_tar.targz_response datadir finish artifacts)
|> Lwt_result.ok
let upload req =
let* body = Dream.body req in
Builder.Asn.exec_of_cs (Cstruct.of_string body) |> Lwt.return
|> if_error ~status:`Bad_Request "Bad request"
~log:(fun e ->
Log.warn (fun m -> m "Received bad builder ASN.1");
Log.debug (fun m -> m "Bad builder ASN.1: %a" pp_error e))
>>= fun ((({ name ; _ } : Builder.script_job), uuid, _, _, _, _, _) as exec) ->
Log.debug (fun m -> m "Received build %a" pp_exec exec);
Authorization.authorized req name
|> if_error ~status:`Forbidden "Forbidden" >>= fun () ->
Dream.sql req (Model.build_exists uuid)
|> if_error "Internal server error"
~log:(fun e ->
Log.warn (fun m -> m "Error saving build %a: %a" pp_exec exec pp_error e))
>>= function
| true ->
Log.warn (fun m -> m "Build with same uuid exists: %a" pp_exec exec);
Dream.respond ~status:`Conflict
(Fmt.str "Build with same uuid exists: %a\n" Uuidm.pp uuid)
|> Lwt_result.ok
| false ->
(Lwt.return (Dream.field req Authorization.user_info_field |>
Option.to_result ~none:(`Msg "no authenticated user")) >>= fun (user_id, _) ->
Dream.sql req (Model.add_build ~datadir ~cachedir ~configdir user_id exec))
|> if_error "Internal server error"
~log:(fun e -> Log.warn (fun m -> m "Error saving build %a: %a" pp_exec exec pp_error e))
>>= fun () -> Dream.respond "" |> Lwt_result.ok
let hash req =
Dream.query req "sha256" |> Option.to_result ~none:(`Msg "Missing sha256 query parameter")
|> Lwt.return
|> if_error ~status:`Bad_Request "Bad request" >>= fun hash_hex ->
begin try Hex.to_cstruct (`Hex hash_hex) |> Lwt_result.return
with Invalid_argument e -> (`Msg ("Bad hex: " ^ e))
|> if_error ~status:`Bad_Request "Bad request" >>= fun hash ->
Dream.sql req (Model.build_hash hash) >>= Model.not_found
|> if_error "Internal server error" >>= fun (job_name, build) ->
Dream.redirect req
(Link.Job_build.make ~job_name ~build:build.Builder_db.Build.uuid ())
|> Lwt_result.ok
let compare_builds req =
let build_left = Dream.param req "build_left" in
let build_right = Dream.param req "build_right" in
get_uuid build_left >>= fun build_left ->
get_uuid build_right >>= fun build_right ->
Dream.sql req (fun conn -> build_left conn >>= fun (_id, build_left) -> build_right conn >>= fun (_id, build_right) ->
Model.build_artifact build_left.Builder_db.Build.uuid (Fpath.v "opam-switch") conn >>=
Model.build_artifact_data datadir >>= fun switch_left ->
Model.build_artifact build_left.Builder_db.Build.uuid (Fpath.v "build-environment") conn >>=
Model.build_artifact_data datadir >>= fun build_env_left ->
Model.build_artifact build_left.Builder_db.Build.uuid (Fpath.v "system-packages") conn >>=
Model.build_artifact_data datadir >>= fun system_packages_left ->
Model.build_artifact build_right.Builder_db.Build.uuid (Fpath.v "opam-switch") conn >>=
Model.build_artifact_data datadir >>= fun switch_right ->
Model.build_artifact build_right.Builder_db.Build.uuid (Fpath.v "build-environment") conn >>=
Model.build_artifact_data datadir >>= fun build_env_right ->
Model.build_artifact build_right.Builder_db.Build.uuid (Fpath.v "system-packages") conn >>=
Model.build_artifact_data datadir >>= fun system_packages_right ->
Model.job_name build_left.job_id conn >>= fun job_left ->
Model.job_name build_right.job_id conn >|= fun job_right ->
(job_left, job_right, build_left, build_right,
switch_left, build_env_left, system_packages_left,
switch_right, build_env_right, system_packages_right))
|> if_error "Internal server error"
>>= fun (job_left, job_right, build_left, build_right,
switch_left, build_env_left, system_packages_left,
switch_right, build_env_right, system_packages_right) ->
let env_diff = Utils.compare_env build_env_left build_env_right
and pkg_diff = Utils.compare_pkgs system_packages_left system_packages_right
let switch_left = OpamFile.SwitchExport.read_from_string switch_left
and switch_right = OpamFile.SwitchExport.read_from_string switch_right in
let opam_diff = switch_left switch_right in
~job_left ~job_right
~build_left ~build_right
|> string_of_html |> Dream.html |> Lwt_result.ok
let upload_binary req =
let job = Dream.param req "job" in
let platform = Dream.param req "platform" in
let binary_name =
Dream.query req "binary_name"
|> Fpath.of_string
|> Option.value ~default:(Ok Fpath.(v job + "bin"))
if_error "Bad request" ~status:`Bad_Request (Lwt.return binary_name) >>=
fun binary_name ->
let* body = Dream.body req in
Authorization.authorized req job
|> if_error ~status:`Forbidden "Forbidden" >>= fun () ->
let uuid = Uuidm.v4_gen (Random.State.make_self_init ()) () in
Dream.sql req (Model.build_exists uuid)
|> if_error "Internal server error"
~log:(fun e ->
Log.warn (fun m -> m "Error saving binary %S: %a" job pp_error e))
>>= function
| true ->
Log.warn (fun m -> m "Build %S with same uuid exists: %a" job Uuidm.pp uuid);
Dream.respond ~status:`Conflict
(Fmt.str "Build with same uuid exists: %a\n" Uuidm.pp uuid)
|> Lwt_result.ok
| false ->
let exec =
let now = () in
({ = job ; platform ; script = "" }, uuid, [], now, now, Builder.Exited 0,
[ (Fpath.(v "bin" // binary_name), body) ])
(Lwt.return (Dream.field req Authorization.user_info_field |>
Option.to_result ~none:(`Msg "no authenticated user")) >>= fun (user_id, _) ->
Dream.sql req (Model.add_build ~datadir ~cachedir ~configdir user_id exec))
|> if_error "Internal server error"
~log:(fun e -> Log.warn (fun m -> m "Error saving build %a: %a" pp_exec exec pp_error e))
>>= fun () -> Dream.respond "" |> Lwt_result.ok
let w f req = or_error_response (f req) in
`Get, "/", (w builds);
`Get, "/job/:job", (w job);
`Get, "/job/:job/failed", (w job_with_failed);
`Get, "/job/:job/build/latest/**", (w redirect_latest);
`Get, "/job/:job/build/latest", (w redirect_latest_no_slash);
`Get, "/job/:job/build/:build", (w job_build);
`Get, "/job/:job/build/:build/f/**", (w job_build_file);
`Get, "/job/:job/build/:build/main-binary", (w redirect_main_binary);
`Get, "/job/:job/build/:build/viztreemap", (w @@ job_build_viz `Treemap);
`Get, "/job/:job/build/:build/vizdependencies", (w @@ job_build_viz `Dependencies);
`Get, "/job/:job/build/:build/script", (w (job_build_static_file `Script));
`Get, "/job/:job/build/:build/console", (w (job_build_static_file `Console));
`Get, "/job/:job/build/:build/all.tar.gz", (w job_build_targz);
`Get, "/failed-builds", (w failed_builds);
`Get, "/hash", (w hash);
`Get, "/compare/:build_left/:build_right", (w compare_builds);
`Post, "/upload", (Authorization.authenticate (w upload));
`Post, "/job/:job/platform/:platform/upload", (Authorization.authenticate (w upload_binary));
let to_dream_route = function
| `Get, path, handler -> Dream.get path handler
| `Post, path, handler -> path handler
let to_dream_routes l = to_dream_route l
let routeprefix_ignorelist_when_removing_trailing_slash = [
module Middleware = struct
let remove_trailing_url_slash : Dream.middleware =
fun handler req ->
let path = req |> Utils.Path.of_url in
let is_ignored =
|> List.exists (Utils.Path.matches_dreamroute ~path)
if not (List.mem (Dream.method_ req) [`GET; `HEAD]) || is_ignored then
handler req
else match List.rev path with
| "" :: [] (* / *) -> handler req
| "" :: path (* /.../ *) ->
let path = List.rev path in
let queries = Dream.all_queries req in
let url = Utils.Path.to_url ~path ~queries in
(*> Note: See*)
Dream.redirect ~status:`Moved_Permanently req url
| _ (* /... *) -> handler req
let is_iframe_page ~req =
match Option.bind req (fun r -> Dream.header r "Sec-Fetch-Dest") with
| Some "iframe" -> true
| _ -> false
let error_template error _debug_info suggested_response =
let target =
match error.Dream.request with
| None -> "?"
| Some req -> req in
let referer =
Option.bind error.Dream.request (fun req -> Dream.header req "referer")
match Dream.status suggested_response with
| `Not_Found ->
let html =
if is_iframe_page ~req:error.Dream.request then
Views.page_not_found ~target ~referer
Dream.set_header suggested_response "Content-Type" Dream.text_html;
Dream.set_body suggested_response @@ string_of_html html;
Lwt.return suggested_response
| _ ->
Lwt.return suggested_response
module Link = Link