2021-11-08 15:03:19 +00:00

436 lines
16 KiB

open Tyxml.Html
let pp_ptime = Ptime.pp_human ()
let txtf fmt = Fmt.kstr txt fmt
let a_titlef fmt = Fmt.kstr a_title fmt
let check_icon result =
match result with
| Builder.Exited 0 ->
span ~a:[
a_style "color: green; cursor: pointer;";
a_titlef "%a" Builder.pp_execution_result result;
[txt ""]
| _ ->
span ~a:[
a_style "color: red; cursor: pointer;";
a_titlef "%a" Builder.pp_execution_result result;
[txt ""]
let layout ~title:title_ body_ =
(head (title (txt title_))
[style ~a:[a_mime_type "text/css"]
txt "body {\
margin: 40px auto;\
line-height: 1.6;\
color: #444;\
padding: 0 10px;\
txt "h1,h2,h3{line-height:1.2}";
txt ".output-ts {\
white-space: nowrap;\
cursor: pointer;\
user-select: none;\
txt ".output-ts a {text-decoration: none;}";
txt ".output-ts a:hover {text-decoration: underline;}";
txt ".output-code {\
overflow: visible;\
white-space: pre;\
txt ".toggleable {\
display: none;\
txt ".toggleable-descr {\
cursor: pointer;\
text-decoration: underline;\
user-select: none;\
txt ":checked + .toggleable {\
display: block;\
(body body_)
let toggleable ?(hidden=true) id description content =
let checked = if hidden then [] else [a_checked ()] in
div [
a_label_for id;
a_class ["toggleable-descr"];
[txt description];
~a:(checked @ [
a_input_type `Checkbox;
a_id id;
a_style "display: none;";
]) ();
a_class ["toggleable"]
let artifact ?(basename=false) job_name build { Builder_db.filepath; localpath = _; sha256; size } =
a ~a:[a_href (Fmt.str "/job/%s/build/%a/f/%a"
Uuidm.pp build.Builder_db.Build.uuid
Fpath.pp filepath)]
[if basename
then txt (Fpath.basename filepath)
else txtf "%a" Fpath.pp filepath];
txt " ";
code [txtf "SHA256:%a" Hex.pp (Hex.of_cstruct sha256)];
txtf " (%a)" Fmt.byte_size size;
let builder section_job_map =
layout ~title:"Reproducible OPAM builds"
([ h1 [txt "Reproducible OPAM builds"];
p [ txt "This website offers binary MirageOS unikernels and supplementary OS packages." ];
p [ txt {|Following is a list of jobs that are built daily. A persistent link to the latest successful build is available as /job/*jobname*/build/latest/. All builds can be reproduced with |} ;
a ~a:[a_href ""] [txt "orb"];
txt ". The builds are scheduled and executed by ";
a ~a:[a_href ""] [txt "builder"];
txt ". The web interface is ";
a ~a:[a_href ""] [txt "builder-web"];
txt ". Contact if you have any questions or suggestions.";
form ~a:[a_action "/hash"; a_method `Get]
label [
txt "Search artifact by SHA256";
br ();
input ~a:[
a_input_type `Search;
a_id "sha256";
a_name "sha256";
] ();
input ~a:[
a_input_type `Submit;
a_value "Search";
] ();
] @
Utils.String_map.fold (fun section jobs acc ->
acc @ [
h2 [ txt section ];
ul ( (fun (job_name, synopsis, platform_builds) ->
li ([
a ~a:[a_href ("job/" ^ job_name ^ "/")] [txt job_name];
br ();
txt (Option.value ~default:"" synopsis);
br ()
] @
( (fun (platform, latest_build, latest_artifact) ->
check_icon latest_build.Builder_db.Build.result;
txt " ";
a ~a:[a_href (Fmt.str "job/%s/?platform=%s" job_name platform)][txt platform];
txt " ";
a ~a:[a_href (Fmt.str "job/%s/build/%a/" job_name Uuidm.pp
[txtf "%a" (Ptime.pp_human ()) latest_build.Builder_db.Build.start];
txt " ";
] @ (match latest_artifact with
| Some main_binary ->
artifact ~basename:true job_name latest_build main_binary
| None ->
[ txtf "Build failure: %a" Builder.pp_execution_result
latest_build.Builder_db.Build.result ]
) @ [ br () ])
let job name readme builds =
layout ~title:(Printf.sprintf "Job %s" name)
((h1 [txtf "Job %s" name] ::
(match readme with
| None -> []
| Some data ->
h2 ~a:[a_id "readme"] [txt "README"];
a ~a:[a_href "#builds"] [txt "Skip to builds"]; Omd.(to_html (of_string data))
])) @
h2 ~a:[a_id "builds"] [txt "Builds"];
a ~a:[a_href "#readme"] [txt "Back to readme"];
ul ( (fun (build, main_binary) ->
li ([
check_icon build.Builder_db.Build.result;
txtf " %s " build.platform;
a ~a:[a_href Fpath.(to_string (v "build" / Uuidm.to_string build.Builder_db.Build.uuid / ""))]
txtf "%a" (Ptime.pp_human ()) build.Builder_db.Build.start;
txt " ";
] @ match main_binary with
| Some main_binary ->
artifact ~basename:true name build main_binary
| None ->
[ txtf "Build failure: %a" Builder.pp_execution_result
build.Builder_db.Build.result ]))
let job_build
{ Builder_db.Build.uuid; start; finish; result; platform; _ }
same_input_same_output different_input_same_output same_input_different_output
latest_uuid next_uuid previous_uuid
let delta = Ptime.diff finish start in
layout ~title:(Fmt.str "Job %s %a" name pp_ptime start)
((h1 [txtf "Job %s" name] ::
(match readme with
| None -> []
| Some data ->
h2 ~a:[a_id "readme"] [txt "README"];
a ~a:[a_href "#build"] [txt "Skip to build"]; Omd.(to_html (of_string data))
])) @
h2 ~a:[a_id "build"] [txtf "Build %a" pp_ptime start];
a ~a:[a_href "#readme"] [txt "Back to readme"];
p [txtf "Built on platform %s" platform ];
p [txtf "Build took %a." Ptime.Span.pp delta ];
p [txtf "Execution result: %a." Builder.pp_execution_result result];
h3 [txt "Build info"];
ul [
li [ a ~a:[Fmt.kstr a_href "/job/%s/build/%a/console" name Uuidm.pp uuid]
[txt "Console output"];
li [ a ~a:[Fmt.kstr a_href "/job/%s/build/%a/script" name Uuidm.pp uuid]
[txt "Build script"];
h3 [txt "Build artifacts"];
dl (List.concat_map
(fun { Builder_db.filepath; localpath=_; sha256; size } ->
let (`Hex sha256_hex) = Hex.of_cstruct sha256 in
dt [a
~a:[Fmt.kstr a_href "f/%a" Fpath.pp filepath]
[code [txtf "%a" Fpath.pp filepath]]];
dd [
code [txt "SHA256:"; txt sha256_hex];
txtf " (%a)" Fmt.byte_size size;
h3 [ txtf "Reproduced by %d builds" (List.length (same_input_same_output @ different_input_same_output))] ;
(( (fun { Builder_db.Build.start ; uuid ; platform ; _ } ->
li [
txtf "on %s, same input, " platform;
a ~a:[Fmt.kstr a_href "/job/%s/build/%a/" name Uuidm.pp uuid]
[txtf "%a" pp_ptime start]
same_input_same_output) @ (fun { Builder_db.Build.start = other_start ; uuid = other_uuid ; platform ; _ } ->
let fst, snd = if Ptime.is_later ~than:start other_start then uuid, other_uuid else other_uuid, uuid in
li [
txtf "on %s, different input, " platform;
a ~a:[Fmt.kstr a_href "/compare/%a/%a/opam-switch"
Uuidm.pp fst Uuidm.pp snd]
[txtf "%a" pp_ptime other_start]
] @
(if same_input_different_output = [] then
[ h3 [txt "Same input, different output (not reproducible!)"];
ul ( (fun { Builder_db.Build.start = other_start ; uuid = other_uuid ; platform ; _ } ->
let fst, snd = if Ptime.is_later ~than:start other_start then uuid, other_uuid else other_uuid, uuid in
li [
txtf "on %s, " platform ;
a ~a:[Fmt.kstr a_href "/compare/%a/%a/opam-switch" Uuidm.pp fst Uuidm.pp snd]
[txtf "%a" pp_ptime other_start]
]) @
[ h3 [txt "Comparisons with other builds on the same platform"];
let opt_build (ctx, uu) =
match uu with
| Some uu when not (Uuidm.equal uuid uu) ->
[ li [ a ~a:[Fmt.kstr a_href "/compare/%a/%a/opam-switch"
Uuidm.pp uuid Uuidm.pp uu]
[txtf "With %s build" ctx]]
| _ -> []
(List.concat_map opt_build [ ("latest", latest_uuid) ; ("next", next_uuid) ; ("previous", previous_uuid) ])
let key_values xs =
List.concat_map (fun (k, v) -> [ txtf "%s %s" k v ; br () ]) xs
let key_value_changes xs =
List.concat_map (fun (k, v, v') -> [ txtf "%s %s->%s" k v v' ; br () ]) xs
let packages packages =
OpamPackage.Set.elements packages
|> List.concat_map (fun p -> [
txtf "%a" Opamdiff.pp_opampackage p;
br ();
let package_diffs diffs =
List.concat_map (fun pd -> [
txtf "%a" Opamdiff.pp_version_diff pd;
br ();
let opam_diffs diffs =
List.concat_map (fun pd ->
h4 [ txtf "%a" Opamdiff.pp_opam_diff pd ] ::
(match with None -> [] | Some a ->
let l, r = Opamdiff.commands_to_strings a in
h5 [ txt "build instruction (without common prefix) modifications, old:" ] ;
code (List.concat_map (fun s -> [ txt s ; br () ]) l) ;
h5 [ txt "new" ] ;
code (List.concat_map (fun s -> [ txt s ; br () ]) r)
]) @
(match pd.Opamdiff.install with None -> [] | Some a ->
let l, r = Opamdiff.commands_to_strings a in
h5 [ txt "install instruction (without common prefix) modifications, old:" ] ;
code (List.concat_map (fun s -> [ txt s ; br () ]) l) ;
h5 [ txt "new" ] ;
code (List.concat_map (fun s -> [ txt s ; br () ]) r)
]) @
(match pd.Opamdiff.url with None -> [] | Some a ->
let l, r = Opamdiff.opt_url_to_string a in
h5 [ txt "URL" ] ;
txtf "old: %s" l;
br ();
txtf "new: %s" r
]) @
[ br () ])
let compare_opam job_left job_right
(build_left : Builder_db.Build.t) (build_right : Builder_db.Build.t)
(added_env, removed_env, changed_env)
(added_pkgs, removed_pkgs, changed_pkgs)
(same, opam_diff, version_diff, left, right) =
layout ~title:(Fmt.str "Comparing opam switches between builds %a and %a"
Uuidm.pp build_left.uuid Uuidm.pp build_right.uuid)
h1 [txt "Comparing opam switches"];
h2 [
txt "Builds ";
a ~a:[a_href
(Fmt.str "/job/%s/build/%a/"
Uuidm.pp build_left.uuid)]
[txtf "%a" pp_ptime build_left.start];
txt " and ";
a ~a:[a_href
(Fmt.str "/job/%s/build/%a/"
Uuidm.pp build_right.uuid)]
[txtf "%a" pp_ptime build_right.start];
ul [
li [
a ~a:[a_href "#packages-removed"]
[txtf "%d packages removed" (OpamPackage.Set.cardinal left)]
li [
a ~a:[a_href "#packages-installed"]
[txtf "%d new packages installed" (OpamPackage.Set.cardinal right)]
li [
a ~a:[a_href "#packages-version-diff"]
[txtf "%d packages with version changes" (List.length version_diff)]
li [
a ~a:[a_href "#packages-opam-diff"]
[txtf "%d packages with changes in their opam file" (List.length opam_diff)]
li [
a ~a:[a_href "#packages-unchanged"]
[txtf "%d packages unchanged" (OpamPackage.Set.cardinal same)]
li [
a ~a:[a_href "#env-added"]
[ txtf "%d environment variables added" (List.length added_env)]
li [
a ~a:[a_href "#env-removed"]
[ txtf "%d environment variables removed" (List.length removed_env)]
li [
a ~a:[a_href "#env-changed"]
[ txtf "%d environment variables changed" (List.length changed_env)]
li [
a ~a:[a_href "#pkgs-added"]
[ txtf "%d system packages added" (List.length added_pkgs)]
li [
a ~a:[a_href "#pkgs-removed"]
[ txtf "%d system packages removed" (List.length removed_pkgs)]
li [
a ~a:[a_href "#pkgs-changed"]
[ txtf "%d system packages changed" (List.length changed_pkgs)]
h3 ~a:[a_id "packages-removed"]
[txt "Packages removed"];
code (packages left);
h3 ~a:[a_id "packages-installed"]
[txt "New packages installed"];
code (packages right);
h3 ~a:[a_id "packages-version-diff"]
[txt "Packages with version changes"];
code (package_diffs version_diff);
h3 ~a:[a_id "packages-opam-diff"]
[txt "Packages with changes in their opam file"]] @
opam_diffs opam_diff @ [
h3 ~a:[a_id "packages-unchanged"]
[txt "Unchanged packages"];
code (packages same);
h3 ~a:[a_id "env-added"] [txt "Environment variables added"];
code (key_values added_env);
h3 ~a:[a_id "env-removed"] [txt "Environment variables removed"];
code (key_values removed_env);
h3 ~a:[a_id "env-changed"] [txt "Environment variables changed"];
code (key_value_changes changed_env);
h3 ~a:[a_id "pkgs-added"] [txt "System packages added"];
code (key_values added_pkgs);
h3 ~a:[a_id "pkgs-removed"] [txt "System packages removed"];
code (key_values removed_pkgs);
h3 ~a:[a_id "pkgs-changed"] [txt "System packages changed"];
code (key_value_changes changed_pkgs);