
121 lines
3.6 KiB

open Tyxml.Html
let txtf fmt = Fmt.kstrf txt fmt
let a_titlef fmt = Fmt.kstrf a_title fmt
let check_icon result =
match result with
| Builder.Exited 0 ->
span ~a:[
a_style "color: green; cursor: pointer;";
a_titlef "%a" Builder.pp_execution_result result;
[txt ""]
| _ ->
span ~a:[
a_style "color: red; cursor: pointer;";
a_titlef "%a" Builder.pp_execution_result result;
[txt ""]
let layout ~title:title_ body_ =
(head (title (txt title_))
[style ~a:[a_mime_type "text/css"]
txt "body {\
margin: 40px auto;\
line-height: 1.6;\
color: #444;\
padding: 0 10px;\
txt "h1,h2,h3{line-height:1.2}";
txt ".output-ts {\
white-space: nowrap;\
cursor: pointer;\
user-select: none;\
txt ".output-ts a {text-decoration: none;}";
txt ".output-ts a:hover {text-decoration: underline;}";
txt ".output-code {\
overflow: visible;\
white-space: pre;\
(body body_)
let builder jobs =
layout ~title:"Builder Web"
[ h1 [txt "Builder web"];
p [
txtf "We have currently %d jobs."
(List.length jobs);
ul ( (fun job ->
li [
a ~a:[a_href ("job/" ^ Fpath.to_string job ^ "/")]
[txt (Fpath.to_string job)];
let job name runs =
layout ~title:(Printf.sprintf "Job %s" name)
[ h1 [txtf "Job %s" name];
p [
txtf "Currently %d builds."
(List.length runs)
ul ( (fun run ->
li [
a ~a:[a_href Fpath.(to_string (v "run" / Uuidm.to_string run.Model.uuid) ^ "/")]
txtf "%a" (Ptime.pp_human ()) run.Model.start;
txt " ";
check_icon run.result;
let job_run
{ Model.meta = {
Model.job_info = {; _ };
start; finish; uuid = _; result };
out; data = _ }
let ptime_pp = Ptime.pp_human () in
let delta = Ptime.diff finish start in
layout ~title:(Fmt.strf "Job build %s %a" name ptime_pp start)
[ h1 [txtf "Job build %s %a" name ptime_pp start];
p [txtf "Build took %a." Ptime.Span.pp delta ];
p [txtf "Execution result: %a." Builder.pp_execution_result result];
h3 [txt "Digests of build artifacts"];
dl (List.concat_map
(fun (path, { Model.sha256; sha512 }) -> [
dt [code [txtf "%a" Fpath.pp path];
txt "(SHA256)"];
dd [code [txtf "%s" (Base64.encode_string sha256)]];
dt [code [txtf "%a" Fpath.pp path];
txt "(SHA512)"];
dd [code [txtf "%s" (Base64.encode_string sha512)]];
h3 [txt "Build log"];
(List.mapi (fun idx (ts, line) ->
let ts_id = "L" ^ string_of_int idx in
tr [
td ~a:[
a_class ["output-ts"];
a_id ts_id;
[a ~a:[a_href ("#"^ts_id); a_class ["output-ts-anchor"]]
[code [txtf "%#d ms" (Duration.to_ms (Int64.of_int ts))]]];
td ~a:[a_class ["output-code"]]
[code [txt line]];
(List.rev out));