Reynir Björnsson f24a9297d0 Re-add viewing build script and build console
Instead of displaying the script and console output in the build page
the build page links to new endpoints for viewing the script and the
console output.
2021-09-09 18:06:08 +02:00

439 lines
16 KiB

open Tyxml.Html
let pp_ptime = Ptime.pp_human ()
let txtf fmt = Fmt.kstrf txt fmt
let a_titlef fmt = Fmt.kstrf a_title fmt
let check_icon result =
match result with
| Builder.Exited 0 ->
span ~a:[
a_style "color: green; cursor: pointer;";
a_titlef "%a" Builder.pp_execution_result result;
[txt ""]
| _ ->
span ~a:[
a_style "color: red; cursor: pointer;";
a_titlef "%a" Builder.pp_execution_result result;
[txt ""]
let layout ~title:title_ body_ =
(head (title (txt title_))
[style ~a:[a_mime_type "text/css"]
txt "body {\
margin: 40px auto;\
line-height: 1.6;\
color: #444;\
padding: 0 10px;\
txt "h1,h2,h3{line-height:1.2}";
txt ".output-ts {\
white-space: nowrap;\
cursor: pointer;\
user-select: none;\
txt ".output-ts a {text-decoration: none;}";
txt ".output-ts a:hover {text-decoration: underline;}";
txt ".output-code {\
overflow: visible;\
white-space: pre;\
txt ".toggleable {\
display: none;\
txt ".toggleable-descr {\
cursor: pointer;\
text-decoration: underline;\
user-select: none;\
txt ":checked + .toggleable {\
display: block;\
(body body_)
let toggleable ?(hidden=true) id description content =
let checked = if hidden then [] else [a_checked ()] in
div [
a_label_for id;
a_class ["toggleable-descr"];
[txt description];
~a:(checked @ [
a_input_type `Checkbox;
a_id id;
a_style "display: none;";
]) ();
a_class ["toggleable"]
let artifact ?(basename=false) job_name build { Builder_db.filepath; localpath = _; sha256; size } =
a ~a:[a_href (Fmt.strf "/job/%s/build/%a/f/%a"
Uuidm.pp build.Builder_db.Build.uuid
Fpath.pp filepath)]
[if basename
then txt (Fpath.basename filepath)
else txtf "%a" Fpath.pp filepath];
txt " ";
code [txtf "SHA256:%a" Hex.pp (Hex.of_cstruct sha256)];
txtf " (%a)" Fmt.byte_size size;
let builder section_job_map =
layout ~title:"Reproducible OPAM builds"
([ h1 [txt "Reproducible OPAM builds"];
p [ txt "This website offers binary MirageOS unikernels and supplementary OS packages." ];
p [ txt {|Following is a list of jobs that are built daily. A persistent link to the latest successful build is available as /job/*jobname*/build/latest/. All builds can be reproduced with |} ;
a ~a:[a_href ""] [txt "orb"];
txt ". The builds are scheduled and executed by ";
a ~a:[a_href ""] [txt "builder"];
txt ". The web interface is ";
a ~a:[a_href ""] [txt "builder-web"];
txt ". Contact if you have any questions or suggestions.";
form ~a:[a_action "/hash"; a_method `Get]
label [
txt "Search artifact by SHA256";
br ();
input ~a:[
a_input_type `Search;
a_id "sha256";
a_name "sha256";
] ();
input ~a:[
a_input_type `Submit;
a_value "Search";
] ();
] @
Utils.String_map.fold (fun section jobs acc ->
acc @ [
h2 [ txt section ];
ul ( (fun (job_name, synopsis, latest_build, latest_artifact) ->
li ([
a ~a:[a_href ("job/" ^ job_name ^ "/")]
[txt job_name];
txt " ";
check_icon latest_build.Builder_db.Build.result;
br ();
txt (Option.value ~default:"" synopsis);
br ();
a ~a:[a_href (Fmt.strf "job/%s/build/%a/" job_name Uuidm.pp
[txtf "%a" (Ptime.pp_human ()) latest_build.Builder_db.Build.start];
txt " ";
] @ match latest_artifact with
| Some main_binary ->
artifact ~basename:true job_name latest_build main_binary
| None ->
txtf "Build failed";
])) jobs)
let job name readme builds =
layout ~title:(Printf.sprintf "Job %s" name)
((h1 [txtf "Job %s" name] ::
(match readme with
| None -> []
| Some data ->
h2 ~a:[a_id "readme"] [txt "README"];
a ~a:[a_href "#builds"] [txt "Skip to builds"]; Omd.(to_html (of_string data))
])) @
h2 ~a:[a_id "builds"] [txt "Builds"];
a ~a:[a_href "#readme"] [txt "Back to readme"];
p [
txtf "Currently %d builds."
(List.length builds)
ul ( (fun (build, main_binary) ->
li ([
a ~a:[a_href Fpath.(to_string (v "build" / Uuidm.to_string build.Builder_db.Build.uuid / ""))]
txtf "%a" (Ptime.pp_human ()) build.Builder_db.Build.start;
txt " ";
check_icon build.result;
br ();
] @ match main_binary with
| Some main_binary ->
artifact ~basename:true name build main_binary
| None ->
txtf "Build failed";
let job_build
{ Builder_db.Build.uuid; start; finish; result; _ }
same_input_same_output different_input_same_output same_input_different_output
let delta = Ptime.diff finish start in
let successful_build = match result with Builder.Exited 0 -> true | _ -> false in
layout ~title:(Fmt.strf "Job %s %a" name pp_ptime start)
((h1 [txtf "Job %s" name] ::
(match readme with
| None -> []
| Some data ->
h2 ~a:[a_id "readme"] [txt "README"];
a ~a:[a_href "#build"] [txt "Skip to build"]; Omd.(to_html (of_string data))
])) @
h2 ~a:[a_id "build"] [txtf "Build %a" pp_ptime start];
a ~a:[a_href "#readme"] [txt "Back to readme"];
p [txtf "Build took %a." Ptime.Span.pp delta ];
p [txtf "Execution result: %a." Builder.pp_execution_result result]; ] @
(match same_input_same_output with [] -> [] | xs -> [
h3 [ txt "Reproduced by builds"] ;
p (List.concat_map (fun { Builder_db.Build.start ; uuid ; _ } ->
[ a ~a:[Fmt.kstr a_href "/job/%s/build/%a" name Uuidm.pp uuid]
[txtf "%a" pp_ptime start] ;
txt ", " ])
xs) ] ) @ [
h3 [txt "Build info"];
ul [
li [ a ~a:[Fmt.kstr a_href "/job/%s/build/%a/console" name Uuidm.pp uuid]
[txt "Console output"];
li [ a ~a:[Fmt.kstr a_href "/job/%s/build/%a/script" name Uuidm.pp uuid]
[txt "Build script"];
h3 [txt "Comparisons with other builds"];
((match latest_uuid with
| Some latest_uuid when successful_build && not (Uuidm.equal latest_uuid uuid) ->
[ a ~a:[Fmt.kstr a_href "/compare/%a/%a/opam-switch"
Uuidm.pp uuid Uuidm.pp latest_uuid]
[txt "With latest build"] ; br () ]
| _ -> []) @
List.concat_map (fun { Builder_db.Build.start = other_start ; uuid = other_uuid ; _ } ->
let fst, snd = if Ptime.is_later ~than:start other_start then uuid, other_uuid else other_uuid, uuid in
[ a ~a:[Fmt.kstr a_href "/compare/%a/%a/opam-switch"
Uuidm.pp fst Uuidm.pp snd]
[txtf "With build %a (output is identical binary)" pp_ptime other_start] ; br () ])
different_input_same_output @
List.concat_map (fun { Builder_db.Build.start = other_start ; uuid = other_uuid ; _ } ->
let fst, snd = if Ptime.is_later ~than:start other_start then uuid, other_uuid else other_uuid, uuid in
[ a ~a:[Fmt.kstr a_href "/compare/%a/%a/opam-switch"
Uuidm.pp fst Uuidm.pp snd]
[txtf "With build %a (same input, different output)" pp_ptime other_start] ; br () ])
h3 [txt "Build artifacts"];
dl (List.concat_map
(fun { Builder_db.filepath; localpath=_; sha256; size } ->
let (`Hex sha256_hex) = Hex.of_cstruct sha256 in
dt [a
~a:[Fmt.kstr a_href "f/%a" Fpath.pp filepath]
[code [txtf "%a" Fpath.pp filepath]]];
dd [
code [txt "SHA256:"; txt sha256_hex];
txtf " (%a)" Fmt.byte_size size;
(* FIXME *)
h3 [txt "Job script"];
toggleable "job-script" "Show/hide"
[ pre [txt script] ];
h3 [txt "Build log"];
toggleable ~hidden:false "build-log" "Show/hide build log"
(List.mapi (fun idx (ts, line) ->
let ts_id = "L" ^ string_of_int idx in
tr [
td ~a:[
a_class ["output-ts"];
a_id ts_id;
[a ~a:[a_href ("#"^ts_id); a_class ["output-ts-anchor"]]
[code [txtf "%#d ms" (Duration.to_ms (Int64.of_int ts))]]];
td ~a:[a_class ["output-code"]]
[code [txt line]];
(List.rev console));
let key_values xs =
List.concat_map (fun (k, v) -> [ txtf "%s %s" k v ; br () ]) xs
let key_value_changes xs =
List.concat_map (fun (k, v, v') -> [ txtf "%s %s->%s" k v v' ; br () ]) xs
let packages packages =
OpamPackage.Set.elements packages
|> List.concat_map (fun p -> [
txtf "%a" Opamdiff.pp_opampackage p;
br ();
let package_diffs diffs =
List.concat_map (fun pd -> [
txtf "%a" Opamdiff.pp_version_diff pd;
br ();
let opam_diffs diffs =
List.concat_map (fun pd ->
h4 [ txtf "%a" Opamdiff.pp_opam_diff pd ] ::
(match with None -> [] | Some a ->
let l, r = Opamdiff.commands_to_strings a in
h5 [ txt "build instruction (without common prefix) modifications, old:" ] ;
code (List.concat_map (fun s -> [ txt s ; br () ]) l) ;
h5 [ txt "new" ] ;
code (List.concat_map (fun s -> [ txt s ; br () ]) r)
]) @
(match pd.Opamdiff.install with None -> [] | Some a ->
let l, r = Opamdiff.commands_to_strings a in
h5 [ txt "install instruction (without common prefix) modifications, old:" ] ;
code (List.concat_map (fun s -> [ txt s ; br () ]) l) ;
h5 [ txt "new" ] ;
code (List.concat_map (fun s -> [ txt s ; br () ]) r)
]) @
(match pd.Opamdiff.url with None -> [] | Some a ->
let l, r = Opamdiff.opt_url_to_string a in
h5 [ txt "URL" ] ;
txtf "old: %s" l;
br ();
txtf "new: %s" r
]) @
[ br () ])
let compare_opam job_left job_right
(build_left : Builder_db.Build.t) (build_right : Builder_db.Build.t)
(added_env, removed_env, changed_env)
(added_pkgs, removed_pkgs, changed_pkgs)
(same, opam_diff, version_diff, left, right) =
layout ~title:(Fmt.strf "Comparing opam switches between builds %a and %a"
Uuidm.pp build_left.uuid Uuidm.pp build_right.uuid)
h1 [txt "Comparing opam switches"];
h2 [
txt "Builds ";
a ~a:[a_href
(Fmt.strf "/job/%s/build/%a/"
Uuidm.pp build_left.uuid)]
[txtf "%a" pp_ptime build_left.start];
txt " and ";
a ~a:[a_href
(Fmt.strf "/job/%s/build/%a/"
Uuidm.pp build_right.uuid)]
[txtf "%a" pp_ptime build_right.start];
ul [
li [
a ~a:[a_href "#packages-removed"]
[txtf "%d packages removed" (OpamPackage.Set.cardinal left)]
li [
a ~a:[a_href "#packages-installed"]
[txtf "%d new packages installed" (OpamPackage.Set.cardinal right)]
li [
a ~a:[a_href "#packages-version-diff"]
[txtf "%d packages with version changes" (List.length version_diff)]
li [
a ~a:[a_href "#packages-opam-diff"]
[txtf "%d packages with changes in their opam file" (List.length opam_diff)]
li [
a ~a:[a_href "#packages-unchanged"]
[txtf "%d packages unchanged" (OpamPackage.Set.cardinal same)]
li [
a ~a:[a_href "#env-added"]
[ txtf "%d environment variables added" (List.length added_env)]
li [
a ~a:[a_href "#env-removed"]
[ txtf "%d environment variables removed" (List.length removed_env)]
li [
a ~a:[a_href "#env-changed"]
[ txtf "%d environment variables changed" (List.length changed_env)]
li [
a ~a:[a_href "#pkgs-added"]
[ txtf "%d system packages added" (List.length added_pkgs)]
li [
a ~a:[a_href "#pkgs-removed"]
[ txtf "%d system packages removed" (List.length removed_pkgs)]
li [
a ~a:[a_href "#pkgs-changed"]
[ txtf "%d system packages changed" (List.length changed_pkgs)]
h3 ~a:[a_id "packages-removed"]
[txt "Packages removed"];
code (packages left);
h3 ~a:[a_id "packages-installed"]
[txt "New packages installed"];
code (packages right);
h3 ~a:[a_id "packages-version-diff"]
[txt "Packages with version changes"];
code (package_diffs version_diff);
h3 ~a:[a_id "packages-opam-diff"]
[txt "Packages with changes in their opam file"]] @
opam_diffs opam_diff @ [
h3 ~a:[a_id "packages-unchanged"]
[txt "Unchanged packages"];
code (packages same);
h3 ~a:[a_id "env-added"] [txt "Environment variables added"];
code (key_values added_env);
h3 ~a:[a_id "env-removed"] [txt "Environment variables removed"];
code (key_values removed_env);
h3 ~a:[a_id "env-changed"] [txt "Environment variables changed"];
code (key_value_changes changed_env);
h3 ~a:[a_id "pkgs-added"] [txt "System packages added"];
code (key_values added_pkgs);
h3 ~a:[a_id "pkgs-removed"] [txt "System packages removed"];
code (key_values removed_pkgs);
h3 ~a:[a_id "pkgs-changed"] [txt "System packages changed"];
code (key_value_changes changed_pkgs);