Reynir Björnsson
Each migration is, for the most part, a module that exposes expected database version numbers, command identifier and documentation. This results in all information about the migration and rollback are found in the module itself, and only has to reference the module. Some migrations require foreign keys constraints are disabled. It is not possible to enable or disable foreign key constraints inside a transaction.
123 lines
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123 lines
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open Rresult.R.Infix
type action = Fpath.t -> Caqti_blocking.connection ->
(unit, [ Caqti_error.call_or_retrieve | `Wrong_version of int32 * int64 | `Msg of string ]) result
module type MIGRATION = sig
val new_version : int64
val old_version : int64
val identifier : string
val migrate_doc : string
val rollback_doc : string
val migrate : action
val rollback : action
let pp_error ppf = function
| #Caqti_error.load_or_connect | #Caqti_error.call_or_retrieve as e ->
Caqti_error.pp ppf e
| `Wrong_version (application_id, user_version) ->
Format.fprintf ppf "wrong version { application_id: %ld, user_version: %Ld }"
application_id user_version
| `Msg m ->
Format.fprintf ppf "%s" m
let or_die exit_code = function
| Ok r -> r
| Error e ->
Format.eprintf "Database error: %a" pp_error e;
exit exit_code
let do_database_action action () datadir =
let datadir = Fpath.v datadir in
let dbpath = Fpath.(datadir / "builder.sqlite3") in
Logs.debug (fun m -> m "Connecting to database...");
let ((module Db : Caqti_blocking.CONNECTION) as conn) =
(Uri.make ~scheme:"sqlite3" ~path:(Fpath.to_string dbpath) ~query:["create", ["false"]] ())
|> or_die 1
Logs.debug (fun m -> m "Connected!");
let r =
Db.start () >>= fun () ->
Logs.debug (fun m -> m "Started database transaction");
match action datadir conn with
| Ok () ->
Logs.debug (fun m -> m "Committing database transaction");
Db.commit ()
| Error _ as e ->
Logs.debug (fun m -> m "Rolling back database transaction");
Db.rollback () >>= fun () ->
or_die 2 r
let help man_format migrations = function
| None -> `Help (man_format, None)
| Some migration ->
if List.mem migration migrations
then `Help (man_format, Some migration)
else `Error (true, "Unknown migration: " ^ migration)
let datadir =
let doc = "data directory containing builder.sqlite3 and data files" in
Cmdliner.Arg.(value &
opt dir "/var/db/builder-web/" &
info ~doc ["datadir"])
let setup_log =
let setup_log level =
Logs.set_level level;
Logs.set_reporter (Logs_fmt.reporter ~dst:Format.std_formatter ());
Cmdliner.Term.(const setup_log $ Logs_cli.level ())
let actions (module M : MIGRATION) =
let c s = s ^ "-" ^ M.identifier in
let v doc from_ver to_ver = Printf.sprintf "%s (DB version %Ld -> %Ld)" doc from_ver to_ver in
(Cmdliner.Term.(const do_database_action $ const M.migrate $ setup_log $ datadir),
| ~doc:(v M.migrate_doc M.old_version M.new_version)
(c "migrate"));
(Cmdliner.Term.(const do_database_action $ const M.rollback $ setup_log $ datadir),
| ~doc:(v M.rollback_doc M.new_version M.old_version)
(c "rollback"));
let f20210308 =
let doc = "Remove broken builds as fixed in commit a57798f4c02eb4d528b90932ec26fb0b718f1a13. \
Note that the files on disk have to be removed manually." in
Cmdliner.Term.(const do_database_action $ const M20210308.fixup $ setup_log $ datadir),
| ~doc "fixup-2021-03-08"
let help_cmd =
let topic =
let doc = "Migration to get help on" in
Cmdliner.Arg.(value & pos 0 (some string) None & info ~doc ~docv:"MIGRATION" [])
let doc = "Builder migration help" in
Cmdliner.Term.(ret (const help $ man_format $ choice_names $ topic)),
| ~doc "help"
let default_cmd =
let doc = "Builder migration command" in
Cmdliner.Term.(ret (const help $ man_format $ choice_names $ const None)),
| ~doc "builder-migrations"
let () =
(List.concat [
[ help_cmd ];
actions (module M20210126);
actions (module M20210202);
actions (module M20210216);
actions (module M20210218);
[ f20210308 ];
actions (module M20210427);
actions (module M20210531);
actions (module M20210602);
actions (module M20210608);
actions (module M20210609);
|> Cmdliner.Term.exit