This PR solves the issue of there being both "<url>/" and "<url>" paths, that in the builder-web context shouldn't mean different things. The slashes are now removed using a `Dream` middleware, and the request is redirected using a permanent redirect (that doesn't change the method used): https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Location Notable changes: * Trailing slashes from the hardcoded link urls were removed, as unneccesary redirects are then avoided. * All links in `Views` were rewritten to be absolute instead of relative. * As `Dream` deprecated `path` - `Utils.Path` was created containing some helpers for manipulating paths. *Note that `String.split_on_char` has a different semantics.* * A blacklist `routeprefix_blacklist_when_removing_trailing_slash` was added, containing `Dream` route-prefixes to ignore. * Only `GET` and `HEAD` requests are redirected. * `redirect_parent` helper was rewritten using new `Utils.Path` functions to avoid brittle string manipulation + fixed the edgecase of redirecting to `/`. * Added `Uri` dependency to make URL manipulation safer. Co-authored-by: rand00 <oth.rand@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Reynir Björnsson <reynir@reynir.dk> Reviewed-on: https://git.robur.io/robur/builder-web/pulls/80 Co-authored-by: rand <rand@r7p5.earth> Co-committed-by: rand <rand@r7p5.earth>
162 lines
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162 lines
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module String_map = struct
include Map.Make(String)
let add_or_create key v t=
update key (function None -> Some [ v ] | Some xs -> Some (v :: xs)) t
let diff_map a b =
let diff a b =
String_map.fold (fun k v acc ->
if not (String_map.mem k b) then (k, v) :: acc else acc)
a [] |> List.rev
let added = diff b a
and removed = diff a b
and changed =
String_map.fold (fun k v acc ->
match String_map.find_opt k b with
| None -> acc
| Some v' -> if String.equal v v' then acc else (k, v, v') :: acc)
a [] |> List.rev
(added, removed, changed)
let compare_env env1 env2 =
let parse_env e =
List.fold_left (fun m s ->
match Astring.String.cut ~sep:"=" s with
| Some (key, value) -> String_map.add key value m
| None -> String_map.add s "" m)
String_map.empty (Astring.String.cuts ~sep:"\n" e)
diff_map (parse_env env1) (parse_env env2)
let compare_pkgs p1 p2 =
let parse_pkgs p =
List.fold_left (fun m s ->
match Astring.String.cut ~sep:"=" s with
| Some (name, version) -> String_map.add name version m
| None -> match Astring.String.cut ~sep:"-" s with
| Some (name, version) -> String_map.add name version m
| None -> String_map.add s "" m)
String_map.empty (Astring.String.cuts ~sep:"\n" p)
diff_map (parse_pkgs p1) (parse_pkgs p2)
module Omd = struct
let make_safe omd =
let rec safe_block = function
| Omd.Paragraph (attr, inline) ->
safe_inline inline
|> Option.map (fun inline -> Omd.Paragraph (attr, inline))
| Omd.List (attr, typ, spacing, blocks) ->
let blocks = List.filter_map (fun b ->
let b = List.filter_map safe_block b in
if b = [] then None else Some b)
if blocks = [] then None else
Some (Omd.List (attr, typ, spacing, blocks))
| Omd.Blockquote (attr, blocks) ->
let blocks = List.filter_map safe_block blocks in
if blocks = [] then None else
Some (Omd.Blockquote (attr, blocks))
| Omd.Heading (attr, level, inline) ->
safe_inline inline
|> Option.map (fun inline -> Omd.Heading (attr, level, inline))
| Omd.Html_block _ -> None
| Omd.Definition_list (attr, def_elts) ->
let def_elts = List.filter_map safe_def_elts def_elts in
if def_elts = [] then None else
Some (Omd.Definition_list (attr, def_elts))
| Omd.Code_block _
| Omd.Thematic_break _ as v -> Some v
and safe_def_elts { term ; defs } =
let defs = List.filter_map safe_inline defs in
safe_inline term
|> Option.map (fun term -> { Omd.term ; defs })
and safe_inline = function
| Concat (attr, inline) ->
Some (Concat (attr, List.filter_map safe_inline inline))
| Emph (attr, inline) ->
safe_inline inline
|> Option.map (fun inline -> Omd.Emph (attr, inline))
| Strong (attr, inline) ->
safe_inline inline
|> Option.map (fun inline -> Omd.Strong (attr, inline))
| Link (attr, link) ->
begin match safe_link link with
| `No_label | `Relative -> safe_inline link.Omd.label
| `Link l -> Some (Omd.Link (attr, l))
| Image (attr, link) ->
begin match safe_link link with
| `No_label | `Relative -> None
| `Link l -> Some (Omd.Image (attr, l))
| Html _ -> None
| Text _
| Code _
| Hard_break _
| Soft_break _ as v -> Some v
and safe_link ({ label ; destination ; _ } as l) =
let absolute_link =
String.(length destination >= 2 && equal (sub destination 0 2) "//") ||
String.(length destination >= 7 && equal (sub destination 0 7) "http://") ||
String.(length destination >= 8 && equal (sub destination 0 8) "https://")
if absolute_link then
match safe_inline label with
| None -> `No_label
| Some label -> `Link { l with label }
List.filter_map safe_block omd
let html_of_string markdown =
|> Omd.of_string
|> make_safe
|> Omd.to_html
module Path = struct
let to_url ~path ~queries =
let path = match path with
| "" :: [] -> "/"
| path -> "/" ^ String.concat "/" path
let query = queries |> List.map (fun (k, v) -> k, [v]) in
Uri.make ~path ~query () |> Uri.to_string
(* Like Dream.path in 1.0.0~alpha2 but on Dream.target *)
let of_url uri_str =
let path_str = uri_str |> Uri.of_string |> Uri.path in
match String.split_on_char '/' path_str with
| "" :: (_ :: _ as tail) -> tail
| path -> path
let matches_dreamroute ~path dreamroute =
let is_match path_elem dpath_elem =
(dpath_elem |> String.starts_with ~prefix:":")
|| path_elem = dpath_elem
let rec aux path dreampath =
match path, dreampath with
| [] , _ :: _ -> false (*length path < length dreampath*)
| _ , [] -> true (*length path >= length dreampath *)
| _ :: _ , "" :: [] -> true (*dreampath ends in '/'*)
| p_elem :: path, dp_elem :: dreampath ->
is_match p_elem dp_elem
&& aux path dreampath
let dreampath = dreamroute |> of_url in
aux path dreampath