* Do not depend on the uuid representation in Builder_db.Rep; instead copy the custom caqti type so the migration doesn't break if Builder_db.Rep changes * We don't need to recreate any indices since we don't change the schema: The uuid column was erroneously VARCHAR(36) before as well(!)
56 lines
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56 lines
1.9 KiB
let new_version = 16L and old_version = 15L
and identifier = "2022-05-09"
and migrate_doc = "switch uuid encoding to hex"
and rollback_doc = "switch uuid encoding back to binary"
open Grej.Infix
let old_uuid_rep =
let encode uuid = Ok (Uuidm.to_bytes uuid) in
let decode s =
Uuidm.of_bytes s
|> Option.to_result ~none:"failed to decode uuid"
Caqti_type.custom ~encode ~decode Caqti_type.string
let new_uuid_rep =
let encode uuid = Ok (Uuidm.to_string uuid) in
let decode s =
Uuidm.of_string s
|> Option.to_result ~none:"failed to decode uuid"
Caqti_type.custom ~encode ~decode Caqti_type.string
let uuids_byte_encoded_q =
Caqti_type.unit ->*
Caqti_type.tup2 (Builder_db.Rep.id (`build : [`build])) old_uuid_rep @@
"SELECT id, uuid FROM build"
let uuids_hex_encoded_q =
Caqti_type.unit ->*
Caqti_type.tup2 (Builder_db.Rep.id (`build : [`build])) new_uuid_rep @@
"SELECT id, uuid FROM build"
let migrate_q =
Caqti_type.tup2 (Builder_db.Rep.id (`build : [`build])) new_uuid_rep ->.
Caqti_type.unit @@
"UPDATE build SET uuid = $2 WHERE id = $1"
let rollback_q =
Caqti_type.tup2 (Builder_db.Rep.id (`build : [`build])) old_uuid_rep ->.
Caqti_type.unit @@
"UPDATE build SET uuid = $2 WHERE id = $1"
let migrate _datadir (module Db : Caqti_blocking.CONNECTION) =
let open Grej.Infix in
Grej.check_version ~user_version:old_version (module Db) >>= fun () ->
Db.collect_list uuids_byte_encoded_q () >>= fun old_uuids ->
Grej.list_iter_result (Db.exec migrate_q) old_uuids >>= fun () ->
Db.exec (Grej.set_version new_version) ()
let rollback _datadir (module Db : Caqti_blocking.CONNECTION) =
let open Grej.Infix in
Grej.check_version ~user_version:new_version (module Db) >>= fun () ->
Db.collect_list uuids_hex_encoded_q () >>= fun new_uuids ->
Grej.list_iter_result (Db.exec rollback_q) new_uuids >>= fun () ->
Db.exec (Grej.set_version old_version) ()