# Git-kv, a simple Key-Value store synchronized with a Git repository This library is a simple implementation of a Git repository that can be read and/or modified. It offers two ways to create such a local repository: 1) The local repository can be created in a serialized state 2) The local repository can be created from a remote repository The first method has the advantage of not requiring an internet connection. The serialized state can be created with the `mgit` tool: ```sh $ mgit https://github.com/mirage/mirage < save db.pack > quit $ ls db.pack db.pack ``` The disadvantage is that the serialized state may be out of sync with the state of the remote repository. In this case, the user has access to the `pull` function, which allows the internet state of the local repository to be re-synchronised with the remote repository. ```ocaml let contents_of_file filename = let ic = open_in filename in let ln = in_channel_length ic in let rs = Bytes.create ln in really_input ic rs 0 ln ; Bytes.unsafe_to_string rs let _ = Git_kv.of_octets ctx ~remote:"git@github.com:mirage/mirage.git" (contents_of_file "db.pack") >>= fun t -> Git_kv.pull t >>= fun diff -> ... ``` The second method initiates a connection to the remote repository in order to download its state and reproduce a synchronised internal state. The type of connections supported are described in the given `ctx`. We recommend the tutorial about [Mimic][mimic] to understand its use. ```sh let _ = Git_kv.connect ctx "git@github.com:mirage/mirage.git" >>= fun t -> ... ``` The user can manipulate the repository as an [RW][mirage-kv-rw] repository. Any change to the repository requires a new commit. These changes will be sent to the remote repository. The user can _fold_ any changes into one commit if he/she wants. ```ocaml module Store = Git_kv.Make (Pclock) let new_file t = Store.set t Mirage_kv.Key.(empty / "foo") "foo" >>= fun () -> (* XXX(dinosaure): a commit was created and sended to the remote repository. *) ... let new_files t = Store.change_and_push t @@ fun t -> Store.set t Mirage_kv.Key.(empty / "foo" "foo") >>= fun () -> Store.set t Mirage_kv.Key.(empty / "bar" "bar") (* XXX(dinosaure): multiple files are added into the local repository but they are committed only at the end of the given function to [change_and_push]. That's say, only one commit was made and sended to the remote Git repository. *) ``` [mimic]: https://dinosaure.github.io/mimic/mimic/index.html [mirage-kv-rw]: https://github.com/mirage/mirage-kv