module Store = Git.Mem.Make(Digestif.SHA1) module Sync = Git.Mem.Sync(Store) module Search = Git.Search.Make(Digestif.SHA1)(Store) module Git_commit = Git.Commit.Make(Store.Hash) type t = { ctx : Mimic.ctx ; edn : Smart_git.Endpoint.t; branch : Git.Reference.t ; store : Store.t ; mutable head : Store.hash option ; } let init_store () = let open Lwt.Infix in Store.v (Fpath.v ".") >|= fun r -> Result.map_error (fun e -> `Msg (Fmt.str "error setting up store %a" Store.pp_error e)) r let main = Git.Reference.v "refs/heads/main" let capabilities = [ `Side_band_64k; `Multi_ack_detailed; `Ofs_delta; `Thin_pack; `Report_status ] let to_invalid = function | Ok x -> x | Error `Msg m -> invalid_arg m let split_url s = match String.split_on_char '#' s with | [ edn; branch ] -> Smart_git.Endpoint.of_string edn |> to_invalid, Git.Reference.of_string ("refs/heads/" ^ branch) |> to_invalid | _ -> Smart_git.Endpoint.of_string s |> to_invalid, main let fpath_to_key ~root v = Mirage_kv.Key.v (Fpath.to_string (Option.get (Fpath.relativize ~root v))) let diff store commit0 commit1 = let open Lwt.Infix in let root = Fpath.v "." in let tbl0 = Hashtbl.create 0x10 in Store.fold store (fun () ?name ~length:_ hash _value -> Option.iter (fun name -> Hashtbl.add tbl0 (fpath_to_key ~root name) hash) name ; Lwt.return ()) () ~path:root commit0 >>= fun () -> let tbl1 = Hashtbl.create 0x10 in Store.fold store (fun () ?name ~length:_ hash _value -> Option.iter (fun name -> Hashtbl.add tbl1 (fpath_to_key ~root name) hash) name ; Lwt.return ()) () ~path:root commit1 >>= fun () -> let diff = Hashtbl.fold (fun name hash diff -> match Hashtbl.find_opt tbl1 name with | Some hash' when not (Digestif.SHA1.equal hash hash') -> `Change name :: diff | Some _ -> diff | None -> `Remove name :: diff) tbl0 [] in let diff = Hashtbl.fold (fun name _hash diff -> if Hashtbl.mem tbl0 name then `Add name :: diff else diff) tbl1 diff in Lwt.return diff let diff store commit0 commit1 = match commit0 with | Some commit0 -> diff store commit0 commit1 | None -> let root = Fpath.v "." in Store.fold store (fun diff ?name ~length:_ _hash _value -> match name with | None -> Lwt.return diff | Some name -> Lwt.return (`Add (fpath_to_key ~root name) :: diff)) [] ~path:root commit1 let pull t = let open Lwt.Infix in Sync.fetch ~capabilities ~ctx:t.ctx t.edn ~deepen:(`Depth 1) (`Some [ t.branch, t.branch ]) >>= fun r -> let data = Result.map_error (fun e -> `Msg (Fmt.str "error fetching: %a" Sync.pp_error e)) r in match data with | Error _ as e -> Lwt.return e | Ok None -> Lwt.return (Ok []) | Ok Some (_, _) -> Store.Ref.resolve t.branch >>= fun r -> let head = Result.map_error (fun e -> `Msg (Fmt.str "error resolving branch %s: %a" (Git.Reference.to_string t.branch) Store.pp_error e)) r |> to_invalid in diff t.head head >>= fun diff -> t.head <- Some head; Lwt.return (Ok diff) let connect ctx endpoint = let open Lwt.Infix in init_store () >>= fun store -> let store = to_invalid store in let edn, branch = split_url endpoint in let t = { ctx ; edn ; branch ; store ; head = None } in pull t >>= fun r -> let _r = to_invalid r in Lwt.return t type key = Mirage_kv.Key.t type change = [ | `Add of key | `Remove of key | `Change of key ] type error = Mirage_kv.error let pp_error ppf = Mirage_kv.pp_error ppf let disconnect _t = Lwt.return_unit module SHA1 = struct include Digestif.SHA1 let hash x = Hashtbl.hash x let feed ctx ?off ?len ba = feed_bigstring ctx ?off ?len ba let null = digest_string "" let length = digest_size let compare a b = (to_raw_string a) (to_raw_string b) end module Verbose = struct type 'a fiber = 'a Lwt.t let succ _ = Lwt.return_unit let print _ = Lwt.return_unit end module Lwt_scheduler = struct module Mutex = struct type 'a fiber = 'a Lwt.t type t = Lwt_mutex.t let create () = Lwt_mutex.create () let lock t = Lwt_mutex.lock t let unlock t = Lwt_mutex.unlock t end module Condition = struct type 'a fiber = 'a Lwt.t type mutex = Mutex.t type t = unit Lwt_condition.t let create () = Lwt_condition.create () let wait t mutex = Lwt_condition.wait ~mutex t let signal t = Lwt_condition.signal t () let broadcast t = Lwt_condition.broadcast t () end type 'a t = 'a Lwt.t let bind x f = Lwt.bind x f let return x = Lwt.return x let parallel_map ~f lst = Lwt_list.map_p f lst let parallel_iter ~f lst = Lwt_list.iter_p f lst let detach f = let th, wk = Lwt.wait () in Lwt.async (fun () -> let res = f () in Lwt.wakeup_later wk res ; Lwt.return_unit) ; th end module Scheduler = Carton.Make (Lwt) module Delta = Carton_lwt.Enc.Delta (SHA1) (Verbose) module First_pass = Carton.Dec.Fp (SHA1) module Verify = Carton.Dec.Verify (SHA1) (Scheduler) (Lwt_scheduler) let pack t ~commit stream = let open Lwt.Infix in let load t hash = Store.read_inflated t hash >|= function | None -> Fmt.failwith "%a not found" Digestif.SHA1.pp hash | Some (`Commit, cs) -> Carton.Dec.v ~kind:`A (Cstruct.to_bigarray cs) | Some (`Tree, cs) -> Carton.Dec.v ~kind:`B (Cstruct.to_bigarray cs) | Some (`Blob, cs) -> Carton.Dec.v ~kind:`C (Cstruct.to_bigarray cs) | Some (`Tag, cs) -> Carton.Dec.v ~kind:`D (Cstruct.to_bigarray cs) in let to_entry ~length hash = function | Git.Value.Commit _ -> Carton_lwt.Enc.make_entry ~kind:`A ~length hash | Git.Value.Tree _ -> Carton_lwt.Enc.make_entry ~kind:`B ~length hash | Git.Value.Blob _ -> Carton_lwt.Enc.make_entry ~kind:`C ~length hash | Git.Value.Tag _ -> Carton_lwt.Enc.make_entry ~kind:`D ~length hash in Store.fold t (fun acc ?name:_ ~length hash value -> Lwt.return ((to_entry ~length:(Int64.to_int length) hash value) :: acc)) ~path:(Fpath.v ".") [] commit >|= Array.of_list >>= fun entries -> ~threads:(List.init 4 (fun _ -> load t)) ~weight:10 ~uid_ln:Digestif.SHA1.digest_size entries >>= fun targets -> let offsets = Hashtbl.create (Array.length targets) in let find hash = Lwt.return ( Int64.to_int (Hashtbl.find_opt offsets hash)) in let uid = { Carton.Enc.uid_ln= SHA1.digest_size ; Carton.Enc.uid_rw= SHA1.to_raw_string } in let b = { Carton.Enc.o= Bigstringaf.create De.io_buffer_size ; Carton.Enc.i= Bigstringaf.create De.io_buffer_size ; Carton.Enc.q= De.Queue.create 0x10000 ; Carton.Enc.w= De.Lz77.make_window ~bits:15 } in let ctx = ref SHA1.empty in let cursor = ref 0L in let header = Bigstringaf.create 12 in Carton.Enc.header_of_pack ~length:(Array.length targets) header 0 12 ; stream (Some (Bigstringaf.to_string header)) ; ctx := SHA1.feed_bigstring !ctx header ~off:0 ~len:12 ; cursor := Int64.add !cursor 12L ; let encode_target idx = Hashtbl.add offsets (Carton.Enc.target_uid targets.(idx)) !cursor ; Carton_lwt.Enc.encode_target ~b ~find ~load:(load t) ~uid targets.(idx) ~cursor:(Int64.to_int !cursor) >>= fun (len, encoder) -> let payload = Bigstringaf.substring b.o ~off:0 ~len in stream (Some payload) ; ctx := SHA1.feed_bigstring !ctx b.o ~off:0 ~len ; cursor := Int64.add !cursor (Int64.of_int len) ; let rec go encoder = match Carton.Enc.N.encode ~o:b.o encoder with | `Flush (encoder, len) -> let payload = Bigstringaf.substring b.o ~off:0 ~len in stream (Some payload) ; ctx := SHA1.feed_bigstring !ctx b.o ~off:0 ~len ; cursor := Int64.add !cursor (Int64.of_int len) ; let encoder = Carton.Enc.N.dst encoder b.o 0 (Bigstringaf.length b.o) in go encoder | `End -> Lwt.return_unit in let encoder = Carton.Enc.N.dst encoder b.o 0 (Bigstringaf.length b.o) in go encoder in let rec go idx = if idx < Array.length targets then encode_target idx >>= fun () -> go (succ idx) else Lwt.return_unit in go 0 >>= fun () -> let hash = SHA1.get !ctx in stream (Some (SHA1.to_raw_string hash)) ; stream (Some (SHA1.to_raw_string commit)) ; (* XXX(dinosaure): PACK file + the hash of the commit. The hash of the commit is not really needed if we assert that we store only one commit finally. We can just, for the decoding, unpack everything and find the only commit available into the PACK file. *) stream None ; Lwt.return_unit let to_octets t = match t.head with | None -> assert false (* TODO(dinosaure): empty PACK file *) | Some commit -> let buf = Buffer.create 0x100 in let stream = Option.iter (Buffer.add_string buf) in let open Lwt.Infix in pack ~commit stream >|= fun () -> Buffer.contents buf let digest ~kind ?(off = 0) ?len buf = let len = match len with Some len -> len | None -> Bigstringaf.length buf - off in let ctx = SHA1.empty in let ctx = match kind with | `A -> SHA1.feed_string ctx (Fmt.str "commit %d\000" len) | `B -> SHA1.feed_string ctx (Fmt.str "tree %d\000" len) | `C -> SHA1.feed_string ctx (Fmt.str "blob %d\000" len) | `D -> SHA1.feed_string ctx (Fmt.str "tag %d\000" len) in let ctx = SHA1.feed_bigstring ctx ~off ~len buf in SHA1.get ctx let analyze stream = let where = Hashtbl.create 0x100 in let child = Hashtbl.create 0x100 in let sizes = Hashtbl.create 0x100 in let replace tbl k v = match Hashtbl.find_opt tbl k with | Some v' -> if v' < v then Hashtbl.replace tbl k v | _ -> Hashtbl.add tbl k v in let rec go acc tmp decoder = let open Lwt.Infix in match First_pass.decode decoder with | `Await decoder -> ( stream () >>= function | Some str -> let tmp = Bigstringaf.of_string str ~off:0 ~len:(String.length str) in go acc tmp (First_pass.src decoder tmp 0 (String.length str)) | None -> failwith "Truncated PACK file" ) | `Peek decoder -> let keep = First_pass.src_rem decoder in ( stream () >>= function | Some str -> let tmp = Bigstringaf.create (keep + String.length str) in Bigstringaf.blit tmp ~src_off:0 tmp ~dst_off:0 ~len:keep ; Bigstringaf.blit_from_string str ~src_off:0 tmp ~dst_off:keep ~len:(String.length str) ; go acc tmp (First_pass.src decoder tmp 0 (keep + String.length str)) | None -> failwith "Truncated PACK file" ) | `Entry ({ First_pass.kind= Base _; offset; size; _ }, decoder) -> Hashtbl.add where offset (First_pass.count decoder - 1) ; Hashtbl.add sizes offset size ; go (Verify.unresolved_base ~cursor:offset :: acc) tmp decoder | `Entry ({ First_pass.kind= Ofs { sub= v; source; target; } ; offset; _ }, decoder) -> Hashtbl.add where offset (First_pass.count decoder - 1) ; replace sizes Int64.(sub offset (of_int v)) source ; replace sizes offset target ; ( try let vs = Hashtbl.find child (`Ofs Int64.(sub offset (of_int v))) in Hashtbl.replace child (`Ofs Int64.(sub offset (of_int v))) (offset :: vs) with _ -> Hashtbl.add child (`Ofs Int64.(sub offset (of_int v))) [ offset ] ) ; go (Verify.unresolved_node :: acc) tmp decoder | `Entry ({ First_pass.kind= Ref { ptr; target; source; } ; offset; _ }, decoder) -> Hashtbl.add where offset (First_pass.count decoder - 1) ; replace sizes offset (Stdlib.max target source) ; ( try let vs = Hashtbl.find child (`Ref ptr) in Hashtbl.replace child (`Ref ptr) (offset :: vs) with _ -> Hashtbl.add child (`Ref ptr) [ offset ] ) ; go (Verify.unresolved_node :: acc) tmp decoder | `End _hash -> let where ~cursor = Hashtbl.find where cursor in let children ~cursor ~uid = match Hashtbl.find_opt child (`Ofs cursor), Hashtbl.find_opt child (`Ref uid) with | Some a, Some b -> List.sort_uniq compare (a @ b) | Some x, None | None, Some x -> x | None, None -> [] in let weight ~cursor = Hashtbl.find sizes cursor in let oracle = { Carton.Dec.where ; Carton.Dec.children ; Carton.Dec.digest ; Carton.Dec.weight } in Lwt.return (List.rev acc, oracle) | `Malformed err -> failwith err in let o = Bigstringaf.create De.io_buffer_size in let allocate _ = De.make_window ~bits:15 in let decoder = First_pass.decoder ~o ~allocate `Manual in let open Lwt.Infix in go [] De.bigstring_empty decoder >>= fun (matrix, oracle) -> Lwt.return (Array.of_list matrix, oracle) let stream_of_string str = let closed = ref false in fun () -> match !closed with | true -> Lwt.return_none | false -> closed := true ; Lwt.return_some str let map contents ~pos len = Bigstringaf.of_string ~off:(Int64.to_int pos) ~len contents let unpack contents = let open Lwt.Infix in analyze (stream_of_string contents) >>= fun (matrix, oracle) -> let z = De.bigstring_create De.io_buffer_size in let allocate bits = De.make_window ~bits in let never _ = assert false in let pack = Carton.Dec.make contents ~allocate ~z ~uid_ln:SHA1.length ~uid_rw:SHA1.of_raw_string never in Verify.verify ~threads:4 pack ~map ~oracle ~verbose:ignore ~matrix >>= fun () -> let index = Hashtbl.create (Array.length matrix) in let iter v = let offset = Verify.offset_of_status v in let hash = Verify.uid_of_status v in Hashtbl.add index hash offset in Array.iter iter matrix ; let pack = Carton.Dec.make contents ~allocate ~z ~uid_ln:SHA1.length ~uid_rw:SHA1.of_raw_string (Hashtbl.find index) in init_store () >|= Rresult.R.reword_error (Rresult.R.msgf "%a" Store.pp_error) >|= Rresult.R.failwith_error_msg >>= fun store -> let rec go commit idx = if idx < Array.length matrix then let cursor = Verify.offset_of_status matrix.(idx) in let weight = Carton.Dec.weight_of_offset ~map pack ~weight:Carton.Dec.null cursor in let raw = Carton.Dec.make_raw ~weight in let v = Carton.Dec.of_offset ~map pack raw ~cursor in let kind = match Carton.Dec.kind v with | `A -> `Commit | `B -> `Tree | `C -> `Blob | `D -> `Tag in Store.write_inflated store ~kind (Cstruct.of_bigarray ~off:0 ~len:(Carton.Dec.len v) (Carton.Dec.raw v)) >>= fun hash -> ( if kind = `Commit then Store.shallow store hash else Lwt.return_unit ) >>= fun () -> go (if kind = `Commit then Some hash else None) (succ idx) else Lwt.return commit in go None 0 >>= fun head -> Lwt.return (store, head) let of_octets ctx ~remote data = (* TODO maybe recover edn and branch from data as well? *) let open Lwt.Infix in Lwt.catch (fun () -> unpack data >>= fun (store, head) -> let edn, branch = split_url remote in Lwt.return_ok { ctx ; edn ; branch ; store ; head; }) (fun _exn -> Lwt.return_error (`Msg "Invalid PACK file")) let exists t key = let open Lwt.Infix in match t.head with | None -> Lwt.return (Ok None) | Some head -> Search.mem head (`Commit (`Path (Mirage_kv.Key.segments key))) >>= function | false -> Lwt.return (Ok None) | true -> Search.find head (`Commit (`Path (Mirage_kv.Key.segments key))) >|= Option.get >>= Store.read_exn >>= function | Blob _ -> Lwt.return (Ok (Some `Value)) | Tree _ | Commit _ | Tag _ -> Lwt.return (Ok (Some `Dictionary)) let get t key = let open Lwt.Infix in match t.head with | None -> Lwt.return (Error (`Not_found key)) | Some head -> Search.find head (`Commit (`Path (Mirage_kv.Key.segments key))) >>= function | None -> Lwt.return (Error (`Not_found key)) | Some blob -> Store.read_exn blob >|= function | Blob b -> Ok (Git.Blob.to_string b) | _ -> Error (`Value_expected key) let get_partial t key ~offset ~length = let open Lwt_result.Infix in get t key >|= fun data -> if String.length data < offset then "" else let l = min length (String.length data - offset) in String.sub data offset l let list t key = let open Lwt.Infix in match t.head with | None -> Lwt.return (Error (`Not_found key)) | Some head -> Search.find head (`Commit (`Path (Mirage_kv.Key.segments key))) >>= function | None -> Lwt.return (Error (`Not_found key)) | Some tree -> Store.read_exn tree >>= function | Tree t -> Lwt_list.map_p (fun { Git.Tree.perm; name; _ } -> match perm with | `Commit | `Dir -> Lwt.return (name, `Dictionary) | `Everybody | `Exec | `Normal -> Lwt.return (name, `Value) | `Link -> failwith "Unimplemented link follow") (Store.Value.Tree.to_list t) >|= Result.ok | _ -> Lwt.return (Error (`Dictionary_expected key)) let last_modified t key = let open Lwt.Infix in Option.fold ~none:(Lwt.return (Error (`Not_found key))) ~some:(fun head -> Store.read_exn head >|= function | Commit c -> let author = c in let secs, tz_offset = in let secs = Option.fold ~none:secs ~some:(fun { Git.User.sign ; hours ; minutes } -> let tz_off = Int64.(mul (add (mul (of_int hours) 60L) (of_int minutes)) 60L) in match sign with | `Plus -> Int64.(sub secs tz_off) | `Minus -> Int64.(add secs tz_off)) tz_offset in let ts = Option.fold ~none:Ptime.epoch (Ptime.of_float_s (Int64.to_float secs)) in Ok (Ptime.(Span.to_d_ps (to_span ts))) | _ -> assert false) t.head let digest t key = Option.fold ~none:(Error (`Not_found key)) ~some:(fun x -> Ok (Store.Hash.to_hex x)) t.head |> Lwt.return let size t key = let open Lwt_result.Infix in get t key >|= fun data -> String.length data