We are passionate about creating secure and reliable open source infrastructure. We have worked on secure implementations of important applications such as [OpenPGP](/Our%20Work/Projects#OpenPGP) and DNS.
If you want to assist us continue these projects we would be grateful for a donation and promise to spend your money well (for more information on how we spend the funds we get please see our [funding page](/About%20Us/Funding)).
For Germany, you can [download a general donation receipt](https://aenderwerk.de/wp-content/uploads/bsk-pdf-manager/2024/04/2024-Vereinfachter-Spendennachweis-Aenderwerk.de_.pdf) that together with your bank statement is sufficient to claim taxes on donations up to 300€.
For other European countries and larger donations, we're happy to provide individual donation receipts and work with you on their recognition. For that, please send your full name and postal address and the date of your transaction to `finance@aenderwerk.de`.