A a simple test
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 128 additions and 0 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
(name test)
(libraries http-mirage-client tcpip.stack-socket paf.mirage
mirage-clock-unix mirage-random-stdlib happy-eyeballs-lwt mirage-time-unix
mimic-happy-eyeballs alcotest-lwt))
(alias runtest)
(action (run ./test.exe --color=always)))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
(* Functoria *)
module DNS_client = Dns_client_mirage.Make (Mirage_random_stdlib) (Time) (Mclock) (Pclock) (Tcpip_stack_socket.V4V6)
module Happy_eyeballs = Happy_eyeballs_mirage.Make (Time) (Mclock) (Tcpip_stack_socket.V4V6) (DNS_client)
module Mimic_happy_eyeballs = Mimic_happy_eyeballs.Make (Tcpip_stack_socket.V4V6) (DNS_client) (Happy_eyeballs)
module HTTP_server = Paf_mirage.Make (Tcpip_stack_socket.V4V6.TCP)
module HTTP_client = Http_mirage_client.Make (Pclock) (Tcpip_stack_socket.V4V6.TCP) (Mimic_happy_eyeballs)
let http_1_1_error_handler ?notify (ipaddr, port) ?request:_ error respond =
let contents = match error with
| `Bad_gateway -> Fmt.str "Bad gateway (%a:%d)" Ipaddr.pp ipaddr port
| `Bad_request -> Fmt.str "Bad request (%a:%d)" Ipaddr.pp ipaddr port
| `Exn exn -> Fmt.str "Exception %S (%a:%d)" (Printexc.to_string exn) Ipaddr.pp ipaddr port
| `Internal_server_error -> Fmt.str "Internal server error (%a:%d)" Ipaddr.pp ipaddr port in
let open Httpaf in
Option.iter (fun push -> push (Some ((ipaddr, port), error))) notify ;
let headers = Headers.of_list
[ "content-type", "text/plain"
; "content-length", string_of_int (String.length contents)
; "connection", "close" ] in
let body = respond headers in
Body.write_string body contents ;
Body.close_writer body
let alpn_error_handler
: type reqd headers request response ro wo.
?notify:(((Ipaddr.t * int) * Alpn.server_error) option -> unit) ->
(Ipaddr.t * int) -> (reqd, headers, request, response, ro, wo) Alpn.protocol ->
?request:request -> Alpn.server_error -> (headers -> wo) -> unit
= fun ?notify (ipaddr, port) protocol ?request:_ error respond ->
let contents = match error with
| `Bad_gateway -> Fmt.str "Bad gateway (%a:%d)" Ipaddr.pp ipaddr port
| `Bad_request -> Fmt.str "Bad request (%a:%d)" Ipaddr.pp ipaddr port
| `Exn exn -> Fmt.str "Exception %S (%a:%d)" (Printexc.to_string exn) Ipaddr.pp ipaddr port
| `Internal_server_error -> Fmt.str "Internal server error (%a:%d)" Ipaddr.pp ipaddr port in
Option.iter (fun push -> push (Some ((ipaddr, port), error))) notify ;
let headers =
[ "content-type", "text/plain"
; "content-length", string_of_int (String.length contents) ] in
match protocol with
| Alpn.HTTP_1_1 _ ->
let open Httpaf in
let headers = Headers.of_list (("connection", "close") :: headers) in
let body = respond headers in
Body.write_string body contents ;
Body.close_writer body
| Alpn.H2 _ ->
let open H2 in
let headers = Headers.of_list headers in
let body = respond headers in
H2.Body.Writer.write_string body contents ;
H2.Body.Writer.close body
type alpn_handler =
{ handler : 'reqd 'headers 'request 'response 'ro 'wo.
'reqd -> ('reqd, 'headers, 'request, 'response, 'ro, 'wo) Alpn.protocol -> unit }
let server ?error ?stop stack = function
| `HTTP_1_1 (port, handler) ->
let open Lwt.Syntax in
let+ http_server = HTTP_server.init ~port stack in
let http_service = HTTP_server.http_service ~error_handler:(http_1_1_error_handler ?notify:error)
(fun _flow (_ipaddr, _port) -> handler) in
HTTP_server.serve ?stop http_service http_server
| `ALPN (tls, port, handler) ->
let open Lwt.Syntax in
let alpn_handler =
{ Alpn.error= (fun edn protocol ?request v respond -> alpn_error_handler ?notify:error edn protocol ?request v respond)
; Alpn.request= (fun _flow (_ipaddr, _port) reqd protocol -> handler.handler reqd protocol) } in
let+ http_server = HTTP_server.init ~port stack in
let alpn_service = HTTP_server.alpn_service ~tls alpn_handler in
HTTP_server.serve ?stop alpn_service http_server
let stack ipaddr =
let open Lwt.Syntax in
let* tcpv4v6 = Tcpip_stack_socket.V4V6.TCP.connect ~ipv4_only:false ~ipv6_only:false
ipaddr None in
let* udpv4v6 = Tcpip_stack_socket.V4V6.UDP.connect ~ipv4_only:false ~ipv6_only:false
ipaddr None in
Tcpip_stack_socket.V4V6.connect udpv4v6 tcpv4v6
let test01 =
Alcotest_lwt.test_case "Simple Hello World! (GET)" `Quick @@ fun _sw () ->
let open Lwt.Syntax in
let stop = Lwt_switch.create () in
let handler reqd =
let open Httpaf in
let contents = "Hello World!" in
let headers = Headers.of_list
[ "content-type", "text/plain"
; "content-length", string_of_int (String.length contents)
; "connection", "close" ] in
let response = Response.create ~headers `OK in
Reqd.respond_with_string reqd response contents in
let* stack = stack Ipaddr.V4.Prefix.loopback in
let happy_eyeballs = Happy_eyeballs.create stack in
let* ctx = Mimic_happy_eyeballs.connect happy_eyeballs in
let* t = HTTP_client.connect ctx in
let* `Initialized _thread = server ~stop (Tcpip_stack_socket.V4V6.tcp stack)
(`HTTP_1_1 (8080, handler)) in
let* result = Http_mirage_client.request t "http://localhost:8080/"
(fun _response buf str -> Buffer.add_string buf str ; Lwt.return buf)
(Buffer.create 0x100) in
match result with
| Error err ->
let* () = Lwt_switch.turn_off stop in
let* () = Tcpip_stack_socket.V4V6.disconnect stack in
Alcotest.failf "Client error: %a" Mimic.pp_error err
| Ok (_response, buf) ->
let* () = Lwt_switch.turn_off stop in
let* () = Tcpip_stack_socket.V4V6.disconnect stack in
let body = Buffer.contents buf in
Alcotest.(check string) "body" "Hello World!" body ;
let () = Alcotest_lwt.run "http-mirage-client"
[ "simple", [ test01 ] ]
|> Lwt_main.run
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