This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 249 additions and 34 deletions
@ -1,12 +1,19 @@
(name miou_solo5)
(public_name miou-solo5)
(modules miou_solo5)
(libraries jsonm logs miou)
(wrapped false)
(libraries logs miou)
(language c)
(names stubs)))
(target miou_solo5.ml)
(deps miou_solo5.solo5.ml miou_solo5.default.ml)
(copy miou_solo5.%{context_name}.ml %{target})))
(target stubs.c)
(deps stubs.solo5.c stubs.default.c)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
type bigstring =
(char, Bigarray.int8_unsigned_elt, Bigarray.c_layout) Bigarray.Array1.t
module Json = struct
type value = [ `Null | `Bool of bool | `String of string | `Float of float ]
type t = [ value | `A of t list | `O of (string * t) list ]
module Stack = struct
type stack =
| In_array of t list * stack
| In_object of (string * t) list * stack
| Empty
let encode ?minify ?(size_chunk = 0x800) ~output t =
let encoder = Jsonm.encoder ?minify `Manual in
let buf = Bytes.create size_chunk in
let rec encode k stack value =
match Jsonm.encode encoder value with
| `Ok -> k stack
| `Partial ->
let len = Bytes.length buf - Jsonm.Manual.dst_rem encoder in
output (Bytes.sub_string buf 0 len);
Jsonm.Manual.dst encoder buf 0 (Bytes.length buf);
encode k stack `Await
and value k v stack =
match v with
| #value as v -> encode (continue k) stack (`Lexeme v)
| `O ms -> encode (obj k ms) stack (`Lexeme `Os)
| `A vs -> encode (arr k vs) stack (`Lexeme `As)
and obj k ms stack =
match ms with
| (n, v) :: ms ->
let stack = Stack.In_object (ms, stack) in
encode (value k v) stack (`Lexeme (`Name n))
| [] -> encode (continue k) stack (`Lexeme `Oe)
and arr k vs stack =
match vs with
| v :: vs ->
let stack = Stack.In_array (vs, stack) in
value k v stack
| [] -> encode (continue k) stack (`Lexeme `Ae)
and continue k = function
| Stack.In_array (vs, stack) -> arr k vs stack
| Stack.In_object (ms, stack) -> obj k ms stack
| Stack.Empty as stack -> encode k stack `End
Jsonm.Manual.dst encoder buf 0 (Bytes.length buf);
value (Fun.const ()) t Stack.Empty
let to_json = function
| `Block name ->
`O [ "name", `String name; "type", `String "BLOCK_BASIC" ]
| `Net name ->
`O [ "name", `String name; "type", `String "NET_BASIC" ]
module Net = struct
type t = int
type mac = string
type cfg = { mac: mac; mtu: int }
let connect _name = assert false
let read_bigstring _t ?off:_ ?len:_ _bstr = assert false
let read_bytes _t ?off:_ ?len:_ _buf = assert false
let write_bigstring _t ?off:_ ?len:_ _bstr = assert false
let write_string _t ?off:_ ?len:_ _str = assert false
module Block = struct
type t = { handle: int; pagesize: int }
let pagesize _ = assert false
let connect _name = assert false
let atomic_read _t ~off:_ _bstr = assert false
let atomic_write _t ~off:_ _bstr = assert false
let read _t ~off:_ _bstr = assert false
let write _t ~off:_ _bstr = assert false
external clock_monotonic : unit -> (int[@untagged])
= "unimplemented" "miou_solo5_clock_monotonic"
external clock_wall : unit -> (int[@untagged])
= "unimplemented" "miou_solo5_clock_wall"
let sleep _ = assert false
type 'a arg =
| Args : ('k, 'res) devices -> 'a arg
| Block : string -> Block.t arg
| Net : string -> (Net.t * Net.cfg) arg
and ('k, 'res) devices =
| [] : (unit -> 'res, 'res) devices
| ( :: ) : 'a arg * ('k, 'res) devices -> ('a -> 'k, 'res) devices
let net name = Net name
let block name = Block name
let opt arg = Args [ arg ]
let map _fn args = Args args
let dft _v arg = Args [ arg ]
let const _ = Args []
type t = [ `Block of string | `Net of string ]
let collect devices =
let rec go : type k res. t list -> (k, res) devices -> t list = fun acc -> function
| [] -> List.rev acc
| Block name :: rest -> go (`Block name :: acc) rest
| Net name :: rest -> go (`Net name :: acc) rest
| Args vs :: rest -> go (go acc vs) rest in
go [] devices
let run ?g:_ args _fn =
let devices = collect args in
let v =
`O List.[ "type", `String "solo5.manifest"
; "version", `Float 1.0
; "devices", `A (List.map to_json devices) ] in
let output str = output_string stdout str in
Json.encode ~output v; exit 0
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
#include <caml/memory.h>
#ifndef __unused
# if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1500
# define __unused(x) __pragma( warning (push) ) \
__pragma( warning (disable:4189 ) ) \
x \
__pragma( warning (pop))
# else
# define __unused(x) x __attribute__((unused))
# endif
#define __unit() value __unused(unit)
intnat miou_solo5_clock_monotonic(__unit ()) {
return 0;
intnat miou_solo5_clock_wall(__unit ()) {
return 0;
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
"type": "solo5.manifest",
"version": 1,
"devices": [ { "name": "simple", "type": "BLOCK_BASIC" } ]
@ -1,27 +1,47 @@
external unsafe_get_char : Miou_solo5.bigstring -> int -> char
= "%caml_ba_ref_1"
let bigstring_to_string v =
let len = Bigarray.Array1.dim v in
let res = Bytes.create len in
for i = 0 to len - 1 do
Bytes.set res i (unsafe_get_char v i)
Bytes.unsafe_to_string res
let () =
Miou_solo5.(run [ block "simple" ]) @@ fun blk () ->
let cachet_of_block ~cachesize blk () =
let map blk ~pos len =
let bstr = Bigarray.(Array1.create char c_layout len) in
Miou_solo5.Block.read blk ~off:pos bstr; bstr in
let pagesize = Miou_solo5.Block.pagesize blk in
let bstr = Bigarray.(Array1.create char c_layout pagesize) in
Cachet.make ~cachesize ~pagesize ~map blk
let cachet ~cachesize name =
let open Miou_solo5 in
map (cachet_of_block ~cachesize) [ block name ]
let run cachesize =
Miou_solo5.(run [ cachet ~cachesize "simple" ]) @@ fun blk () ->
let pagesize = Cachet.pagesize blk in
let prm =
Miou.async @@ fun () ->
let bstr = Bigarray.(Array1.create char c_layout pagesize) in
let blk = Cachet.fd blk in
Miou_solo5.Block.atomic_read blk ~off:0 bstr;
let str = bigstring_to_string bstr in
let bstr = Cachet.Bstr.of_bigstring bstr in
let str = Cachet.Bstr.to_string bstr in
let hash = Digest.string str in
Fmt.pr "%08x: %s\n%!" 0 (Digest.to_hex hash)
Miou_solo5.Block.read blk ~off:pagesize bstr;
let str = bigstring_to_string bstr in
let str = Cachet.get_string blk pagesize ~len:pagesize in
let hash = Digest.string str in
Fmt.pr "%08x: %s\n%!" pagesize (Digest.to_hex hash);
Miou.await_exn prm
open Cmdliner
let cachesize =
let doc = "The size of the cache (must be a power of two)." in
let open Arg in
value & opt int 0x100 & info [ "cachesize" ] ~doc ~docv:"NUMBER"
let term =
let open Term in
const run $ cachesize
let cmd =
let doc = "A simple unikernel to read a block device." in
let man = [] in
let info = Cmd.info "blk" ~doc ~man in
Cmd.v info term
let () = Cmd.(exit @@ eval cmd)
@ -3,8 +3,6 @@
(modules sleep)
(modes native)
(link_flags :standard -cclib "-z solo5-abi=hvt")
(= %{context_name} "solo5"))
(libraries miou-solo5)
(language c)
@ -15,8 +13,6 @@
(modules schedule)
(modes native)
(link_flags :standard -cclib "-z solo5-abi=hvt")
(= %{context_name} "solo5"))
(libraries miou-solo5)
(language c)
@ -27,31 +23,83 @@
(modules block)
(modes native)
(link_flags :standard -cclib "-z solo5-abi=hvt")
(= %{context_name} "solo5"))
(libraries miou-solo5 fmt hxd.core hxd.string)
(libraries miou-solo5 cmdliner fmt cachet hxd.core hxd.string)
(language c)
(names manifest.block)))
(targets manifest.sleep.c)
(deps none.json)
(deps sleep.json)
(= %{context_name} "solo5"))
(run solo5-elftool gen-manifest none.json manifest.sleep.c)))
(run solo5-elftool gen-manifest sleep.json manifest.sleep.c)))
(targets sleep.json)
(= %{context_name} "solo5"))
(run %{exe:sleep.exe}))))
(targets manifest.sleep.c)
(= %{context_name} "default"))
(write-file manifest.sleep.c "")))
(targets manifest.schedule.c)
(deps none.json)
(deps schedule.json)
(= %{context_name} "solo5"))
(run solo5-elftool gen-manifest none.json manifest.schedule.c)))
(run solo5-elftool gen-manifest schedule.json manifest.schedule.c)))
(targets schedule.json)
(= %{context_name} "solo5"))
(run %{exe:schedule.exe}))))
(targets manifest.schedule.c)
(= %{context_name} "default"))
(write-file manifest.schedule.c "")))
(targets manifest.block.c)
(deps block.json)
(= %{context_name} "solo5"))
(run solo5-elftool gen-manifest block.json manifest.block.c)))
(targets block.json)
(= %{context_name} "solo5"))
(run %{exe:block.exe}))))
(targets manifest.block.c)
(= %{context_name} "default"))
(write-file manifest.block.c "")))
(= %{context_name} "solo5"))
Reference in a new issue