Improve the documentation

This commit is contained in:
Calascibetta Romain 2024-12-14 00:35:14 +01:00
parent 2ea8d52877
commit 37f45dbe7e

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@ -136,7 +136,20 @@ module Net : sig
if [off] and [len] do not designate a valid range of [bstr]. *)
val write_bigstring : t -> ?off:int -> ?len:int -> bigstring -> unit
(** [write_bigstring t ?off ?len bstr] writes [len] (defaults to
[Bigarray.Array1.dim bstr - off]) bytes to the net device [t], taking them
from byte sequence [bstr], starting at position [off] (defaults to [0]) in
[write_bigstring] is currently writing directly to the net device [t].
Writing cannot fail.
@raise Invalid_argument
if [off] and [len] do not designate a valid range of [bstr]. *)
val write_string : t -> ?off:int -> ?len:int -> string -> unit
(* Like {!val:write_bigstring}, but for [string]. *)
val connect : string -> (t * cfg, [> `Msg of string ]) result
@ -167,9 +180,23 @@ module Block : sig
operation) depending on the file system used by the host and the hardware
used to store the block-device.
@raise Invalid_argument if [off] is not a multiple of [pagesize t]. *)
@raise Invalid_argument
if [off] is not a multiple of [pagesize t] or if the length of [bstr] is
not equal to [pagesize t]. *)
val atomic_write : t -> off:int -> bigstring -> unit
(** [atomic_write t ~off bstr] writes data [pagesize t] bytes from the buffer
[bstr] to the block device identified by [t], starting at byte [off]. Data
is either written in it's entirety or not at all ("short writes" are not
This operation is called {b atomic}, meaning that it is indivisible and
irreducible. What's more, Miou can't do anything else (such as execute
other tasks) until this operation has been completed.
@raise Invalid_argument
if [off] is not a multiple of [pagesize t] or if the length of [bstr] is
not equal to [pagesize t]. *)
(** {3 Scheduled operations on block-devices.}
@ -191,6 +218,9 @@ module Block : sig
actually done, but will be as soon as Miou gets the chance. *)
val write : t -> off:int -> bigstring -> unit
(** Like {!val:atomic_write}, but the operation is scheduled. That is, it's
not actually done, but will be as soon as Miou gets the chance. *)
val connect : string -> (t, [> `Msg of string ]) result
@ -273,13 +303,35 @@ val sleep : int -> unit
[manifest.json], but with the Solo5 toolchain. *)
type 'a arg
(** ['a arg] knows the type of an argument given to {!val:run}. *)
(** Multiple devices are passed to {!val:run} using a list-like syntax. For
let () =
Miou_solo5.(run [ block "disk.img" ]) @@ fun _blk () ->
print_endline "Hello World!"
]} *)
type ('k, 'res) devices =
| [] : (unit -> 'res, 'res) devices
| ( :: ) : 'a arg * ('k, 'res) devices -> ('a -> 'k, 'res) devices
val net : string -> (Net.t * Net.cfg) arg
val block : string -> Block.t arg
val map : 'f -> ('f, 'a) devices -> 'a arg
(** [map fn devices] provides a means for creating devices using other
[devices]. For example, one might use a TCP/IP stack from a {!val:net}
let tcpip ~name : Tcpip.t Miou_solo5.arg =
Miou_solo5.(map [ net name ])
@@ fun ((net : Miou_solo5.Net.t), cfg) () -> Tcpip.of_net_device net
]} *)
val const : 'a -> 'a arg
(** [const v] always returns [v]. *)
val run : ?g:Random.State.t -> ('a, 'b) devices -> 'a -> 'b