(** A simple scheduler for Solo5 in OCaml. Solo5 has 5 hypercalls, 2 for reading and writing to a net device and 2 for reading and writing to a block device. The last hypercall stops the program. This library is an OCaml scheduler (based on Miou) that allows you to interact with these devices. However, the behaviour of these hypercalls needs to be specified in order to understand how to use them properly when it comes to creating a unikernel in OCaml. {2 Net devices.} A net device is a TAP interface connected between your unikernel and the network of your host system. It is through this device that you can communicate with your system's network and receive packets from it. The TCP/IP stack is also built from this device. The user can read and write packets on such a device. However, you need to understand how reading and writing behave when developing an application as a unikernel using Solo5. Writing a packet to the net device is direct and failsafe. In other words, we don't need to wait for anything to happen before writing to the net device (if an error occurs on your host system, the Solo5 tender will fail \- and by extension, so will your unikernel). So, from the scheduler's point of view, writing to the net device is atomic and is never suspended by the scheduler in order to have the opportunity to execute other tasks. However, this is not the case when reading the net device. You might expect to read packages, but they might not be available at the time you try to read them. [Miou_solo5] will make a first attempt at reading and if it fails, the scheduler will "suspend" the reading task (and everything that follows from it) to observe at another point in the life of unikernel whether a packet has just arrived. Reading the net device is currently the only operation where suspension is necessary. In this way, the scheduler can take the opportunity to perform other tasks if reading failed in the first place. It is at the next iteration of the scheduler (after it has executed at least one other task) that [Miou_solo5] will ask the tender if a packet has just arrived. If this is the case, the scheduler will resume the read task, otherwise it will keep it in a suspended state until the next iteration. {2 Block devices.} Block devices are different in that there is no expectation of whether or not there will be data. A block device can be seen as content to which the user has one access per page (generally 4096 bytes). It can be read and written to. However, the read and write operation can take quite a long time \- depending on the file system and your hardware on the host system. There are therefore two types of read/write. An atomic read/write and a scheduled read/write. An atomic read/write is an operation where you can be sure that it is not divisible (and that something else can be tried) and that the operation is currently being performed. Nothing else can be done until this operation has finished. It should be noted that once the operation has finished, the scheduler does not take the opportunity to do another task. It continues with what needs to be done after the read/write as you have implemented in OCaml. This approach is interesting when you want to have certain invariants (in particular the state of the memory) that other tasks cannot alter despite such an operation. The problem is that this operation can take a considerable amount of time and we can't do anything else at the same time. This is why there is the other method, the read/write operation, which is suspended by default and will be performed when the scheduler has the best opportunity to do so - in other words, when it has nothing else to do. This type of operation can be interesting when reading/writing does not depend on assumptions and when these operations can be carried out at a later date without the current time at which the operation is carried out having any effect on the result. For example, scheduling reads on a block device that is read-only is probably more interesting than using atomic reads (whether the read is done at time [T0] or [T1], the result remains the same). {2 The scheduler.} [Miou_solo5] is based on the Miou scheduler. Basically, this scheduler allows the user to perform tasks in parallel. However, Solo5 does {b not} have more than a single core. Parallel tasks are therefore {b unavailable} \- in other words, the user should {b not} use [Miou.call] but only [Miou.async]. Finally, the scheduler works in such a way that scheduled read/write operations on a block device are relegated to the lowest priority tasks. However, this does not mean that [Miou_solo5] is a scheduler that tries to complete as many tasks as possible before reaching an I/O operation (such as waiting for a packet - {!val:Net.read} - or reading/writing a block device). Miou and [Miou_solo5] aim to increase the availability of an application: in other words, as soon as there is an opportunity to execute a task other than the current one, Miou will take it. In this case, all the operations (except atomic ones) present in this module give Miou the opportunity to suspend the current task and execute another task. *) type bigstring = (char, Bigarray.int8_unsigned_elt, Bigarray.c_layout) Bigarray.Array1.t module Net : sig type t (** The type of network interfaces. *) type mac = private string (** The type of the hardware addres (MAC) of an ethernet interface. *) type cfg = { mac: mac; mtu: int } val read_bigstring : t -> ?off:int -> ?len:int -> bigstring -> int (** [read_bigstring t ?off ?len bstr] reads [len] (defaults to [Bigarray.Array1.dim bstr - off]) bytes from the net device [t], storing them in byte sequence [bstr], starting at position [off] (defaults to [0]) in [bstr]. Return the number of bytes actually read. [read_bigstring] attempts an initial read. If it fails, we give the scheduler the opportunity to execute another task. The current task will be resumed as soon as bytes are available in the given net-device [t]. @raise Invalid_argument if [off] and [len] do not designate a valid range of [bstr]. *) val read_bytes : t -> ?off:int -> ?len:int -> bytes -> int (** [read_bytes] is {!val:read_bigstring} but for [bytes]. However, this function uses an internal buffer (of a fixed size) which transmits the bytes from the net-device to the [byte] given by the user. If the [byte] given by the user is larger than the internal buffer, several actual reads are made. This means that a single [read_bytes] can give the scheduler several opportunities to execute other tasks. @raise Invalid_argument if [off] and [len] do not designate a valid range of [bstr]. *) val write_bigstring : t -> ?off:int -> ?len:int -> bigstring -> unit val write_string : t -> ?off:int -> ?len:int -> string -> unit val connect : string -> (t * cfg, [> `Msg of string ]) result end module Block : sig type t (** The type of block devices. *) val pagesize : t -> int (** [pagesize t] returns the number of bytes in a memory page, where "page" is a fixed length block, the unit for memory allocation and block-device mapping performed by the functions above. *) val atomic_read : t -> off:int -> bigstring -> unit (** [atomic_read t ~off bstr] reads data of [pagesize t] bytes into the buffer [bstr] from the block device [t] at byte [off]. Always reads the full amount of [pagesize t] bytes ("short reads" are not possible). This operation is called {b atomic}, meaning that it is indivisible and irreducible. What's more, Miou can't do anything else (such as execute other tasks) until this operation has been completed. The advantage of this type of operation is that you can assume a precise state, not only of the memory but also of the block-device, which cannot change during the read. The disadvantage is that this operation can take a long time (and make your unikernel unavailable to all events for the duration of the operation) depending on the file system used by the host and the hardware used to store the block-device. @raise Invalid_argument if [off] is not a multiple of [pagesize t]. *) val atomic_write : t -> off:int -> bigstring -> unit (** {3 Scheduled operations on block-devices.} As far as operations on scheduled block-devices are concerned, here's a description of when Miou performs these operations. As soon as Miou tries to observe possible events (such as the reception of a packet - see {!val:Net.read}), it also performs a (single) block-device operation. If Miou still has time (such as waiting for the end of a {!val:sleep}), it can perform several operations on the block-devices until it runs out of time. In short, operations on scheduled block-devices have the lowest priority. A unikernel can't go faster than the operations on waiting block-devices, so it's said to be I/O-bound on block-devices. *) val read : t -> off:int -> bigstring -> unit (** Like {!val:atomic_read}, but the operation is scheduled. That is, it's not actually done, but will be as soon as Miou gets the chance. *) val write : t -> off:int -> bigstring -> unit val connect : string -> (t, [> `Msg of string ]) result end external clock_monotonic : unit -> (int[@untagged]) = "unimplemented" "miou_solo5_clock_monotonic" [@@noalloc] (** [clock_monotonic ()] returns monotonic time since an unspecified period in the past. The monotonic clock corresponds to the CPU time spent since the boot time. The monotonic clock cannot be relied upon to provide accurate results - unless great care is taken to correct the possible flaws. Indeed, if the unikernel is suspended (by the host system), the monotonic clock will no longer be aligned with the "real time elapsed" since the boot. This operation is {b atomic}. In other words, it does not give the scheduler the opportunity to execute another task. *) external clock_wall : unit -> (int[@untagged]) = "unimplemented" "miou_solo5_clock_wall" [@@noalloc] (** [clock_wall ()] returns wall clock in UTC since the UNIX epoch (1970-01-01). The wall clock corresponds to the host's clock. Indeed, each time [clock_wall ()] is called, a syscall/hypercall is made to get the host's clock. Compared to the monotonic clock, getting the host's clock may take some time. This operation is atomic. In other words, it does not give the scheduler the opportunity to execute another task. *) val sleep : int -> unit (** [sleep ns] blocks (suspends) the current task for [ns] nanoseconds. *) (** {2 The first entry-point of an unikernels.} A unikernel is an application that can require several devices. {!val:net} devices ([tap] interfaces) and {!val:block} devices (files). These devices can be acquired by name and transformed (via {!val:map}. For example, a block device can be transformed into a file system, provided that the latter implementation uses the read and write operations associated with block devices (see {!module:Block}). {[ let fs ~name = let open Miou_solo5 in map [ block name ] @@ fun blk () -> Fat32.of_solo5_block blk ]} Miou_solo5 acquires these devices, performs the transformations requested by the user and returns the results: {[ let () = Miou_solo5.(run [ fs ~name:"disk.img" ]) @@ fun fat32 () -> let file_txt = Fat32.openfile fat32 "file.txt" in let finally () = Fat32.close file_txt in Fun.protect ~finally @@ fun () -> let line = Fat32.read_line file_txt in print_endline line ]} Finally, it executes the code given by the user. The user can therefore “build-up” complex systems (such as a TCP/IP stack from a net-device, or a file system from a block-device using the {!val:map} function). {2 Miou_solo5 and build-systems.} Miou_solo5 can be compiled as a simple executable to run on the host system or a unikernel with the Solo5 toolchain. As for the executable produced, the latter produces a “manifest” (in JSON format) describing the devices required by the unikernel. This manifest is {b required} to compile the unikernel. It is therefore possible to: + produce the executable + generate the [manifest.json] via the produced executable + generate the unikernel using the same code that generated the [manifest.json], but with the Solo5 toolchain. *) type 'a arg type ('k, 'res) devices = | [] : (unit -> 'res, 'res) devices | ( :: ) : 'a arg * ('k, 'res) devices -> ('a -> 'k, 'res) devices val net : string -> (Net.t * Net.cfg) arg val block : string -> Block.t arg val map : 'f -> ('f, 'a) devices -> 'a arg val const : 'a -> 'a arg val run : ?g:Random.State.t -> ('a, 'b) devices -> 'a -> 'b