type bigstring = (char, Bigarray.int8_unsigned_elt, Bigarray.c_layout) Bigarray.Array1.t module Json = struct type value = [ `Null | `Bool of bool | `String of string | `Float of float ] type t = [ value | `A of t list | `O of (string * t) list ] module Stack = struct type stack = | In_array of t list * stack | In_object of (string * t) list * stack | Empty end let encode ?minify ?(size_chunk = 0x800) ~output t = let encoder = Jsonm.encoder ?minify `Manual in let buf = Bytes.create size_chunk in let rec encode k stack value = match Jsonm.encode encoder value with | `Ok -> k stack | `Partial -> let len = Bytes.length buf - Jsonm.Manual.dst_rem encoder in output (Bytes.sub_string buf 0 len); Jsonm.Manual.dst encoder buf 0 (Bytes.length buf); encode k stack `Await and value k v stack = match v with | #value as v -> encode (continue k) stack (`Lexeme v) | `O ms -> encode (obj k ms) stack (`Lexeme `Os) | `A vs -> encode (arr k vs) stack (`Lexeme `As) and obj k ms stack = match ms with | (n, v) :: ms -> let stack = Stack.In_object (ms, stack) in encode (value k v) stack (`Lexeme (`Name n)) | [] -> encode (continue k) stack (`Lexeme `Oe) and arr k vs stack = match vs with | v :: vs -> let stack = Stack.In_array (vs, stack) in value k v stack | [] -> encode (continue k) stack (`Lexeme `Ae) and continue k = function | Stack.In_array (vs, stack) -> arr k vs stack | Stack.In_object (ms, stack) -> obj k ms stack | Stack.Empty as stack -> encode k stack `End in Jsonm.Manual.dst encoder buf 0 (Bytes.length buf); value (Fun.const ()) t Stack.Empty end let to_json = function | `Block name -> `O [ ("name", `String name); ("type", `String "BLOCK_BASIC") ] | `Net name -> `O [ ("name", `String name); ("type", `String "NET_BASIC") ] module Net = struct type t = int type mac = string type cfg = { mac: mac; mtu: int } let connect _name = assert false let read_bigstring _t ?off:_ ?len:_ _bstr = assert false let read_bytes _t ?off:_ ?len:_ _buf = assert false let write_bigstring _t ?off:_ ?len:_ _bstr = assert false let write_string _t ?off:_ ?len:_ _str = assert false end module Block = struct type t = { handle: int; pagesize: int } let pagesize _ = assert false let connect _name = assert false let atomic_read _t ~off:_ _bstr = assert false let atomic_write _t ~off:_ _bstr = assert false let read _t ~off:_ _bstr = assert false let write _t ~off:_ _bstr = assert false end external clock_monotonic : unit -> (int[@untagged]) = "unimplemented" "miou_solo5_clock_monotonic" [@@noalloc] external clock_wall : unit -> (int[@untagged]) = "unimplemented" "miou_solo5_clock_wall" [@@noalloc] let sleep _ = assert false type 'a arg = | Args : ('k, 'res) devices -> 'a arg | Block : string -> Block.t arg | Net : string -> (Net.t * Net.cfg) arg and ('k, 'res) devices = | [] : (unit -> 'res, 'res) devices | ( :: ) : 'a arg * ('k, 'res) devices -> ('a -> 'k, 'res) devices let net name = Net name let block name = Block name let opt arg = Args [ arg ] let map _fn args = Args args let dft _v arg = Args [ arg ] let const _ = Args [] type t = [ `Block of string | `Net of string ] let collect devices = let rec go : type k res. t list -> (k, res) devices -> t list = fun acc -> function | [] -> List.rev acc | Block name :: rest -> go (`Block name :: acc) rest | Net name :: rest -> go (`Net name :: acc) rest | Args vs :: rest -> go (go acc vs) rest in go [] devices let run ?g:_ args _fn = let devices = collect args in let v = `O List. [ ("type", `String "solo5.manifest"); ("version", `Float 1.0) ; ("devices", `A (List.map to_json devices)) ] in let output str = output_string stdout str in Json.encode ~output v; exit 0