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2019-05-13 01:33:05 +00:00
# Grafana Unikernel monitoring experiments
Using Influx, Telegraf, etc.
2022-01-27 13:54:40 +00:00
# Dynamic adjustments of Log level and Metrics reporting
The create function has a *listener_port* argument. If this is provided, then
on the given port TCP connections to the unikernel are possible. Each connection
can transmit a command (as text) to adjust log level and enable or disable
metrics sources:
The log level (prefix `L`) is specified, the same as the command-line argument `-l`:
- `L*:debug` all log sources are enabled on the *debug* level
- `Lmonitoring-experiments:error` the log source monitoring-experiments is set to the *error* level
- `L*:info,monitoring-experiments:debug` all log sources are enabled on the *info* level, and the log source monitoring-experiments is set to the *debug* level
The metrics (prefix `M`) sources can be enabled and disabled based on source name.
First, if present, the all command is executed, then specific sources:
- `M*:disable,memory:enable,net-solo5:enable` disables all metrics sources, and then enables *memory* and *net-solo5*
- `Mnet-solo5:disable` disables the *net-solo5* metrics source.
The log levels for the log sources can be inspected:
- `l` reports the default log level and the log level for all log sources
- `l*` reports the default log level only
- `lmonitoring-experiments,dns` reports the log level for monitoring-experiments and dns respectively.
Likewise, metrics status can be similarly inspected:
- `m` reports the metrics status for all metrics sources
- `mmemory,net-solo5` reports the metrics status for memory and net-solo5 respectively.