upgrade to mirage4, drop usage of OS.MM.malloc_metrics

This commit is contained in:
Hannes Mehnert 2022-08-05 12:35:00 +02:00
parent 3bf6ceb432
commit 7b78a528cc
3 changed files with 14 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -16,8 +16,7 @@ depends: [
"metrics-influx" {>= "0.2.0"}
"mirage-time" {>= "2.0.0"}
"tcpip" {>= "7.0.0"}
"mirage-solo5" {>= "0.6.4" & < "0.7.0"}
"ocaml-freestanding" {>= "0.4.5"}
"mirage-solo5" {>= "0.7.0"}
"memtrace-mirage" {>= ""}
"mirage-clock" {>= "4.0.0"}

View file

@ -31,11 +31,12 @@ let counter_metrics ~f name =
let vmname = Metrics.field ~doc:"name of the virtual machine" "vm" Metrics.String
let memory_metrics ~tags =
let memory_metrics ~quick ~tags =
let open Metrics in
let doc = "Memory counters" in
let stat = Solo5_os.Memory.(if quick then quick_stat else stat) in
let data () =
let stat = OS.Memory.quick_stat () in
let stat = stat () in
[ uint "memory heap words" stat.heap_words
; uint "memory live words" stat.live_words
@ -264,8 +265,8 @@ module Make (T : Mirage_time.S) (P : Mirage_clock.PCLOCK) (S : Tcpip.Stack.V4V6)
Lwt.return_unit) >>= fun () ->
S.TCP.close f)
let create ?(interval = 10) ?hostname dst ?(port = 8094) ?(listen_port = 2323)
?(memtrace_port = 4242) ?(sampling_rate = 1e-4) stack =
let create ?(interval = 10) ?(quick = true) ?hostname dst ?(port = 8094)
?(listen_port = 2323) ?(memtrace_port = 4242) ?(sampling_rate = 1e-4) stack =
S.TCP.listen (S.tcp stack) ~port:memtrace_port
(fun f ->
(* only allow a single tracing client *)
@ -285,8 +286,7 @@ module Make (T : Mirage_time.S) (P : Mirage_clock.PCLOCK) (S : Tcpip.Stack.V4V6)
Metrics.set_reporter reporter;
Metrics.enable_all ();
Metrics_lwt.init_periodic (fun () -> T.sleep_ns (Duration.of_sec interval));
Metrics_lwt.periodically (OS.MM.malloc_metrics ~tags:Metrics.Tags.[])[@warning "-3"];
Metrics_lwt.periodically (memory_metrics ~tags:Metrics.Tags.[]);
Metrics_lwt.periodically (memory_metrics ~quick ~tags:Metrics.Tags.[]);
let host = match hostname with None -> [] | Some host -> [vmname host] in
Lwt.async (timer_loop get_cache host interval stack (dst, port));
create_listener stack listen_port

View file

@ -7,14 +7,17 @@ val vmname : string -> Metrics.field
module Make (T : Mirage_time.S) (P : Mirage_clock.PCLOCK) (S : Tcpip.Stack.V4V6) : sig
val create : ?interval:int -> ?hostname:string -> Ipaddr.t -> ?port:int ->
?listen_port:int -> ?memtrace_port:int -> ?sampling_rate:float -> S.t -> unit
(** [create ~interval ~hostname ip ~port ~listen_port ~memtrace_port ~sampling_rate stack]
val create : ?interval:int -> ?quick:bool -> ?hostname:string -> Ipaddr.t ->
?port:int -> ?listen_port:int -> ?memtrace_port:int ->
?sampling_rate:float -> S.t -> unit
(** [create ~interval ~quick ~hostname ip ~port ~listen_port ~memtrace_port ~sampling_rate stack]
initiates monitoring on [stack] for the unikernel. The metrics are reported
every [interval] (defaults to 10) seconds to [ip] on [port] (defaults to
8094) via TCP using the influxd wire protocol. On [listen_port] (defaults
to 2323) a TCP connection can be initiated to adjust the log level and
enable and disable metrics sources. On [memtrace_port] (defaults to 4242)
a single TCP client can connect simultaneously to receive a [Gc.Memprof]
trace. The [sampling_rate] defaults to [1e-4]. *)
trace. The [sampling_rate] defaults to [1e-4]. If [quick] is provided
and [false] (defaults to [true]), [Solo5_os.Memory.stat] is used,
otherwise [Solo5_os.Memory.quick_stat] is used. *)