module I : sig val encode_line_protocol : Metrics.tags -> -> string -> string end module R : sig module SM : Map.S with type key = Metrics.Src.t val store_reporter : (unit -> int64) -> unit -> (unit -> (Metrics.tags * SM.t) * Metrics.reporter (** [store_reporter now ()] is a reporter that stores the last measurement from each source in a map (which can be retrieved by the returned function). This is an initial attempt to overcome the push vs pull interface. Each measurement _event_ is sent at an arbitrary point in time, while reporting over a communication channel may be rate-limited (i.e. report every 10 seconds statistics, rather than whenever they appear). This is only a good idea for counters, histograms etc. may be useful for other numbers (such as time consumed between receive and send - the measurement should provide the information whether it's a counter or sth else). *) end module M : sig val vmname : string -> Metrics.field (** [vmname name] creates a [tag] with the virtual machine name. *) module Pull (T : Mirage_time_lwt.S) (C : Mirage_clock.MCLOCK) (F : Mirage_flow_lwt.S) : sig type t val create : ?interval:int -> ?hostname:string -> unit -> t (** [create_pull ~interval ~hostname ()] registers a reporter, that will each [interval] (in seconds, default is 10) send in an asynchronous task gathered metrics to all registered flows. Each metrics source produces one measurment in influx format. Flows where write fails are deregistered. *) val add_flow : t -> F.flow -> unit val push : ?interval:int -> ?hostname:string -> F.flow -> unit end module S (T : Mirage_time_lwt.S) (P : Mirage_clock.PCLOCK) (C : Mirage_clock.MCLOCK) (S : Mirage_stack_lwt.V4) : sig val create_tls : ?port:int -> ?hostname:string -> ?interval:int -> S.t -> Tls.Config.own_cert -> unit val create_tcp : ?port:int -> ?hostname:string -> ?interval:int -> S.t -> unit end end