open Lwt.Infix let src = Logs.Src.create "monitoring-experiments" ~doc:"Monitoring experiments" module Log = (val Logs.src_log src : Logs.LOG) let create ~f = let data : (string, int) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 7 in (fun x -> let key = f x in let cur = match Hashtbl.find_opt data key with | None -> 0 | Some x -> x in Hashtbl.replace data key (succ cur)), (fun () -> let data, total = Hashtbl.fold (fun key value (acc, total) -> (Metrics.uint key value :: acc), value + total) data ([], 0) in Metrics.uint "total" total :: data) let counter_metrics ~f name = let open Metrics in let doc = "Counter metrics" in let incr, get = create ~f in let data thing = incr thing; Data.v (get ()) in Src.v ~doc ~tags:Metrics.Tags.[] ~data name let vmname = Metrics.field ~doc:"name of the virtual machine" "vm" Metrics.String module Make (T : Mirage_time.S) (S : Mirage_stack.V4V6) = struct let timer conn get host stack dst = let datas = Metrics.SM.fold (fun src (tags, data) acc -> let name = src in Metrics_influx.encode_line_protocol (host@tags) data name :: acc) (get ()) [] in let datas = String.concat "" datas in let write flow = Log.debug (fun m -> m "sending measurements"); S.TCP.write flow (Cstruct.of_string datas) >|= function | Ok () -> () | Error e -> Log.err (fun m -> m "error %a writing to metrics" S.TCP.pp_write_error e); conn := None in match !conn with | None -> begin Log.debug (fun m -> m "creating connection"); S.TCP.create_connection (S.tcp stack) dst >>= function | Error msg -> Log.err (fun m -> m "couldn't create connection %a" S.TCP.pp_error msg); Lwt.return_unit | Ok flow -> conn := Some flow; write flow end | Some f -> write f let timer_loop get host interval stack dst () = let conn = ref None in let rec one () = Lwt.join [ timer conn get host stack dst; T.sleep_ns (Duration.of_sec interval) ] >>= fun () -> (one[@tailcall]) () in one () let create ?(interval = 10) ?hostname dst ?(port = 8094) stack = let get_cache, reporter = Metrics.cache_reporter () in Metrics.set_reporter reporter; Metrics.enable_all (); Metrics_lwt.init_periodic (fun () -> T.sleep_ns (Duration.of_sec interval)); Metrics_lwt.periodically (OS.MM.malloc_metrics ~tags:Metrics.Tags.[]); let host = match hostname with None -> [] | Some host -> [vmname host] in Lwt.async (timer_loop get_cache host interval stack (dst, port)) end