Owee_elf may raise various exceptions (I may have missed some):
- Owee_buf.Invalid_format of string
- Failure (failwith in Owee_elf.read_identification, called by read_elf)
- Assert_failure (assert in Owee_elf.read_header, called by read_elf)
addresses #1
* The binary is renamed from solo5-elftool to osolo5-elftool to allow
for distinguishing from the binary from solo5
* query_abi is implemented and osolo5-elftool is extended with a
query-abi sub command
* instead of [assert false] on unknown manifest entry types or abi
targets an [Error (`Msg ...)] is returned.
* Asserts and cstruct exceptions are removed in favor of result
* Parse separately and don't emit `RESERVED_FIRST` mft_entry
* Add .mli file exposing types, pretty printers and `query_manifest`