Drop owee dependency and work on strings #2
15 changed files with 255 additions and 90 deletions
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
(public_name osolo5-elftool)
(public_name osolo5-elftool)
(name main)
(name main)
(libraries solo5-elftool owee cstruct cmdliner))
(libraries solo5-elftool unix cachet cmdliner))
@ -1,13 +1,33 @@
let map_binary file =
let fd = Unix.openfile file [Unix.O_RDONLY; Unix.O_CLOEXEC] 0 in
let stat = Unix.fstat fd in
let map () ~pos len =
let len = Int.min (stat.Unix.st_size - pos) len in
let pos = Int64.of_int pos in
let barr =
Unix.map_file fd ~pos Bigarray.char Bigarray.c_layout false [| len |]
Bigarray.array1_of_genarray barr
at_exit (fun () -> Unix.close fd);
Cachet.make ~map ()
let query_manifest file =
let query_manifest file =
Owee_buf.map_binary file
map_binary file
|> Solo5_elftool.query_manifest
|> Solo5_elftool.query_manifest
|> Result.iter (fun mft ->
|> Result.fold
~ok:(fun mft ->
Fmt.pr "%a\n" Solo5_elftool.pp_mft mft)
Fmt.pr "%a\n" Solo5_elftool.pp_mft mft)
~error:(fun (`Msg e) ->
Fmt.epr "%s\n" e)
let query_abi file =
let query_abi file =
Owee_buf.map_binary file
map_binary file
|> Solo5_elftool.query_abi
|> Solo5_elftool.query_abi
|> Result.iter (Fmt.pr "%a\n" Solo5_elftool.pp_abi)
|> Result.fold
~ok:(fun abi -> Fmt.pr "%a\n" Solo5_elftool.pp_abi abi)
~error:(fun (`Msg e) ->
Fmt.epr "%s\n" e)
let file =
let file =
let doc = "Solo5 executable" in
let doc = "Solo5 executable" in
@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
(lang dune 2.9)
(lang dune 2.9)
(name solo5-elftool)
(name solo5-elftool)
(cram enable)
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
(public_name solo5-elftool)
(public_name solo5-elftool)
(name solo5_elftool)
(name solo5_elftool)
(libraries owee cstruct fmt))
(libraries cachet fmt))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
module Bstr = Cachet.Bstr
exception Elf_error
(* only the bits we care about *)
type header = {
e_shoff : int;
e_shentsize : int;
e_shnum : int;
e_shstrndx : int;
type section = {
sh_offset : int;
sh_size : int;
sh_name_off : int;
sh_name : string;
let section_manifest = ".note.solo5.manifest"
let section_abi = ".note.solo5.abi"
let note_name = "Solo5"
let typ_mft1 = 0x3154464d
let typ_abi1 = 0x31494241
let get_uint16 = function
| `LE -> Cachet.get_uint16_le
| `BE -> Cachet.get_uint16_be
let get_uint32 en s off =
let get = match en with
| `LE -> Cachet.get_int32_le
| `BE -> Cachet.get_int32_be
Int32.to_int (get s off) land 0xFFFF_FFFF
let get_uint64 en s off =
let get = match en with
| `LE -> Cachet.get_int64_le
| `BE -> Cachet.get_int64_be
match Int64.unsigned_to_int (get s off) with
| None -> raise Elf_error
| Some n -> n
let c_string seq maxlen =
let res = Buffer.create maxlen in
let rec scan i = function
| Seq.Nil -> raise Elf_error
| Seq.Cons (s, seq) ->
match String.index_opt s '\000' with
| None ->
let i = i + String.length s in
if i >= maxlen then
raise Elf_error;
Buffer.add_string res s;
scan i (seq ())
| Some l ->
let i = i + l in
if i >= maxlen then
raise Elf_error;
Buffer.add_substring res s 0 l;
Buffer.contents res
scan 0 (seq ())
let read_magic c =
if not (Cachet.get_uint8 c 0 = 0x7f &&
String.equal (Cachet.get_string c ~len:3 1) "ELF")
then raise Elf_error
let elfclass64 = 2
let read_identification c =
let elf_class = Cachet.get_uint8 c 4 in
let elf_data = Cachet.get_uint8 c 5 in
let _elf_version = Cachet.get_uint8 c 6 in
let _elf_osabi = Cachet.get_uint8 c 7 in
let _elf_abiversion = Cachet.get_uint8 c 8 in
for i = 9 to 15 do
if Cachet.get_uint8 c i <> 0 then
raise Elf_error
(* we only support ELFCLASS64 *)
if elf_class <> elfclass64 then
raise Elf_error;
let endianness =
match elf_data with
| 1 -> `LE
| 2 -> `BE
| _ -> raise Elf_error
let read_header en c =
let e_shoff = get_uint32 en c 0x28 in
let e_shentsize = get_uint16 en c 0x3a in
let e_shnum = get_uint16 en c 0x3c in
let e_shstrndx = get_uint16 en c 0x3e in
if Sys.int_size <= 32 then
raise Elf_error;
{ e_shoff; e_shentsize; e_shnum; e_shstrndx }
let read_section en c hdr i =
let off = hdr.e_shoff + i * hdr.e_shentsize in
let sh_name_off = get_uint32 en c off in
let sh_offset = get_uint64 en c (off + 24) in
let sh_size = get_uint64 en c (off + 32) in
{ sh_name_off; sh_offset; sh_size; sh_name = "" }
let read_section_name shstrndx c section =
let off = shstrndx.sh_offset + section.sh_name_off in
c_string (Cachet.get_seq c off) (shstrndx.sh_size - section.sh_name_off)
let read_sections en c hdr =
let sections = Array.init hdr.e_shnum (read_section en c hdr) in
let shstrndx = sections.(hdr.e_shstrndx) in
(fun section -> { section with sh_name = read_section_name shstrndx c section })
let find_section sections name =
(fun section -> String.equal section.sh_name name)
let desc en c section ~expected_owner ~expected_type =
let off = section.sh_offset in
if section.sh_size < 12 then
raise Elf_error;
let namesz = get_uint32 en c off
and descsz = get_uint32 en c (off + 4)
and typ = get_uint32 en c (off + 8) in
if typ <> expected_type ||
String.length expected_owner + 1 <> namesz ||
not (String.equal
(expected_owner ^ "\000")
(Cachet.get_string c (off+12) ~len:namesz))
let off = off + 12 + namesz in
(* padding *)
let off = off + ((4 - (off land 3)) land 3) in
Some (Cachet.get_string c off ~len:descsz)
let find c section_name typ =
let () = read_magic c in
let en = read_identification c in
let hdr = read_header en c in
let sections = read_sections en c hdr in
match find_section sections section_name with
| None -> None
| Some section ->
desc en c section ~expected_owner:note_name ~expected_type:typ
@ -70,43 +70,41 @@ let guard m b = if not b then Error (`Msg m) else Ok ()
let sizeof_mft_entry = 104
let sizeof_mft_entry = 104
let mft_max_entries = 64l
let mft_max_entries = 64l
let parse_mft_entry buf =
let parse_mft_entry s =
(* invariant: Cstruct.length buf = sizeof_mft_entry *)
(* invariant: Cstruct.length buf = sizeof_mft_entry *)
let name_raw = Cstruct.sub buf 0 68 in
let name_raw = String.sub s 0 68 in
let typ = Cstruct.LE.get_uint32 buf 68 in
let typ = String.get_int32_le s 68 in
let u = Cstruct.sub buf 72 16 in
let u = String.sub s 72 16 in
let b = Cstruct.sub buf 88 8 in
let b = String.sub s 88 8 in
let attached = Cstruct.get_uint8 buf 96 <> 0 in
let attached = String.get_uint8 s 96 <> 0 in
let* name =
let* name =
Cstruct.cut ~sep:(Cstruct.create 1) name_raw
String.index_opt name_raw '\000'
|> Option.map (fun (name, _) -> Cstruct.to_string name)
|> Option.map (fun idx -> String.sub name_raw 0 idx)
|> Option.to_result ~none:(`Msg "unterminated device name")
|> Option.to_result ~none:(`Msg "unterminated device name")
let* () = guard "non-zero mft_entry.u" (Cstruct.for_all ((=) '\000') u) in
let* () = guard "non-zero mft_entry.u" (String.for_all ((=) '\000') u) in
let* () = guard "non-zero mft_entry.b" (Cstruct.for_all ((=) '\000') b) in
let* () = guard "non-zero mft_entry.b" (String.for_all ((=) '\000') b) in
let* () = guard "non-zero mft_entry.attached" (not attached) in
let* () = guard "non-zero mft_entry.attached" (not attached) in
let* typ = mft_type_of_int typ in
let* typ = mft_type_of_int typ in
match typ with
match typ with
| Reserved_first ->
| Reserved_first ->
let* () = guard "non-zero RESERVED_FIRST" (Cstruct.for_all ((=) '\000') name_raw) in
let* () = guard "non-zero RESERVED_FIRST" (String.for_all ((=) '\000') name_raw) in
Ok `Reserved_first
Ok `Reserved_first
| Dev_block_basic ->
| Dev_block_basic ->
Ok (`Dev_block_basic name)
Ok (`Dev_block_basic name)
| Dev_net_basic ->
| Dev_net_basic ->
Ok (`Dev_net_basic name)
Ok (`Dev_net_basic name)
let parse_mft buf =
let parse_mft s =
let buf = Cstruct.of_string buf in
let* () = guard "manifest too small"
let* () = guard "manifest too small"
(Cstruct.length buf >= 4 + 8 + sizeof_mft_entry)
(String.length s >= 4 + 8 + sizeof_mft_entry)
(* Solo5 defines a struct mft1_note consisting of the ELF note header
(* Solo5 defines a struct mft1_note consisting of the ELF note header
* followed by a struct mft for reading and writing the ELF note. The note
* followed by a struct mft for reading and writing the ELF note. The note
* header is 20 bytes long, so to get 8-byte alignment the note header is
* header is 20 bytes long, so to get 8-byte alignment the note header is
* padded with 4 bytes. See {[solo5/mft_abi.h]}. *)
* padded with 4 bytes. See {[solo5/mft_abi.h]}. *)
let buf = Cstruct.shift buf 4 in
let version = String.get_int32_le s 4
let version = Cstruct.LE.get_uint32 buf 0
and entries = String.get_int32_le s 8
and entries = Cstruct.LE.get_uint32 buf 4
let* () = guard "unsupported manifest version" (version = 1l) in
let* () = guard "unsupported manifest version" (version = 1l) in
let* () = guard "zero manifest entries" (Int32.unsigned_compare entries 0l > 0) in
let* () = guard "zero manifest entries" (Int32.unsigned_compare entries 0l > 0) in
@ -118,25 +116,25 @@ let parse_mft buf =
* mft_max_entries, so this is safely equivalent to:
* mft_max_entries, so this is safely equivalent to:
* (Option.get (Int32.unsigned_to_int entries) *)
* (Option.get (Int32.unsigned_to_int entries) *)
let entries = Int32.to_int entries in
let entries = Int32.to_int entries in
let buf = Cstruct.shift buf 8 in
let off = 12 in
let* () = guard "unexpected note size"
let* () = guard "unexpected note size"
(Cstruct.length buf = entries * sizeof_mft_entry)
(String.length s = entries * sizeof_mft_entry + 12)
let* () =
let* () =
match parse_mft_entry (Cstruct.sub buf 0 sizeof_mft_entry) with
match parse_mft_entry (String.sub s off sizeof_mft_entry) with
| Ok `Reserved_first -> Ok ()
| Ok `Reserved_first -> Ok ()
| _ -> Error (`Msg "expected RESERVED_FIRST")
| _ -> Error (`Msg "expected RESERVED_FIRST")
let buf = Cstruct.shift buf sizeof_mft_entry in
let off = off + sizeof_mft_entry in
let entries =
let entries =
Array.init (entries - 1)
Array.init (entries - 1)
(fun i -> Cstruct.sub buf (i * sizeof_mft_entry) sizeof_mft_entry)
(fun i -> String.sub s (off + i * sizeof_mft_entry) sizeof_mft_entry)
let* entries =
let* entries =
(fun r buf ->
(fun r s ->
let* acc = r in
let* acc = r in
let* mft_entry = parse_mft_entry buf in
let* mft_entry = parse_mft_entry s in
match mft_entry with
match mft_entry with
| `Dev_block_basic name -> Ok (Dev_block_basic name :: acc)
| `Dev_block_basic name -> Ok (Dev_block_basic name :: acc)
| `Dev_net_basic name -> Ok (Dev_net_basic name :: acc)
| `Dev_net_basic name -> Ok (Dev_net_basic name :: acc)
@ -147,65 +145,28 @@ let parse_mft buf =
Ok { version = Int32.to_int version; entries }
Ok { version = Int32.to_int version; entries }
let parse_abi buf =
let parse_abi s =
let buf = Cstruct.of_string buf in
let* () = guard "abi manifest size mismatch" (String.length s = 4 * 4) in
let* () = guard "abi manifest size mismatch" (Cstruct.length buf = 4 * 4) in
let target = String.get_int32_le s 0 in
let target = Cstruct.LE.get_uint32 buf 0 in
let version = String.get_int32_le s 4 in
let version = Cstruct.LE.get_uint32 buf 4 in
let reserved0 = String.get_int32_le s 8 in
let reserved0 = Cstruct.LE.get_uint32 buf 8 in
let reserved1 = String.get_int32_le s 12 in
let reserved1 = Cstruct.LE.get_uint32 buf 12 in
let* target = abi_target_of_int target in
let* target = abi_target_of_int target in
let* () = guard "non-zero reserved0" (reserved0 = 0l) in
let* () = guard "non-zero reserved0" (reserved0 = 0l) in
let* () = guard "non-zero reserved1" (reserved1 = 0l) in
let* () = guard "non-zero reserved1" (reserved1 = 0l) in
(* XXX: should we check version = 1l ? *)
(* XXX: should we check version = 1l ? *)
Ok { target; version }
Ok { target; version }
let ( let* ) = Result.bind
let query_manifest c =
match Elf.find c Elf.section_manifest Elf.typ_mft1 with
| None -> Error (`Msg "manifest not found")
| Some desc -> parse_mft desc
| exception Elf.Elf_error | exception Cachet.Out_of_bounds _ ->
Error (`Msg "error during ELF parsing")
let note_name = "Solo5"
let query_abi c =
let typ_mft1 = 0x3154464d
match Elf.find c Elf.section_abi Elf.typ_abi1 with
let typ_abi1 = 0x31494241
| None -> Error (`Msg "manifest not found")
| Some desc -> parse_abi desc
let query_manifest_exn buf =
| exception Elf.Elf_error | exception Cachet.Out_of_bounds _ ->
let _header, sections = Owee_elf.read_elf buf in
Error (`Msg "error during ELF parsing")
let* section =
Owee_elf.find_section sections ".note.solo5.manifest"
|> Option.to_result ~none:(`Msg "section .note.solo5.manifest not found")
let body = Owee_elf.section_body buf section in
let cursor = Owee_buf.cursor body in
let descsz =
Owee_elf_notes.read_desc_size cursor
let desc = Owee_buf.Read.fixed_string cursor descsz in
let* () = guard "extra data" (Owee_buf.at_end cursor) in
parse_mft desc
let query_manifest buf =
try query_manifest_exn buf with
| Out_of_memory -> raise Out_of_memory
| e -> Error (`Msg ("query manifest failure: " ^ Printexc.to_string e))
let query_abi_exn buf =
let _header, sections = Owee_elf.read_elf buf in
let* section =
Owee_elf.find_section sections ".note.solo5.abi"
|> Option.to_result ~none:(`Msg "section .note.solo5.abi not found")
let body = Owee_elf.section_body buf section in
let cursor = Owee_buf.cursor body in
let descsz =
Owee_elf_notes.read_desc_size cursor
let desc = Owee_buf.Read.fixed_string cursor descsz in
let* () = guard "extra data" (Owee_buf.at_end cursor) in
parse_abi desc
let query_abi buf =
try query_abi_exn buf with
| Out_of_memory -> raise Out_of_memory
| e -> Error (`Msg ("query abi failure: " ^ Printexc.to_string e))
@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ val pp_abi : Format.formatter -> abi -> unit
(** Pretty-prints the manifest as JSON in a similar style as the Solo5 command
(** Pretty-prints the manifest as JSON in a similar style as the Solo5 command
* line tool {[solo5-elftool query-abi]}. *)
* line tool {[solo5-elftool query-abi]}. *)
val query_manifest : Owee_buf.t -> (mft, [> `Msg of string ]) result
val query_manifest : 'fd Cachet.t -> (mft, [> `Msg of string ]) result
(** [query_manifest buf] is the solo5 manifest of [buf], or an error message. *)
(** [query_manifest buf] is the solo5 manifest of [buf], or an error message. *)
val query_abi : Owee_buf.t -> (abi, [> `Msg of string ]) result
val query_abi : 'fd Cachet.t -> (abi, [> `Msg of string ]) result
(** [query_abi buf] is the solo5 abi of [buf], or an error message. *)
(** [query_abi buf] is the solo5 abi of [buf], or an error message. *)
@ -15,12 +15,12 @@ build: [
depends: [
depends: [
"ocaml" {>= "4.08.0"}
"ocaml" {>= "4.08.0"}
"dune" {>= "2.9"}
"dune" {>= "2.9"}
"owee" {>= "0.4"}
"cstruct" {>= "6.0.0"}
"fmt" {>= "0.8.7"}
"fmt" {>= "0.8.7"}
"cmdliner" {>= "1.1.0"}
"cmdliner" {>= "1.1.0"}
available: arch != "arm32" & arch != "x86_32"
conflicts: [
conflicts: [
"result" {< "1.5"}
"result" {< "1.5"}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
Execute osolo5-elftool on hvt binary
$ osolo5-elftool query-abi test_hello.hvt
{ "type": "solo5.abi", "target": "hvt", "version": 2
$ osolo5-elftool query-manifest test_hello.hvt
{ "type": "solo5.manifest", "version": 1, "devices": [ ]
$ osolo5-elftool query-abi test_hello.muen
{ "type": "solo5.abi", "target": "muen", "version": 3
$ osolo5-elftool query-abi test_hello.spt
{ "type": "solo5.abi", "target": "spt", "version": 2
$ osolo5-elftool query-abi test_hello.virtio
{ "type": "solo5.abi", "target": "virtio", "version": 1
$ osolo5-elftool query-abi test_hello.xen
{ "type": "solo5.abi", "target": "xen", "version": 1
Executable file
Executable file
Binary file not shown.
Executable file
Executable file
Binary file not shown.
Executable file
Executable file
Binary file not shown.
Executable file
Executable file
Binary file not shown.
Executable file
Executable file
Binary file not shown.
Reference in a new issue