Reynir Björnsson d3c7b0cd00 Rename binary, implement query-abi, ...
* The binary is renamed from solo5-elftool to osolo5-elftool to allow
  for distinguishing from the binary from solo5
* query_abi is implemented and osolo5-elftool is extended with a
  query-abi sub command
* instead of [assert false] on unknown manifest entry types or abi
  targets an [Error (`Msg ...)] is returned.
2021-12-16 12:12:43 +01:00

37 lines
970 B

let query_manifest file =
Owee_buf.map_binary file
|> Solo5_elftool.query_manifest
|> Result.iter (fun mft ->
Fmt.pr "%a\n" Solo5_elftool.pp_mft mft)
let query_abi file =
Owee_buf.map_binary file
|> Solo5_elftool.query_abi
|> Result.iter (Fmt.pr "%a\n" Solo5_elftool.pp_abi)
let file =
let doc = "Solo5 executable" in
Cmdliner.Arg.(required & pos 0 (some file) None &
info ~doc ~docv:"EXECUTABLE" [])
let query_manifest_cmd =
let doc = "query solo5 manifest" in
pure query_manifest $ file,
info ~doc "query-manifest")
let query_abi_cmd =
let doc = "query solo5 abi" in
pure query_abi $ file,
info ~doc "query-abi")
let default_cmd =
ret (pure (fun man_format -> `Help (man_format, None)) $ man_format),
info "osolo5-elftool")
let () =
ignore (Cmdliner.Term.eval_choice
[query_manifest_cmd; query_abi_cmd])