
165 lines
4.5 KiB

exception Elf_error
(* only the bits we care about *)
type header = {
e_shoff : int;
e_shentsize : int;
e_shnum : int;
e_shstrndx : int;
type section = {
sh_offset : int;
sh_size : int;
sh_name_off : int;
sh_name : string;
let section_manifest = ".note.solo5.manifest"
let section_abi = ".note.solo5.abi"
let note_name = "Solo5"
let typ_mft1 = 0x3154464d
let typ_abi1 = 0x31494241
let get_uint16 = function
| `LE -> String.get_uint16_le
| `BE -> String.get_uint16_be
let get_uint32 en s off =
let get = match en with
| `LE -> String.get_int32_le
| `BE -> String.get_int32_be
Int32.to_int (get s off) land 0xFFFF_FFFF
let get_uint64 en s off =
let get = match en with
| `LE -> String.get_int64_le
| `BE -> String.get_int64_be
match Int64.unsigned_to_int (get s off) with
| None -> raise Elf_error
| Some n -> n
let c_string s off maxlen =
let rec scan_c_string i =
if String.length s < off + i || i = maxlen then
raise Elf_error
else if s.[i+off] = '\000' then
scan_c_string (succ i)
String.sub s off (scan_c_string 0)
let read_magic s off =
if String.length s < off + 4 then
raise Elf_error;
let valid =
String.get_uint8 s off = 0x7f &&
s.[off+1] = 'E' && s.[off+2] = 'L' && s.[off+3] = 'F'
if not valid then
raise Elf_error;
let elfclass64 = 2
let read_identification s off =
if String.length s < off + 12 then
raise Elf_error;
let elf_class = String.get_uint8 s off in
let elf_data = String.get_uint8 s (off+1) in
let _elf_version = String.get_uint8 s (off+2) in
let _elf_osabi = String.get_uint8 s (off+3) in
let _elf_abiversion = String.get_uint8 s (off+4) in
(* Check padding *)
for i = off + 5 to off+11 do
if s.[i] <> '\000' then
raise Elf_error
(* we only support ELFCLASS64 *)
if elf_class <> elfclass64 then
raise Elf_error;
let endianness =
match elf_data with
| 1 -> `LE
| 2 -> `BE
| _ -> raise Elf_error
endianness, off+12
let read_header en s =
if String.length s < 16 + 48 then
raise Elf_error;
let e_shoff = get_uint32 en s 0x28 in
let e_shentsize = get_uint16 en s 0x3a in
let e_shnum = get_uint16 en s 0x3c in
let e_shstrndx = get_uint16 en s 0x3e in
if Sys.int_size <= 32 then
raise Elf_error;
{ e_shoff; e_shentsize; e_shnum; e_shstrndx }
let read_section en s hdr i =
let off = hdr.e_shoff + i * hdr.e_shentsize in
if String.length s < off + 64 then
raise Elf_error;
let sh_name_off = get_uint32 en s off in
let sh_offset = get_uint64 en s (off + 24) in
let sh_size = get_uint64 en s (off + 32) in
{ sh_name_off; sh_offset; sh_size; sh_name = "" }
let read_section_name shstrndx s section =
let off = shstrndx.sh_offset + section.sh_name_off in
if String.length s < off + 1 then
raise Elf_error;
c_string s off (shstrndx.sh_size - section.sh_name_off)
let read_sections en s hdr =
let sections = Array.init hdr.e_shnum (read_section en s hdr) in
let shstrndx = sections.(hdr.e_shstrndx) in
(fun section -> { section with sh_name = read_section_name shstrndx s section })
let find_section sections name =
(fun section -> String.equal section.sh_name name)
let section_body s section =
if section.sh_offset < 0 || String.length s < section.sh_offset + section.sh_size then
raise Elf_error;
String.sub s section.sh_offset section.sh_size
let desc en section_body ~expected_owner ~expected_type =
if String.length section_body < 12 then
raise Elf_error;
let namesz = get_uint32 en section_body 0 in
let descsz = get_uint32 en section_body 4
and typ = get_uint32 en section_body 8 in
if String.length section_body < 12 + namesz + descsz then
raise Elf_error;
if typ <> expected_type ||
String.length expected_owner + 1 <> namesz ||
not (String.equal
(expected_owner ^ "\000")
(String.sub section_body 12 namesz))
let off = 12 + namesz in
(* padding *)
let off = off + ((4 - (off land 3)) land 3) in
Some (String.sub section_body off descsz)
let find s section_name typ =
let off = read_magic s 0 in
let en, _off = read_identification s off in
let hdr = read_header en s in
let sections = read_sections en s hdr in
match find_section sections section_name with
| None -> None
| Some section ->
let body = section_body s section in
desc en body ~expected_owner:note_name ~expected_type:typ