2024-03-14 13:14:34 +01:00

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(** Convert from and to hex representation. *)
val count_hex_chars : ?skip_whitespace:bool -> string -> int
(** [count_hex_chars ~skip_whitespace s] counts the amount of hex characters in
the string [s]. The argument [skip_whitespace] defaults to [true], and skips
any whitespace characters (' ', '\n', '\r', '\t'). This function is useful
for estimating the space required for [decode_into]. *)
val decode : ?skip_whitespace:bool -> string -> string
(** [decode ~skip_whitespace s] decodes a hex string [s] into a sequence of
octets. The argument [skip_whitespace] defaults to [true], and skips any
whitespace characters in [s] (' ', '\n', '\r', '\t'). An example:
[decode "4142" = "AB"].
@raise Invalid_argument if any character in [s] is not a hex character, or
an odd amount of characters are present. *)
val decode_into : ?skip_whitespace:bool -> string -> bytes -> ?off:int -> unit
-> unit
(** [decode_into ~skip_whitespace s dst ~off ()] decodes [s] into [dst]
starting at [off] (defaults to 0). The argument [skip_whitespace] defaults
to [true] and skips any whitespace characters.
@raise Invalid_argument if any character in [s] is not a hex character, an
odd amount of characters are present, or [dst] does not contain enough
space. *)
val encode : string -> string
(** [encode s] encodes [s] into a freshly allocated string of double size, where
each character in [s] is encoded as two hex digits in the returned string.
An example: [encode "AB" = "4142"].
val encode_into : string -> bytes -> ?off:int -> unit -> unit
(** [encode_into s dst ~off ()] encodes [s] into [dst] starting at [off]
(defaults to 0). Each character is encoded as two hex digits in [dst].
@raise Invalid_argument if [dst] does not contain enough space. *)
val pp : ?row_numbers:bool -> ?chars:bool -> unit ->
Format.formatter -> string -> unit
(** [pp ~row_numbers ~chars () ppf s] pretty-prints the string [s] in
hexadecimal (similar to [hexdump -C]). If [row_numbers] is provided
(defaults to [true]), each output line is prefixed with the row number.
If [chars] is provided (defaults to [true]), in the last column the ASCII
string is printed (non-printable characters are printed as '.'). *)