Opam_graph: UI: Bigger hitboxes for layer2 deps

This commit is contained in:
rand00 2022-01-19 16:36:20 +01:00
parent 0d92f5c9ac
commit 9c6d140c43

View file

@ -290,8 +290,6 @@ line {
stroke-width: 0.009 !important;
let merge_css cs = String.concat "\n" cs
(*< Note the '.layer2_deps.bg' selector...
(* .layer2_deps.bg fills:
@ -299,6 +297,8 @@ line {
CSS: fill: url(#gradient_01);
let merge_css cs = String.concat "\n" cs
type position = {
x : float;
y : float;
@ -320,13 +320,31 @@ line {
let make_circle ~pos ~radius =
circle ~a:[
a_class ["node_circle"];
a_class ["node_circle"];
a_cx @@ Unit.none pos.x;
a_cy @@ Unit.none pos.y;
a_r @@ Unit.none radius;
] []
let make_rect ~center_pos ~width =
let open Gg in
let center_pos = V2.v center_pos.x center_pos.y in
let diagonal = V2.v width width in
let center_displacement = V2.half diagonal in
let pos = V2.(center_pos - center_displacement) in
rect ~a:[
(* a_stroke @@ `Color ("black", None);
* a_stroke_width @@ Unit.none 0.001; *)
a_fill @@ `Color ("rgba(0,0,0,0)", None); (*goto control with css*)
a_x @@ Unit.none @@ V2.x pos;
a_y @@ Unit.none @@ V2.y pos;
a_width @@ Unit.none width;
a_height @@ Unit.none width;
] []
let make_node ~pos ~radius ~text ~classes =
let title = make_title ~text in
(*> todo; why is this not in Tyxml - browser support missing?*)
@ -463,7 +481,7 @@ line {
let pos_radius = sqrt i' *. 0.007 -. 0.005 in
let angle_diff = sqrt i' *. Float.two_pi *. 0.005 +. 0.6 in
let pos_angle = i' *. angle_diff in
let pos_rel = V2.(v pos_radius pos_angle |> of_polar) in (*goo*)
let pos_rel = V2.(v pos_radius pos_angle |> of_polar) in
let pos = V2.(layer2_deps_center + pos_rel) in
let pos = { x = V2.x pos; y = V2.y pos } in
let text = layer2_dep.name in
@ -506,7 +524,17 @@ line {
aux 0 0 0 `East V2.(v 0. 0.)
let make_hitbox_square ~center_pos ~width ~text ~classes =
let title = make_title ~text in
(*> todo; why is this not in Tyxml - browser support missing?*)
let a_transform_origin = Svg.Unsafe.string_attrib "transform-origin" in
let a = Svg.[
a_class ("hitbox" :: classes);
a_transform_origin @@ sprintf "%f %f" center_pos.x center_pos.y;
] in
Svg.g ~a (title :: make_rect ~center_pos ~width)
let make_layer2_nodes_grid ~layer2_deps ~layer2_deps_center =
let open Gg in
let n_layer2_deps = List.length layer2_deps in
@ -517,8 +545,14 @@ line {
let pos = { x = V2.x pos; y = V2.y pos } in
let text = layer2_dep.name in
let classes = [ layer2_dep.name; "layer2_dep" ] in
make_node ~pos ~radius:dot_radius ~text ~classes
let visual_svg = make_node ~pos ~radius:dot_radius ~text ~classes in
let hitbox_svg =
make_hitbox_square ~text ~classes
~width:cell_width in
[ visual_svg; hitbox_svg ]
|> List.flatten
let make_layer2_deps ~deps_w_positions =
let open Gg in