module Set = OpamPackage.Set type package = OpamPackage.t let packages (switch : OpamFile.SwitchExport.t) = assert (Set.cardinal switch.selections.sel_pinned = 0); assert (Set.cardinal switch.selections.sel_compiler = 0); assert (Set.subset switch.selections.sel_roots switch.selections.sel_installed); switch.selections.sel_installed let root (switch : OpamFile.SwitchExport.t) = assert (Set.cardinal switch.selections.sel_roots = 1); Set.choose switch.selections.sel_roots module Name_set = OpamPackage.Name.Set let filtered_formula_to_pkgs (_switch : OpamFile.SwitchExport.t) ?(set = Name_set.empty) formula = OpamFormula.fold_left (fun acc (name, _) -> Name_set.add name acc) set formula let opam (switch : OpamFile.SwitchExport.t) pkg_name = OpamPackage.Name.Map.find pkg_name switch.overlays (* TODO depexts *) (* TODO build / dev packages *) (* TODO constraints (os = "linux") *) let direct_dependencies (switch : OpamFile.SwitchExport.t) pkg = let opam = opam switch pkg in let set = filtered_formula_to_pkgs switch (OpamFile.OPAM.depends opam) in filtered_formula_to_pkgs switch ~set (OpamFile.OPAM.depopts opam) module Name_map = OpamPackage.Name.Map type graph = { nodes : Name_set.t Name_map.t ; top : OpamPackage.Name.t ; } let add_node graph pkg edges = let nodes = Name_map.add pkg edges graph.nodes in { graph with nodes } let pp_graph ppf graph = Name_map.iter (fun pkg deps -> let top = if pkg = then "ROOT " else "" in Format.fprintf ppf "%s%s: %s@." top (OpamPackage.Name.to_string pkg) (String.concat ", " ( OpamPackage.Name.to_string (Name_set.elements deps)))) graph.nodes let dependencies (switch : OpamFile.SwitchExport.t) = let root_pkg = root switch in let top = in let graph = { top ; nodes = Name_map.empty } in let available = switch.selections.sel_installed in let rec find_deps graph work = match Name_set.choose_opt work with | None -> graph | Some x -> let deps = direct_dependencies switch x in let deps = Name_set.filter (fun name -> OpamPackage.Set.exists (fun pkg -> = name) available) deps in let graph = add_node graph x deps in let work = Name_set.diff (Name_set.union (Name_set.remove x work) deps) (Name_set.of_list (Name_map.keys graph.nodes)) in find_deps graph work in find_deps graph (Name_set.singleton top) module Dot = struct type t = Odot.graph let of_graph (graph:graph) : t = let open Odot in let stmt_list = Name_map.fold (fun pkg deps acc -> let stmt = let pkg_id = Double_quoted_id (OpamPackage.Name.to_string pkg) in let pkg_point = Edge_node_id (pkg_id, None) in let deps_points = Name_set.elements deps |> (fun p -> let id = Double_quoted_id (OpamPackage.Name.to_string p) in Edge_node_id (id, None) ) in let edge = pkg_point, deps_points, [] in Stmt_edge edge in stmt :: acc ) graph.nodes [] in { strict = false; (*todo test params*) kind = Digraph; id = None; stmt_list } let pp ppf dot = Format.fprintf ppf "%s" (Odot.string_of_graph dot) end