module type DNS = sig type t val gethostbyname : t -> [ `host ] Domain_name.t -> (Ipaddr.V4.t, [> `Msg of string ]) result Lwt.t end open Lwt.Infix let argument_error = 64 module Make (Time : Mirage_time.S) (Pclock : Mirage_clock.PCLOCK) (Stack : Tcpip.Stack.V4V6) (Dns : DNS) (* XXX(dinosaure): ask @hannesm to provide a signature. *) (Paf : Paf_mirage.S with type stack = Stack.TCP.t and type ipaddr = Ipaddr.t) (_ : sig end) = struct module Store = Irmin_mirage_git.Mem.KV.Make(Irmin.Contents.String) module Sync = Irmin.Sync.Make(Store) module Client = Paf_cohttp module Nss = Ca_certs_nss.Make(Pclock) let authenticator = Result.get_ok (Nss.authenticator ()) let default_tls_cfg = Tls.Config.client ~authenticator () let stack = Mimic.make ~name:"stack" let tls = Mimic.make ~name:"tls" let with_stack v ctx = Mimic.add stack (Stack.tcp v) ctx let with_tcp ctx = let k scheme stack ipaddr port = match scheme with | `HTTP -> Lwt.return_some (stack, ipaddr, port) | _ -> Lwt.return_none in Mimic.(fold Paf.tcp_edn Fun.[ req Client.scheme ; req stack ; req Client.ipaddr ; dft Client.port 80 ] ~k ctx) let with_tls ctx = let k scheme domain_name cfg stack ipaddr port = match scheme with | `HTTPS -> Lwt.return_some (domain_name, cfg, stack, ipaddr, port) | _ -> Lwt.return_none in Mimic.(fold Paf.tls_edn Fun.[ req Client.scheme ; opt Client.domain_name ; dft tls default_tls_cfg ; req stack ; req Client.ipaddr ; dft Client.port 443 ] ~k ctx) let dns = Mimic.make ~name:"dns" let with_dns v ctx = Mimic.add dns v ctx let with_sleep ctx = Mimic.add Paf_cohttp.sleep Time.sleep_ns ctx let with_resolv ctx = let k dns domain_name = Dns.gethostbyname dns domain_name >>= function | Ok ipv4 -> Lwt.return_some (Ipaddr.V4 ipv4) | _ -> Lwt.return_none in Mimic.(fold Client.ipaddr Fun.[ req dns; req Client.domain_name ] ~k ctx) module SM = Map.Make(String) module HM = Map.Make(struct type t = Mirage_crypto.Hash.hash let compare = compare (* TODO remove polymorphic compare *) end) let hash_to_string = function | `MD5 -> "md5" | `SHA1 -> "sha1" | `SHA224 -> "sha224" | `SHA256 -> "sha256" | `SHA384 -> "sha384" | `SHA512 -> "sha512" let hex_to_string h = let `Hex h = Hex.of_string h in h let hm_to_s hm = HM.fold (fun h v acc -> hash_to_string h ^ "=" ^ hex_to_string v ^ "\n" ^ acc) hm "" module Git = struct let decompose_git_url () = match String.split_on_char '#' (Key_gen.remote ()) with | [ url ] -> url, None | [ url ; branch ] -> url, Some branch | _ -> Logs.err (fun m -> m "expected at most a single # in remote"); exit argument_error let connect ctx = let uri, branch = decompose_git_url () in let config = Irmin_mem.config () in Store.Repo.v config >>= fun r -> (match branch with | None -> Store.main r | Some branch -> Store.of_branch r branch) >|= fun repo -> (fun m -> m "connected to %s (branch %s)" uri (Option.value ~default:"main" branch)); repo, Store.remote ~ctx uri let pull store upstream = (fun m -> m "pulling from remote!"); Sync.pull ~depth:1 store upstream `Set >|= fun r -> match r with | Ok (`Head _ as s) -> Ok (Fmt.str "pulled %a" Sync.pp_status s) | Ok `Empty -> Error (`Msg "pulled empty repository") | Error (`Msg e) -> Error (`Msg ("pull error " ^ e)) | Error (`Conflict msg) -> Error (`Msg ("pull conflict " ^ msg)) let find_contents store = let rec go store path acc = Store.list store path >>= fun steps -> Lwt_list.fold_left_s (fun acc (step, _) -> let full_path = path @ [ step ] in let str = String.concat "/" full_path in Store.kind store full_path >>= function | None -> Logs.warn (fun m -> m "no kind for %s" str); Lwt.return acc | Some `Contents -> Lwt.return (full_path :: acc) | Some `Node -> go store full_path acc) acc steps in go store [] [] >|= fun contents -> (fun m -> m "%d contents" (List.length contents)); contents let decode_digest filename str = let hex h s = match Hex.to_string (`Hex s) with | d -> Some (h, d) | exception Invalid_argument _ -> Logs.warn (fun m -> m "%s invalid hex %s" filename s); None in match String.split_on_char '=' str with | [ data ] -> hex `MD5 data | [ "md5" ; data ] -> hex `MD5 data | [ "sha256" ; data ] -> hex `SHA256 data | [ "sha512" ; data ] -> hex `SHA512 data | [ hash ; _ ] -> Logs.warn (fun m -> m "%s unknown hash %s" filename hash); None | _ -> Logs.warn (fun m -> m "%s unexpected hash format %S" filename str); None let extract_urls filename str = (* in an opam file, there may be: url { src: checksum: [ STRING ] } <- list of hash url { src: checksum: STRING } <- single hash url { archive: checksum: STRING } <- MD5 *) let open OpamParserTypes.FullPos in let opamfile = OpamParser.FullPos.string str filename in let url_section = List.find_opt (function | { pelem = Section ({ section_kind = { pelem = "url" ; _ } ; _ }) ; _} -> true | _ -> false) opamfile.file_contents in match url_section with | Some { pelem = Section ({ section_items = { pelem = items ; _ }; _}) ; _ } -> begin let url = List.find_opt (function { pelem = Variable ({ pelem = "src" ; _ }, _); _ } -> true | _ -> false) items and archive = List.find_opt (function { pelem = Variable ({ pelem = "archive" ; _ }, _); _ } -> true | _ -> false) items and checksum = List.find_opt (function { pelem = Variable ({ pelem = "checksum" ; _ }, _); _ } -> true | _ -> false) items in let url = match url, archive with | Some { pelem = Variable (_, { pelem = String url ; _ }) }, None -> Some url | None, Some { pelem = Variable (_, { pelem = String url ; _ }) } -> Some url | _ -> Logs.warn (fun m -> m "%s neither src nor archive present" filename); None in let csum = match checksum with | Some { pelem = Variable (_, { pelem = List { pelem = csums ; _ } ; _ }); _ } -> let csums = List.fold_left (fun acc -> function | { pelem = String csum ; _ } -> begin match decode_digest filename csum with | None -> acc | Some (h, v) -> HM.update h (function | None -> Some v | Some v' when String.equal v v' -> None | Some v' -> Logs.warn (fun m -> m "for %s, hash %s, multiple keys are present: %s %s" (Option.value ~default:"NONE" url) (hash_to_string h) (hex_to_string v) (hex_to_string v')); None) acc end | _ -> acc) HM.empty csums in Some csums | Some { pelem = Variable (_, { pelem = String csum ; _ }) ; _ } -> begin match decode_digest filename csum with | None -> None | Some (h, v) -> Some (HM.singleton h v) end | _ -> Logs.warn (fun m -> m "couldn't decode checksum in %s" filename); None in match url, csum with | Some url, Some cs -> Some (url, cs) | _ -> None end | _ -> Logs.debug (fun m -> m "no url section for %s" filename); None let find_urls store = find_contents store >>= fun paths -> let opam_paths = List.filter (fun p -> match List.rev p with | "opam" :: _ -> true | _ -> false) paths in Lwt_list.fold_left_s (fun acc path -> Store.find store path >|= function | Some data -> (* TODO report parser errors *) (try let url_csums = extract_urls (String.concat "/" path) data in Option.fold ~none:acc ~some:(fun (url, csums) -> if HM.cardinal csums = 0 then (Logs.warn (fun m -> m "no checksums for %s, ignoring" url); acc) else SM.update url (function | None -> Some csums | Some csums' -> if HM.for_all (fun h v -> match HM.find_opt h csums with | None -> true | Some v' -> String.equal v v') csums' then Some (HM.union (fun _h v _v' -> Some v) csums csums') else begin Logs.warn (fun m -> m "mismatching hashes for %s: %s vs %s" url (hm_to_s csums') (hm_to_s csums)); None end) acc) url_csums with _ -> Logs.warn (fun m -> m "some error in %s, ignoring" (String.concat "/" path)); acc) | None -> acc) SM.empty opam_paths >|= fun urls -> (fun m -> m "map contains %d urls" (SM.cardinal urls)) (* SM.iter (fun url csums -> (fun m -> m "%s: %s" url (hm_to_s csums))) urls *) end let start _time _pclock stack dns _paf_cohttp git_ctx = Git.connect git_ctx >>= fun (store, upstream) -> Git.pull store upstream >>= function | Error `Msg msg -> Lwt.fail_with msg | Ok msg -> (fun m -> m "store: %s" msg); Git.find_urls store >|= fun () -> let _ctx = Mimic.empty |> with_sleep |> with_tcp (* stack -> ipaddr -> port => (stack * ipaddr * port) *) |> with_tls (* domain_name -> tls -> stack -> ipaddr -> port => (domain_name * tls * stack * ipaddr * port) *) |> with_resolv (* domain_name => ipaddr *) |> with_stack stack (* stack *) |> with_dns dns (* dns *) in (* Client.get ~ctx uri >>= fun (_resp, body) -> Cohttp_lwt.Body.to_string body >|= fun str -> *) (fun m -> m "done") end