open Lwt.Syntax module Make(BLOCK : Mirage_block.S) = struct module Part = Mirage_block_partition.Make(BLOCK) include Part type partitions = { tar : Part.t ; git_dump : Part.t ; md5s : Part.t ; sha512s : Part.t ; } let read_partition_table info block = let b = Cstruct.create info.Mirage_block.sector_size in (* We will ignore the protective MBR at lba [0L] *) let* r = block 1L [b] in match r with | Error e -> Format.kasprintf failwith "Reading partition table: %a" BLOCK.pp_error e | Ok () -> match Gpt.unmarshal b ~sector_size:info.Mirage_block.sector_size with | Error e -> Format.kasprintf failwith "Reading partition table: %s" e | Ok (`Read_partition_table (lba, sectors), k) -> let b = Cstruct.create (sectors * info.Mirage_block.sector_size) in let* r = block lba [b] in match r with | Error e -> Format.kasprintf failwith "Reading partition table: %a" BLOCK.pp_error e | Ok () -> match k b with | Error e -> Format.kasprintf failwith "Reading partition table: %s" e | Ok gpt -> Lwt.return gpt let connect block = let utf16be_of_ascii s = String.init 72 (fun i -> if i mod 2 = 0 && i / 2 < String.length s then s.[i/2] else '\000') in let* info = BLOCK.get_info block in let* gpt = read_partition_table info block in let tar, git_dump, md5s, sha512s = match List.fold_left (fun (tar, git_dump, md5s, sha512s) p -> if String.equal (utf16be_of_ascii "tar") then (Some p, git_dump, md5s, sha512s) else if String.equal (utf16be_of_ascii "git_dump") then (tar, Some p, md5s, sha512s) else if String.equal (utf16be_of_ascii "md5s") then (tar, git_dump, Some p, sha512s) else if String.equal (utf16be_of_ascii "sha512s") then (tar, git_dump, md5s, Some p) else Format.kasprintf failwith "Unknown partition %S" (None, None, None, None) gpt.partitions with | (Some tar, Some git_dump, Some md5s, Some sha512s) -> (tar, git_dump, md5s, sha512s) | _ -> failwith "not all partitions found :(" in let+ (_empty, p) = Part.connect 0L block in let get_part part = let len = Int64.(succ (sub part.Gpt.Partition.ending_lba part.starting_lba)) in let (_before, after) = Part.subpartition part.starting_lba p in let (part, _after) = Part.subpartition len after in part in let tar = get_part tar and git_dump = get_part git_dump and md5s = get_part md5s and sha512s = get_part sha512s in { tar ; git_dump ; md5s ; sha512s } end